Brexit, for once some facts.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 7, 2017
West West Wales
Hah! Who you kidding Flecc??

Care to take an evening saunter round Peckham, maybe Brixton, or how about Tottenham, Edmonton maybe??

No, didnt think so, a cess pit of drugs, knives, guns and murder - and thats just the des-res part !!

The whole place needs a good clean out.
I've certainly sauntered round Peckham - at night - not for a while now because I no longer have any reason.

It was our next-door neighbour in another place, well outside London, who got shot in his front garden. (Only fairly minor injury.)


Oct 25, 2006
Hah! Who you kidding Flecc??

Care to take an evening saunter round Peckham, maybe Brixton, or how about Tottenham, Edmonton maybe??

No, didnt think so, a cess pit of drugs, knives, guns and murder - and thats just the des-res part !!

The whole place needs a good clean out.
Utter rubbish, you really are bonkers! I do in some of those places since I have friends I visit in Brixton, Peckham and Bermondsey and I would be happy to walk in Tottenham or Edmonton. I was born in London, live in London and there isn't a single part of London I'd be scared to visit.

Didn't you read the figures I linked you to? The murder rate nearly halved since 1990. I personally knew three people who were murdered in the 1970s and 1980s in London, Michael stabbed aged 18 in Croydon, Robbie shot aged 19 in Brixton and Jason stabbed aged 22 in West Norwood, but none I knew ever since. In one September in the 1990s there were eight murders in my borough, four of them very local to me and where I regularly cycled or walked, one location I could see from my home.

So from my vantage point London really is safer now, just as the figures suggest.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
They are all on minimum wage and zero hours contracts. If it rains he sends them home without pay. If a machine breaks down he sends them home without pay. He owns most of the houses nearby and rents them back to the
Polish workers (half a dozen adults in one house) Do you blame British
workers for not wanting jobs under these conditions ?
The only workers on full time contracts are the fitters and Electricians, He treats them ok because he has to.
He treats the Polish workers like crap because he can.
'Brexit' is just around the corner and if it indeed comes about, what you have just described will become the norm for millions of British workers so what we have now should be viewed in this way: You ain't seen nothing yet!



Esteemed Pedelecer
Mar 13, 2013
Co. Down, N. Ireland, U.K.
Utter rubbish, you really are bonkers! I do in some of those places since I have friends I visit in Brixton, Peckham and Bermondsey and I would be happy to walk in Tottenham or Edmonton. I was born in London, live in London and there isn't a single part of London I'd be scared to visit.

Didn't you read the figures I linked you to? The murder rate nearly halved since 1990. I personally knew three people who were murdered in the 1970s and 1980s in London, Michael stabbed aged 18 in Croydon, Robbie shot aged 19 in Brixton and Jason stabbed aged 22 in West Norwood, but none I knew ever since. In one September in the 1990s there were eight murders in my borough, four of them very local to me and where I regularly cycled or walked, one location I could see from my windows.

So from my vantage point London really is safer now, just as the figures suggest.
Ah ok then.... so its a sleepy little paradise then?
So the MET figures are all lies .... ok folks there you have it :rolleyes:

Met figures reveal 'deeply troubling' rise in serious crime in London
Murder rate up 44%, with 23% increase in gun crime and 21% rise in knife crime in year to March

The Met’s figures were released to coincide with a London assembly police and crime committee hearing. Photograph: Andy Rain/EPA
Serious crime soared in London in the past year, police figures have revealed, with the murder rate up by 44% and youth murder, personal robbery and home burglary all up by about a third.

The snapshot figures from the Metropolitan police, which show the number of crimes in the year to March, also showed a 23% increase in gun crime with discharges, a 21% rise in knife crime and an 18% increase in the number of rapes.

They were released to coincide with a hearing of the London assembly’s police and crime committee on Tuesday. Its chairman, Steve O’Connell, called the rise “unacceptable” and “deeply troubling”.

“Still the figures go the wrong way, and still we’re losing far too many of our young people,” O’Connell said.
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Oct 25, 2006
Ah ok then.... so its a sleepy little paradise then?
So the MET figures are all lies .... ok folks there you have it :rolleyes:

Met figures reveal 'deeply troubling' rise in serious crime in London
Murder rate up 44%, with 23% increase in gun crime and 21% rise in knife crime in year to March

The Met’s figures were released to coincide with a London assembly police and crime committee hearing. Photograph: Andy Rain/EPA
Serious crime soared in London in the past year, police figures have revealed, with the murder rate up by 44% and youth murder, personal robbery and home burglary all up by about a third.

The snapshot figures from the Metropolitan police, which show the number of crimes in the year to March, also showed a 23% increase in gun crime with discharges, a 21% rise in knife crime and an 18% increase in the number of rapes.

They were released to coincide with a hearing of the London assembly’s police and crime committee on Tuesday. Its chairman, Steve O’Connell, called the rise “unacceptable” and “deeply troubling”.

“Still the figures go the wrong way, and still we’re losing far too many of our young people,” O’Connell said.
Those Met figures are year on year, 2018 -2017, the latter higher figure being well below previous totals. For the facts just look at the figures I posted for you, they came from the Met. The rest is selective specifics.

The Met have been doing this for a while now ever since the new Commissioner Cressida Dick was appointed. They resent the huge cash cutbacks they've suffered so are angling for more money with a propaganda war.

Stick to things you know about Tommie, this isn't one of them.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
"Hardly surprising when you let in the dregs of europe, a shower of useless good for nuthin malingerers, gainful employment is foreign to them, they breed like rabbits and scrounge for a living, scamming the honest tax payer for every benefit possible."

Hi come on now Tommie, that is not a Christian way to talk about the DUP. ,Please you are better than that.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
"Hardly surprising when you let in the dregs of europe, a shower of useless good for nuthin malingerers, gainful employment is foreign to them, they breed like rabbits and scrounge for a living, scamming the honest tax payer for every benefit possible."

Hi come on now Tommie, that is not a Christian way to talk about the DUP. ,Please you are better than that.

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Mar 13, 2013
Co. Down, N. Ireland, U.K.
Those Met figures are year on year, 2018 -2017, the latter higher figure being well below previous totals.

Stick to things you know about Tommie, this isn't one of them.

that was 5 months ago

Stick to Facts, not notions that suit your own narrative.

Murder rate up 44%, with 23% increase in gun crime and 21% rise in knife crime in year to March
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Mar 13, 2013
Co. Down, N. Ireland, U.K.
Hi come on now Tommie, that is not a Christian way to talk about the DUP. ,Please you are better than that.
Hah! Tad rich comment that don`t you think,

coming from a constituency that voted in the leading member of the IRA ie Gerry Adams to represent them - something immensely Christian about that!!

stones and greenhouses
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Oct 25, 2006
Murder rate up 44%, with 23% increase in gun crime and 21% rise in knife crime in year to March
You are the one who should stick to facts, especially in this area where you know so little.

Exactly as I said, selective propaganda. It's November Tommie, not March. Why do you think that particular month was chosen? It was because year on year 2016 to 2017 the growth in murders was only 19%, not 44%, and this year to date murders are down 10% on last year

You really are easily fooled. Use the full facts, the Met don't want to because they don't support their case for more money.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
Hah! Tad rich comment that don`t you think,

coming from a constituency that voted in the leading member of the IRA ie Gerry Adams to represent them - something immensely Christian about that!!

stones and greenhouses
The SF party machine know to give my house a miss.. Neither I nor to the best of my knowledge has any member of my house have ever given SF other than our lowest preference .
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Esteemed Pedelecer
The best way to solve the Irish border problem would be to abolish it. That can be easily achieved by unhooking the 6 counties and returning them to where they rightly belong, withdrawing passport rights from all who live there and strengthening Great Britain's border controls.

Great Britain would be a better place relieved of the money pit and administrative disaster that NI actually is. The forum's resident fan of the political wing of the combined protestant terror groups is a fantastic advert for a change of policy by the British government in respect of the last vestiges of colonialism.

For British people living on the British mainland, excising the 6 counties from the union and ridding ourselves of our Irish problem would be our 'Saoirse'.

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Official Trade Member
Apr 15, 2011
Channel 4 biggest survey:

54/46 to remain.

the debate is still on. You should watch it.
As interesting was the massive shift to remain in Sunderland. This shows that the 8000 workers at Nissan and the 30000 sub contractors have finally woken up that Brexit could jeapodise all their jobs. They chose to believe Boris’s bus in 2016 but now realise that they were conned.
The oldies who live in Eastern England still want to leave but Wales,Scotland and N.I. became stronger Remainers.
Farage looked like he had given up,Barry Gardner (Labour) tried hard to justify the Labour position,not very successfully,Caroline Lucas spoke a lot of sense,but there were many who didn’t want her message.
If May’s deal is voted down by parliament,such a poll may strengthen that a second vote is really democratic and the will of the people.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Mar 13, 2013
Co. Down, N. Ireland, U.K.
The best way to solve the Irish border problem would be to abolish it.
Totally, totally agree with that,
why should the ROI a small nation of 4 million or so on the periphery of europe be under the control of Drunker and his band of Mafioso.
Return to the Crown and Westminster and there`s your Brexit hard/soft border solved!
And with a combined voice we could have a nice little earner holding the balance of power in any Westminster election


(or have the irish not evolved to that stage yet)
