Brexit, for once some facts.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 8, 2012
You’re the guy that said planes wouldn’t fly! You are really said that. Until it was pointed out even Russia and North Korea have permission to let their aircraft use EU airspace.

This is also the guy that said on quite a few occasions how he would enjoy it if we suffered utter destruction. Would serve us right etc.

Let’s get it right Dan. Your a perv, a voyeur. You’ve also got a chip on your shoulder that’s ten times the size of your schmeckle. You don’t live here but want us to fail. What’s all that about?

Admit. You get your jollies out of others misery and this is the biggest show in town now. You must be raw.

Can’t wait to see you slide away once the bunting goes up and Brexit is declared our greatest Victory since Waterloo.

Ha. Great stuff Ed. Do you know if he even has a job? Or is he some eternal student? He sounds like the kind of guy who talks theory all day, in the evenings goes to the pub (broke) and doesn't buy his round - goes home early and sleeps on his own.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 7, 2017
West West Wales
From the Guardian
Corbyn: Brexit would go ahead even if Labour won snap election
Exclusive: opposition leader says he would go to Brussels to secure better deal if he was PM"

Great isn't it? the UK, where 60% of the population a live under a dictatorship and the only 40% are unable to see they have been conned into imagining they have won something.
May will get here deal through
As I have said before, looks like Plaid Cymru would be in line for my vote.

Conservative Stephen Crabb 18,302 43.4 +3.0
Labour Philippa Thompson 17,988 42.6 +14.5
Plaid Cymru Owain Llŷr Williams 2,711 6.4 +0.2
Independent Chris Overton 1,209 2.9 -6.3
Liberal Democrat Bob Kilmister 1,106 2.6 +0.7
UKIP Susan Bale 850 2.0 -8.5
The New Society of Worth Rodney Maile 31 0.1 N/A

The independent was a single-issue candidate (retain local hospital).
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 7, 2017
West West Wales
Let us deal with facts and perhaps less of your fantasies about my equipment. Be assured I share no fantasies about yours.
I never ever said that the planes would not fly. What I did say was that landing rights in Europe for British registered airlines would be refused UNLESS legislation was amended. Planes would be allowed to land in an emergency and overfly . But not to pick up passengers. . Which in the prospect of a no deal crash out was realistic. Transcontinental flights continually fly over disputed territories. A flight to Dubai, from Dublin will travel over Irish,English, French, German, Russian Egypt and Gulf states
And surprise surprise.. that is still the current situation. There are proposals to mitigate that. But at present they are still proposals. There were threats from some British persons that Ireland would be prevented flying over UK territories. Were that absurd situation to have arisen, the Shan ..wick .. standing for Shannon and Preswick air traffic control would have been halted.

No. I do not want either the UK to be punished, or the chaos which I am convinced will follow a crash out. I have family and relations in the UK.
There might well be bugles rooted and bunting on April's Fools day.

Looks to me as if many/most Dublin - Dubai flights would be likely to fly over Wales as well. :):)
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
No, I think thousands vote without reading manifestos. Well millions in fact. He has said all along that's exactly what he would do. Why the surprise...???
And JC could negotiate a better deal? I wonder how? He won't get in anyway.
I never expected anything else, did I?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 9, 2016

Another vote winner for Labour. What a shower...

I’m not sure, and I’m going out on a limb here, but I’m just going to say it.

I have a feeling the daily mail might have an agenda that pushes anti labour stuff.

I really can’t believe doctors will be allowed to strike if Chad in North Dakota is striking because the toilet paper in his bleach factory is too rough on his arse.

Could be I’m wrong. But I doubt it.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
I’m not sure, and I’m going out on a limb here, but I’m just going to say it.

I have a feeling the daily mail might have an agenda that pushes anti labour stuff.

I really can’t believe doctors will be allowed to strike if Chad in North Dakota is striking because the toilet paper in his bleach factory is too rough on his arse.

Could be I’m wrong. But I doubt it.
Yep, you have a point.. Thing is tho there is no strategic thinking ever from Labour.. They just make themselves an easy target for rags like DM. Its endemic from Corbyn all way down. Of course Tory media is going to exaggerate but why on earth make their jobs so easy..????
Campbell and Blair might have become seriously disliked but things like this simply would never have happened under them. Love him or hate him Campbell actually steered the ship, Labour are rudderless at moment.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 9, 2016
I never expected anything else, did I?

Getting your Christmas expectations in order early?

I’m nearly feeling sorry for you.

Are you going to have Brussels this year? I can imagine you having a little tear as you mash them in your false teeth and pass them down your gullet. Thinking this is the last time that Brussels will be passed that are governed by Brussels.

The ironing you will be thinking wistfully. The ironing.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
I don't know why the leave saboteurs don't want another referendum after all the last one was a great "little earner" for them wasn't it?

"Crispin Odey made £220 million on #Brexit night. Robert Mercer backrolled VoteLeave & made $690m … Rees-Mogg had huge personal windfall … Farage cashed in & his “concession speech” made hedgefunders billions …

Amazing how much money you can collect when conning a gullible public, like taking "Candy from a Baby"

And yet we still have the Three Stooges Tribute Band come on here supporting Brexit.
They should get a Logo'd "T" shirt for Christmas that carries the legend
"A Brexit enthusiast" on the front, and "Feel free to rob me in a good cause"on the back.

Surely it will be a piece of cake to run the same scam for a big profit again, after all it's not as if they have a clue as to how to make Brexit a success is it?
Better to make a profit out of the Brexit closing down sale than risk carrying the blame for what comes after "Independence Day"
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Huh? What about the leave option? You know. WTA. Leave. According to your logic that will satisfy 52% of the population. It's what we voted for. To leave the EU. It's not rocket science. Plus May's deal is not all that is on offer. If nothing is agreed - we leave on WTA. And we'll do just fine.
Funny that seems not to be a very popular view, and it hardly explains why so few nations rely on WTO alone
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Getting your Christmas expectations in order early?

I’m nearly feeling sorry for you.

Are you going to have Brussels this year? I can imagine you having a little tear as you mash them in your false teeth and pass them down your gullet. Thinking this is the last time that Brussels will be passed that are governed by Brussels.

The ironing you will be thinking wistfully. The ironing.
I have already told you what I want, Don't leave the EU or crash out with no deal, but I expect ,May's deal will get accepted.
And Brussels will be "Governed by Brussels" for years to come

Get an adult to explain that to you
But don't try to understand, you might hurt yourself
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 9, 2016
I have already told you what I want, Don't leave the EU or crash out with no deal, but I expect ,May's deal will get accepted.
And Brussels will be "Governed by Brussels" for years to come

Get an adult to explain that to you
But don't try to understand, you might hurt yourself

I will do my best for you you old pup.

But it’s out of my hands now. The runes have been cast.

Have a happy Christmas though.
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Oct 25, 2006
Exactly , your personal battle, not the strategic war, which you ignored and hoped for best.
In fact you hoped for Corbyn to do the very opposite of that promised in his manifesto.
Isn't that what we all do, vote for what we want?

And can't you get it into your head that the referendum had already happened and Leaving was not a general election issue since both parties were going for leave.

So I wasn't hoping for anything on that from Corbyn and still don't, that horse had bolted.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 9, 2016
Isn't that what we all do, vote for what we want?

And can't you get it into your head that the referendum had already happened and Leaving was not a general election issue since both parties were going for leave.

So I wasn't hoping for anything on that from Corbyn and still don't, that horse had bolted.

We don’t just have two parties Fleccy. True remainers would have voted green or Lib Dem. And they did. In their tens of thousands.

When it boils down to it I don’t think the EU is that important to you in your day to day life.

You just like the idea of it but you could take it or leave it like me and zlats.

Fair play to you.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
Isn't that what we all do, vote for what we want?

And can't you get it into your head that the referendum had already happened and Leaving was not a general election issue since both parties were going for leave.

So I wasn't hoping for anything on that from Corbyn and still don't, that horse had bolted.
No, I don't think they do. But who knows. We can all only speak of how we vote. I think in GE people vote for a governing power/pm/party. Personally couldn't care less who my representive is, just which side of house she sits on in HoC..
I struggled voting for Labour because of Corbyn's manifesto.. and because of Corbyn/Abbot/McDonel..I just couldn't do it. (sacking Champion made my mind up)


Oct 25, 2006
What about the leave option? You know. WTA.
What is it about Leavers that they don't understand these simple concepts?

The country voted in an advisory referendum for the government to leave the EU with a deal. That is what the Leave campaign offered, promising it would be easy to get a favourable deal.

Accordingly the government negotiated a deal to leave.

That is what is on offer, accept or reject.

There is no WTO offer, nor a Norway plus deal, nor any other variation. These are all proposals by various factions and have no place in a democracy which chose to hold a referendum and honour it on the terms offered.

So accept the deal you voted for, you can't say you weren't warned how bad it would be. These many pages are witness to all the dire warnings we Remainers gave you about the poor deal you were inevitably doomed to get, but you ignored them.

Your mistake, your cost, so please live with what you've done.
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Oct 25, 2006
We don’t just have two parties Fleccy. True remainers would have voted green or Lib Dem. And they did. In their tens of thousands.
Not so, leave and remain were not GE issues since that was already decided, so voting for those who had supported remain would have been a wasted vote, irrational tokenism. So I used my vote sensibly, for things I wanted that were being offered

When it boils down to it I don’t think the EU is that important to you in your day to day life.
And I've said as much and more. At my age and place I'm more concerned about those in the future who could suffer the consequences of leaving the EU and the not so tender mercies of our governments.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
Then account for this. Most of the electorate always vote for their same party choice, regardless of what is in their manifesto. That's why it's commonly said that only the minority of swing voters ever decide who wins GEs.
??? Perhaps they should start reading manifestos. If it was really case we would never change parties. And yes it might be case but that doesn't make either argument valid.
If people don't read manifesto or they do and ignore it they can't really moan when the parties involved carry out the policies mentioned in manifesto.
Corbyn made no secret at all about taking us out of EU, yet its made news and reported on here (by OG)when he confirms it. You got what you voted for flecc. (fair play to OG he voted Lib Dem I believe for this very reason, but you never know with OG. He, s probably argued with Corbyn in Co op)
Leave campaigned to leave. With or without a deal. Hargreaves in his letter spoke of simply walking away. Isn't that a no deal.

Let's put it another way.. Suppose another GE is called. Corbyn decides to put Remain in his manifesto. He gets in and then leaves. It would cause rioting..
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