Brexit, for once some facts.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
I agree in principle with much of that, but neither party will be permanently damaged, the electorate have short memories, Boris will promise the Earth, after all he was the main man that they believed at the time of the referendum and he knows how to play the mugs.
And Gove or Moggy would do exactly the same. The Tory lying machine will save the day for them.
And Labour will plod along, after all it hasn't broken it's promise over Brexit has it?
The only time either party will be threatened is if there are enough remainers, not leavers.
Don't put too much faith in Farage creating some sort of worthwhile change, all he can do is mess on the carpet like a dog with diarrhoea.
And scurrying off with the proceeds of mugging the public.
Bizarly, I hope you are right because if you are wrong we could end up with the BXP picking up where Tories left off, with Labour still wearing silly hats and arguing.
I dont watch strictly often but its not hard to spot when voters are having a laugh... Voting for Anne Widecombe, as a dancer, over folk that actually have a sense of balance and rhythm.
Voters are starting to have such low opinion of our corrupt lying system why not vote for Farage.
Folk dont actually think Widecombe can dance when they voted for her and likewise Farage will not have to be a good politician, talk sense or have workable manifesto. He, ll just have to be not a tory, not TM, not JC, not labour. It wont matter how incapable he is or how much garbage he talks.
Politicians have reduced our democracy to a stupid gameshow with their scheming, lying and misrepresentation. I will not be surprised if the equivalent of Widecombe winning strictly ends up in No10. Unlike the gameshow, we do not have any judges to say hang on a minute,Widecombe cant dance.
Farage is not a real politician, in our current scenario that makes him favourite.


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 4, 2016
Split Tories and out of touch, and split, labour have managed to manipulate us into a situation where Nigel Farage could actually end up PM. Just stop and think about that and how ridiculous situation is when Farage is even in contention. (ok could be)
If either of the two tubes, Farage or Johnston become PM the EU won't be the only Union losing a member.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
In the Telegraph this morning
Lord Nigel blows his party out of the water by suggesting a tie in with the Conservatives.
Drop support for Theresa May's Brexit deal if you want a general election pact, Nigel Farage tells Boris Johnson.

So much for them going to destroy the political scene as we know it today!
A vote for Farage is going to be a vote for the Conservatives after all.
It's a bit like Brexit
His loyal following aren't going to get what they thought they were voting for
He's a paper tiger.
Are his present so excited supporters going to be mugged three times in a row?
Can anyone be that stupid?

Good to see him making a fundamentally self defeating move.
The notion that he might get elected to parliamentary office and have to work , and even be held responsible has frightened the lazy blighter!.

After all he has form of doing that after going missing after the referendum till the smoke died down.


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
It's you that doesn't get it..When their was a remain petition running and it reached 6 million the remainers hailed it as some sort of victory, When the Brexit party get 35 to 50 seats you will say it's irrelevant, it's a lot harder for people to go out and vote than to click on a remain petition. If the Brexit party win loads of seats (on a WTO platform ) it will confirm that the leavers have not changed their opinion.
let's follow the same line of thinking a bit further.
If the BXP gets one third of the vote and the remainer alliance (Libdems, greens, SNP, PLAID) win more seats than the BXP, would you conclude from the result that the will of the people is to remain?


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
current prediction of European Parliament election (number of MEPs):

PartiesPolitico Europe (17 May)European Election Stats (14 May)
Brexit Party2222


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
In the Telegraph this morning
Lord Nigel blows his party out of the water by suggesting a tie in with the Conservatives.
Drop support for Theresa May's Brexit deal if you want a general election pact, Nigel Farage tells Boris Johnson.

So much for them going to destroy the political scene as we know it today!
A vote for Farage is going to be a vote for the Conservatives after all.
It's a bit like Brexit
His loyal following aren't going to get what they thought they were voting for
He's a paper tiger.
Are his present so excited supporters going to be mugged three times in a row?
Can anyone be that stupid?

Good to see him making a fundamentally self defeating move.
The notion that he might get elected to parliamentary office and have to work , and even be held responsible has frightened the lazy blighter!.

After all he has form of doing that after going missing after the referendum till the smoke died down.
Only thing is its not barmy at all. The remainers uniting behind Boris and Farage could be a powerful union. Boris to BXP if his bid as Tory leader fails???
Trouble is now any party could flourish on offering little because we, ve all become accustomed to getting nothing, apart from broken pledges.
I cant remenber in my lifetime such low expectations and assessments of our so called leaders. You wouldnt have to be that good to be the best.
I also cant remember a time when so much power could be had by NOT being a whole host of politicians. Times are bad when we will be led by somebody because they are NOT somebody else. (or even NOT an entire party.. Its like"FFS anybody but Labour or Tory". These sentiments are becoming more prevalent.
I was talking other day to a chap canvassing our area as a Labour MEP. He reckoned over half told him to "feck off".( and thats in an area where standing joke was that a Blackpool donkey would win if it had a red rosette on its head) .. Not a massive sample, I agree, but nobody is popular.
Boris could add some gravitas to BXP, and I never thought a party could emerge where that could happen.
Could be best comedy duo in history. Farage and Johnson, sounds like a paint tho. What a nightmare. It could be worse than Corbyn and Abbott.. or could it??? What a choice.
Makes May and Gove seem emminently capable,which we all know is simply not true.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Only thing is its not barmy at all. The remainers uniting behind Boris and Farage could be a powerful union. Boris to BXP if his bid as Tory leader fails???
Trouble is now any party could flourish on offering little because we, ve all become accustomed to getting nothing, apart from broken pledges.
I cant remenber in my lifetime such low expectations and assessments of our so called leaders. You wouldnt have to be that good to be the best.
I also cant remember a time when so much power could be had by NOT being a whole host of politicians. Times are bad when we will be led by somebody because they are NOT somebody else. (or even NOT an entire party.. Its like"FFS anybody but Labour or Tory". These sentiments are becoming more prevalent.
I was talking other day to a chap canvassing our area as a Labour MEP. He reckoned over half told him to "feck off".( and thats in an area where standing joke was that a Blackpool donkey would win if it had a red rosette in its head) .. Not a massive sample, I agree, but nobody is popular.
I can't see boris being brave enough to risk being pm at the head of an untried party , far too risky for him and the same goes for Farage, hence the talk of an alliance
By the way I think you mean the leavers
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 19, 2012
let's follow the same line of thinking a bit further.
If the BXP gets one third of the vote and the remainer alliance (Libdems, greens, SNP, PLAID) win more seats than the BXP, would you conclude from the result that the will of the people is to remain?
Yes if your can prove that all Libdems,greens,SNP,plaid voters want to remain(you can't possibly know this) where as everybody that votes for the Brexit party wants to leave. The clues in the name.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Apr 4, 2012
I dont agree with your point about our governance being representative demo racy so manifestos can be ignored.
what he is really saying is that it is ok to lie in your manifesto if it is to do with not carrying through brexit because they did not like the way we voted
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
Yes if your can prove that all Libdems,greens,SNP,plaid voters want to remain(you can't possibly know this) where as everybody that votes for the Brexit party wants to leave. The clues in the name.
Not exactly correct.. The LibDems have stated unambiguously where they stand,and similarly so have the other minor parties. Now people might vote for SBP and Greens for reasons unrelated to Brexit. .. But then so did a fraction of that 17 million. It is reasonable to conclude that Any vote for LibDems is a vote to remain, and the majority of votes of votes for any party (including Lab and Cons. ) not Brexit party is a vote to remain. Why? because there is now an actual party whose reason for being is Brexit.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 19, 2012
Not exactly correct.. The LibDems have stated unambiguously where they stand,and similarly so have the other minor parties. Now people might vote for SBP and Greens for reasons unrelated to Brexit. .. But then so did a fraction of that 17 million. It is reasonable to conclude that Any vote for LibDems is a vote to remain, and the majority of votes of votes for any party (including Lab and Cons. ) not Brexit party is a vote to remain. Why? because there is now an actual party whose reason for being is Brexit.
Absolute rubbish.....I know loads of people who vote Labour because their parents did and have never even looked at a manifesto and all the Conservatives who want Mrs Mays deal would vote conservative.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
what he is really saying is that it is ok to lie in your manifesto if it is to do with not carrying through brexit because they did not like the way we voted
A manifesto is a wishlist.. a letter to Santa. Ideally it should denote the general position that the party will take,provided they achieve the mandate to so do. If when they achieve power, it would be reasonable to expect them to honour it, and to EXPLAIN to the electorate if and why circumstances have changed so it is impossible.
Now like it or not, Mrs Mays WA did deliver a form of Brexit, so she has in fact honoured her parties pledge.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
Absolute rubbish.....I know loads of people who vote Labour because their parents did and have never even looked at a manifesto.
You cannot have it both ways. There is Brexit party,and as your collaborator says, the name says it all.
Agreed there are people who always vote one way or another and are not open to reasonable debate or manifesto.. Just as as fraction of those 17 million were going to vote against ANY position the Government party would advocate. Labour supporters in particular would be against a Tory initiative. So in very real terms, unless the Brexit party get the Majority of the EU seats , the remainers win.
If one puts ones head above the parapet, it just might get sniped,so this might be such aa case.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 19, 2012
You cannot have it both ways. There is Brexit party,and as your collaborator says, the name says it all.
Agreed there are people who always vote one way or another and are not open to reasonable debate or manifesto.. Just as as fraction of those 17 million were going to vote against ANY position the Government party would advocate. Labour supporters in particular would be against a Tory initiative. So in very real terms, unless the Brexit party get the Majority of the EU seats , the remainers win.
So everybody that votes for the Conservative party wants to remain???? WTF are you smoking.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
So everybody that votes for the Conservative party wants to remain???? WTF are you smoking.
It IS the logical consequence of making a BREXIT party to contest EU specific elections. The people who vote in this are selecting people to represent them in EUROPE. They are not actually selecting Tory or Labour candidates. They are selecting candidates endorsed by Tory or Labour parties. The successful candidates do not join a pan European Tory party in Brussels.
Incidentally I do not smoke, although occasionally my wife thinks I am smoking hot!. Occasionally and rarely .
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