HR departments are a blight staffed by the criminally insane. I visited a school recently and couldn’t identify which toilet to use. At the insistence of HR, all the male / female symbols had been removed from the doors and replaced with a circles, and cross emblem protruding from the perimeter of the circle. On one door the emblem was at the 2 O’clock position and on the other the 6 O’clock position. It meant nothing to me and I gave up to ensure no diplomatic incident occurred.
Later, when I was talking to the Headmistress, I asked which toilet was which. She said she remembers the notation because the 2 O’clock symbol looks like an erect cock and the 6 O’clock looks like a fanny. Fair enough.
The point being, the above is the work of HR, so I am not surprised they issued the note you referred to. That sort of mentalness is their bread & butter activity.