Brexit, for once some facts.


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
Not even out of the EU yet and already there are sea battles between French and English fisherman over, not cod this time, but scallops.

A portent of things to come?

I know about this frustration of French scallop fishermen very well. It's been going on for years and years.
It's not just the fishermen that got enraged, Normans don't think much of English fishermen either.
The French are much more sensitive about protecting marine resources than the English, scallops cannot be fished in Normandy for half of the year to let them grow.
Just imagine if the situation is reversed, how would the English react if French fishermen do the same over here?
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Oct 25, 2006
Finkelstein is absolutely right with his accurate description of what is going on in the attacks on Corbyn.

I've long maintained exactly the same, not only on respect of Corbyn but over the inaccurate aspects of this Jewish "international" definition of anti-semitism.

It's nothing of the sort while it contains a shield intended to allow Israeli zionists to commit human rights criminal violations against Palestinians. Labour have been right to refuse to accept this part of it and I hope they don't yield under the pressure.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
I know about this frustration of French scallop fishermen very well. It's been going on for years and years.
It's not just the fishermen that got enraged, Normans don't think much of English fishermen either.
The French are much more sensitive about protecting marine resources than the English, scallops cannot be fished in Normandy for half of the year to let them grow.
Just imagine if the situation is reversed, how would the English react if French fishermen do the same over here?
From the Express
'France wind your neck in!' UK Fishermen WARN hard Brexit will humble VIOLENT neighbours
BRITISH fishermen issued a stern warning to French counterparts who “violently” challenged vessels in the Channel that Brexit will force them to be more “contrite”.

This is less rabid than the earlier headline where they claimed "petrol Bombs had been thrown!
This is now reported as smoke bombs.
And the other detail conveniently omitted was this
Under EU rules, British fishermen can catch scallops only in Seine Bay, between October and January.

They are not allowed to fish within 12 miles of the French coast.

It is unclear whether the latest conflict took place within France’s national waters.
But let's not let facts get in the way of propaganda eh?
Obviously this was intended to inflame the idiot fringe right wing here.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Finkelstein is absolutely right with his accurate description of what is going on in the attacks on Corbyn.

I've long maintained exactly the same, not only on respect of Corbyn but over the inaccurate aspects of this Jewish "international" definition of anti-semitism.

It's nothing of the sort while it contains a shield intended to allow Israeli zionists to commit human rights criminal violations against Palestinians. Labour have been right to refuse to accept this part of it and I hope they don't yield under the pressure.
I can see no reason for the Jews and Israel to justify them being beyond criticism, or for them to think they have a right to impose their point of view on me, or anyone else for that matter.
And who gave them the right to commandeer the word "Semitic" to describe themselves exclusively?
Who do they think they are?
There is indeed a lot on Anti Semitism in the world, and the greater mass of it is directed at their Arab counterparts, including a lot from Israel!
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
It is unclear whether the latest conflict took place within France’s national waters.
it happened just 12 miles off the coast, in the Bay of the Seine.
The English have the right to fish for scallops there while the French don't for another 5 weeks, until October 1st, hence the French consider the act as 'pillage'.
BTW, fresh scallops from the boats are sold along the Normandy coast for 5 Euros a kg in winter months but they do get smaller years after years.

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 7, 2017
West West Wales
Well, would you want it on your wall?

Nigel Farage portrait fails to attract buyers at art show
David Griffiths painting of ‘Mr Brexit’ unsold, while Jacob Rees-Mogg work fetches £450

Sarah Marsh

A portrait of the former Ukip leader Nigel Farage failed to attract a single bid at one of Britain’s most prestigious art shows.

The painting, which shows Farage in his trademark purple-striped tie, was featured in the Royal Academy’s summer exhibition. The work, by David Griffiths, was priced at £25,000, but failed to attract any interest.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
it happened just 12 miles off the coast, in the Bay of the Seine.
The English have the right to fish for scallops there while the French don't for another 5 weeks
I don't understand. How do British boats have the right but the French don't? I could understand if no-one was allowed to fish for scallops out of a particular season.

Does no-one else fish that area for scallops? The Spanish, the Portuguese, the Scandinavians?

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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
I don't understand. How do British boats have the right but the French don't?
People do not understand how policies trickle down because the EU does not do direct rule. The limitation in the Baie de Seine takes into account not only conservation of stock but also of the level of neuro-toxins found in shellfish (domoic acid) along their littoral where pollution is a concern.
The area is a shared resource, so the Brits are entitled to fish there.
When French fishermen land their catch, they have to submit samples to analyses.
Their fishermen are subject to local laws which change from time to time to protect the consumers as much as the fish. Imagine how upset you would be if you rest your sea bed for 5 months then at the fifth month, the bed gets stripped of shellfish by the British a month before the season starts.
British fishermen ignore the local laws altogether.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
When French fishermen land their catch, they have to submit samples to analyses.
British fishermen ignore the local laws altogether.
Now, I understand. Thank you.

Not playing by the rules seems to come easily to the British. I guess that's a large part of the reason why so many find 'Brexit' attractive. Just not team players!

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Well, would you want it on your wall?

Nigel Farage portrait fails to attract buyers at art show
David Griffiths painting of ‘Mr Brexit’ unsold, while Jacob Rees-Mogg work fetches £450

Sarah Marsh

A portrait of the former Ukip leader Nigel Farage failed to attract a single bid at one of Britain’s most prestigious art shows.

The painting, which shows Farage in his trademark purple-striped tie, was featured in the Royal Academy’s summer exhibition. The work, by David Griffiths, was priced at £25,000, but failed to attract any interest.
That's a very reasonable price, if they offered £25,000 to me I would take it (and the money), home , gift wrap the picture and send it to David Cameron.
And among 67 million of us, there had to be one imbecile with £450 to waste on a picture of Rees Mogg
Someone should have told them that is far too much to pay for a Dartboard.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Now, I understand. Thank you.

Not playing by the rules seems to come easily to the British. I guess that a large part of the reason why so many find 'Brexit' attractive. Just not team players!

We have every right to!

"Britannia Waives the Rules!" and all that
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 4, 2016
Now, I understand. Thank you.

Not playing by the rules seems to come easily to the British. I guess that a large part of the reason why so many find 'Brexit' attractive. Just not team players!

The British and Irish ships are not breaking any rules provided they stay outwith the 12 mile limit. What they are doing is entirely legal, but may be morally questionable.

I don't agree that the British are poor team players, it's just the largest member of the Union that isn't.



Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
The British and Irish ships are not breaking any rules provided they stay outwith the 12 mile limit. What they are doing is entirely legal, but may be morally questionable.

I don't agree that the British are poor team players, it's just the largest member of the Union that isn't.

Who would that be?
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
back to brexit: the Pound regains 1% this afternoon, and still going up, after Mr Barnier said the EU was prepared to offer the UK a deal like "no other third country".
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
The British and Irish ships are not breaking any rules provided they stay outwith the 12 mile limit. What they are doing is entirely legal, but may be morally questionable.
scallops in the Channel is a shared resource, so both sides (UK and France) usually agree how fishing for scallops in these waters is shared. French fishermen are subjected to local laws, limiting how much they can take (about 2 metric tons at a time, 3 times a week in season) to conserve stocks and specimens are regularly checked for levels of neuro toxins which vary with the level of algae in the water. When the level of neuro toxins goes over some set limits, all scallop fishing must stop for the French. That also gives extra time to the stock to recover so after a rest, the catch is better than before. Traditionally, large UK boats (longer than 15m) are not allowed in these shallow waters and the catch is shared roughly half way between French boats and UK boats.
Since the brexit referendum, this agreement is not renewed, so the UK fishermen came and took what they want so close to the French 12 mile exclusive zone, that's the reason for the confrontation.

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Esteemed Pedelecer
The British and Irish ships are not breaking any rules provided they stay outwith the 12 mile limit. What they are doing is entirely legal, but may be morally questionable.

I don't agree that the British are poor team players, it's just the largest member of the Union that isn't.

I'm sorry 'wheeler' but I don't quite understand your comments.

Whether or not the British vessels were on the high seas or inside French territorial waters seems somewhat irrelevant if, as 'Woosh' has mentioned, there is a moratorium on fishing for scallops during part of the year.

If that is the case thus providing the trigger for the French fishermen's anger and potentially fatal violence, then our fishing would be in breach of rules known to our boat skippers, rendering it illegal but instead of 'morally questionable', I would call it morally reprehensible.

As for your disagreement with my assertion that the British are poor team players, I think our intention to divorce the UK from a club of 28 including us justifies my assertion. It seems we just cannot accept not being in charge and that being the case, we're deserting.

It's not as if we have a bad deal in the EU - we have been enjoying a special, discounted membership subscription for quite a few years.

I note your assertion that the biggest EU member isn't a team player but I fail to grasp your reasoning there. Do you know things that I'm missing in respect of how the EU operates?

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Those who remember the video clip I posted recently where JRM explained his thinking of how the Irish border could be managed might like this comment by Peter Stefanovic:

Peter Stefanovic

26 August at 15:50 ·

Jacob Rees Mogg, a Man who thinks food banks are uplifting & voted AGAINST landlords being obliged to ensure rental property is fit for human habitation, who wants most of the country to return to the 1890s is happy it seems for Northern Ireland to only return to the 1970s.

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