Brexit, for once some facts.


Oct 25, 2006
If people don't read manifesto or they do and ignore it they can't really moan when the parties involved carry out the policies mentioned in manifesto.
I agree and have never disagreed with this.

But once again, it's irrelevant, leave or remain were not and could not have been GE issues, so voting on that basis would have been irrationally foolish. It seems from what Fingers says that thousands wasted their vote in that way, how sad is that?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
It’s been a good day for me, claims hedge fund tycoon Crispin Odey
A Brexiteer hedge fund manager proclaimed a good day at the office last night as market fears that Britain could crash out of the EU without an agreement sent the pound tumbling.
Crispin Odey, the investment tycoon, said that mounting concern over the future of Theresa May’s fragile premiership had boosted his funds as shares in British banks, retailers and housebuilders fell sharply.
“I have had a good day,” he told The Times. “Bad days tend to be good days for us.” Mr Odey has been betting against the pound and stocks exposed to the British economy.

Logically preparations for a No deal situation among the Population at large should include this cheap survival guide from Amazon
an ideal Christmas Present for leave supporters
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Oct 25, 2006
Well here we are at the third Brexit Christmas, so in the spirit of the season and the times, I wish you all

******* A Merry Brexmas *********

************** and a *****************

******* Happy New Deal ********


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 8, 2012
I’m not sure, and I’m going out on a limb here, but I’m just going to say it.

I have a feeling the daily mail might have an agenda that pushes anti labour stuff.

I really can’t believe doctors will be allowed to strike if Chad in North Dakota is striking because the toilet paper in his bleach factory is too rough on his arse.

Could be I’m wrong. But I doubt it.
Well that's the plan Labour have - and you can read it anywhere not just the Mail. They will make it legal to go on strike in sympathy with any striking union anywhere in the world. That is their plan. No kidding. This is the Labour party of 2018. This is the one almost half the electorate are sleepwalking into voting into power.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 8, 2012
It’s been a good day for me, claims hedge fund tycoon Crispin Odey
A Brexiteer hedge fund manager proclaimed a good day at the office last night as market fears that Britain could crash out of the EU without an agreement sent the pound tumbling.
Crispin Odey, the investment tycoon, said that mounting concern over the future of Theresa May’s fragile premiership had boosted his funds as shares in British banks, retailers and housebuilders fell sharply.
“I have had a good day,” he told The Times. “Bad days tend to be good days for us.” Mr Odey has been betting against the pound and stocks exposed to the British economy.

Logically preparations for a No deal situation among the Population at large should include this cheap survival guide from Amazon
an ideal Christmas Present for leave supporters
So what?! Of course it's a good day for him - he's making money and obviously - like 99% of the population out there - thinks money is the answer to everything. So he's happy.

People made millions in the war too? So what.

So we shouldn't have voted leave because some people are going to make money out of it?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 8, 2012
Well here we are at the third Brexit Christmas, so in the spirit of the season and the times, I wish you all

******* A Merry Brexmas *********

************** and a *****************

******* Happy New Deal ********
Sweet! Thanks Flecc. Same back to you. A bit like in the WW1 when on Xmas day the English and the Germans stopped fighting and played soccer on the ground between the trenches huh? I'm all for that. Have a great time over the break. We'll resume the fight in the morning.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 29, 2008
I am hearing that the “army of volunteers” who are going to support the NHS over the winter period is growing by the day.

What if they are all called Chester Chester and want to work in the paediatric department? Then what? Who is going to be carrying out the thorough checks on this Army? I can feel a “lesson” to be learned coming on in about mid February.

May I suggest an alternative. How about tackling tax avoidance and using that money to fund the health service properly. How about clearing out the “bell-end” managers. How about backing up the doctors when they refuse to treat and throw out the snaf-families who turn up at A&E in a jolly day out, trying to recreate scene from East Enders. That might just work.


Oct 25, 2006
Rubbish. That's one form of 'globalism'.
Trouble is, like all good things, there's a downside, and in this case it's the fast audio-visual communications that globalism brought as a consequence.

When I was younger we wouldn't know if someone was striking in distant places. We only got foreign news if we were directly affected, like our troops fighting in Korea in 1950 and the 1949 Berlin blockade. Most of the world was a complete blank.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
I am hearing that the “army of volunteers” who are going to support the NHS over the winter period is growing by the day.

What if they are all called Chester Chester and want to work in the paediatric department? Then what? Who is going to be carrying out the thorough checks on this Army? I can feel a “lesson” to be learned coming on in about mid February.

May I suggest an alternative. How about tackling tax avoidance and using that money to fund the health service properly. How about clearing out the “bell-end” managers. How about backing up the doctors when they refuse to treat and throw out the snaf-families who turn up at A&E in a jolly day out, trying to recreate scene from East Enders. That might just work.
Just one question Ghengis what are "snaf" families. Is it an acronym I, ve missed. You do have a point though.
My nightmare when I worked (honest OG, Tom I used to) was volunteer help... After 2 hrs they always knew more than colleagues who had trained for years and then had 20 years on job.
"don't do it like that".. In true Harry Enfield fashion..
Then hours clearing up the mess.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
Trouble is, like all good things, there's a downside, and in this case it's the fast audio-visual communications that globalism brought as a consequence.

When I was younger we wouldn't know if someone was striking in distant places. We only got foreign news if we were directly affected, like our troops fighting in Korea in 1950 and the 1949 Berlin blockade. Most of the world was a complete blank.
Complete Blank... There's a joke there about OG but I, m not saying it... Sorry OG...


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
OT but a funny story about training.
Motorbike mechanic working on a heart surgeons bike asks him how much he earns..
"oh, I don't know, I made probably £250k last year"
Mechanic says
"Well I change valves in your bike engine, which weighs about 60kg, can produce over 200bhp and valves open and shut at over 50 times a second and I get £28 an hour less tax, how come"
Heart Surgeon says
"I work on mine whilst it's running, you should try it"
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
So what?! Of course it's a good day for him - he's making money and obviously - like 99% of the population out there - thinks money is the answer to everything. So he's happy.

People made millions in the war too? So what.

So we shouldn't have voted leave because some people are going to make money out of it?
No, because you should have realised that you couldn't trust such sharks with the future of the nation, only a fool would do that

I find it hard to believe that anyone would come out with the utter bull that you do, effectively you support criminals and say what fine people they are!

And the typo had to wait till I got home, after losing net access having a coffee in a Mac Donalds!
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 8, 2012
I am hearing that the “army of volunteers” who are going to support the NHS over the winter period is growing by the day.

What if they are all called Chester Chester and want to work in the paediatric department? Then what? Who is going to be carrying out the thorough checks on this Army? I can feel a “lesson” to be learned coming on in about mid February.

May I suggest an alternative. How about tackling tax avoidance and using that money to fund the health service properly. How about clearing out the “bell-end” managers. How about backing up the doctors when they refuse to treat and throw out the snaf-families who turn up at A&E in a jolly day out, trying to recreate scene from East Enders. That might just work.
The NHS is structurally f&&&&&d. No amount of money thrown at it will fix it. It is a failed and failing system of organising a health-care system. MUCH better are ones in Europe - Norway, France, Sweden - ALL use a balance of insurance and payments for certain uses - and ALL providing free-care for all at first point of contact where required.

Please - no more money for the NHS until its entire ridiculous 1940s top down command structure is dismantled and replaced by the ones we see in other countries where outcomes are WAY better than the NHS.

Remember the NHS comes bottom of ALL the major European countries league tables when it comes to health-care outcomes. We need to focus on OUTCOMES and not just plough more money in.
