Brexit, for once some facts.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 29, 2008
I shudder at the thought that so many members of the British public can be so apathetic about a situation where a politician, failed in high office, can be further elevated to the most important job in politics where she has continued to demonstrate her unfitness for any kind of management role.

Clearly, the propaganda machinery has done its job. God help us all!

I'm not sure that the propaganda machine will be able to support this comprehensive failure of a minister for much longer. As slippery, oily, devious and untruthful as the propaganda machine is, I think Theresa May places too much of a burden on the gears of the mechanism and it is beginning to seize. This ocean going idiot, HMS Theresa May, is too much of a challenge and even the Daily Mail readership is now turning on her.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
View attachment 24258

So, even though the UK government has previous for selling chemical materials to other countries, May and her acolytes decide to ignore democracy and order a bombing mission on a trumped-up (excuse the pun), charge that a chemical weapon attack took place in Syria.

The attached piece from web blogger, Thomas G Clark, explains how that bombing raid was so wrong but worse, illustrates how dangerous it is that an imbecillic politician can be allowed to ignore both democratic conventions and public opinion.

This incompetent Prime Minister is more dangerous than Thatcher!

What I want is for May to be made to pay personally for the rebuilding of the Syrian research Center,and compensation for any injuries or deaths

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Oct 25, 2006
What I want is for May to be made to pay personally for the rebuilding of the Syrian research Center,and compensation for any injuries or deaths
After the West has paid in full for the huge scale of unwarranted death and destruction they caused in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
Yes, as a Home Secretary in charge of a department responsible for immigration matters, she did sweet FA about curbing immigration, checking who had come in and who had gone out. To be absolutely fair to her though, neither did she take responsibility for law and order; indeed, she slashed the numbers of front-line police officers - the ones who actually make a difference but have to spend much of their time in cars or report writing and sitting around in court waiting rooms to give evidence and be cross-examined by expert defence barristers on million pound+ salaries.

I shudder at the thought that so many members of the British public can be so apathetic about a situation where a politician, failed in high office, can be further elevated to the most important job in politics where she has continued to demonstrate her unfitness for any kind of management role.

Clearly, the propaganda machinery has done its job. God help us all!

Because Diane Abbot is the alternative?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Because Diane Abbot is the alternative?
Is that what you are reduced to as a response?
Come on Zlatan, while you have been dodging Putin's kilo class submarine that mistook you for one of ours, the proverbial has hit the fan for your arguments.
And it's getting worse too!
Green Party co-leader Lucas pointed out that “two sites bombed overnight on Friday were compliant with having no chemical weapons on site” as of five months ago.

Hold on, apparently these science centres are not actually involved in chemical weapons. The US-led coalition bombed one such site in Barzeh, Damascus. Workers at the Syrian research lab claimed the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) “has proven in two reports that this building and the centre as a whole are empty and do not produce any chemical weapons”. Rather, employees said the site produces pharmaceuticals such as cancer medicines."

Well that's a new way of treating Cancer! kill sufferers off by destroying their source of drugs!
Hell's teeth, the Torys have beeen doing that here by denying funds, will they resort to Air strikes next?
In 2016, the OPCW reported that it had overseen the destruction of Syria’s declared chemical weapons. Many people have pointed out that the US, UK, and France have had the right to report any chemical weapons sites to the OPCW. They didn’t, instead now opting to bomb the sites they allege have chemical weapons.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
Is that what you are reduced to as a response?
Come on Zlatan, while you have been dodging Putin's kilo class submarine that mistook you for one of ours, the proverbial has hit the fan for your arguments.
I suppose you mean Abott's attempts at posting on twitter or May,s failure in HoC to get support for bombing folk or perhaps,Labour MP,s denouncing JC ???
If anything May is stronger than before I went on my jollies.
When oh when will stupid labour come to their senses. Kick out JC,Abott and have a gagging order put on Blair...start again. What purpose are Labour serving at moment ? Nothing. Zilch. Sweet FA. Corbyn rambling again with his own side rolling their eyes...and Abott is just a joke. I,m convinced May is paying her.
BTW had terrible weather you,ll be pleased to know...Tramontane wind decided to blow for just one day... and its rained solidly upto a couple of days ago.. Glorious now, shacked up in St Cyprien.....24degrees. Clear blue wind tho...sat waiting for it...
Glorious time of year to be down here. One of prettiest places on earth.... Canigou in distance covered in snow...superb. Brandy 8 euro a bottle. Eating out expensive tho...Lidl nearby...
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
I suppose you mean Abott's attempts at posting on twitter or May,s failure in HoC to get support for bombing folk or perhaps,Labour MP,s denouncing JC ???
If anything May is stronger than before I went on my jollies.
When oh when will stupid labour come to their senses. Kick out JC,Abott and have a gagging order put on Blair...start again. What purpose are Labour serving at moment ? Nothing. Zilch. Sweet FA. Corbyn rambling again with his own side rolling their eyes...and Abott is just a joke. I,m convinced May is paying her.
BTW had terrible weather you,ll be pleased to know...Tramontane wind decided to blow for just one day... and its rained solidly upto a couple of days ago.. Glorious now, shacked up in St Cyprien.....24degrees. Clear blue wind tho...sat waiting for it...
Glorious time of year to be down here. One of prettiest places on earth.... Canigou in distance covered in snow...superb. Brandy 8 euro a bottle. Eating out expensive tho...Lidl nearby...
What the heck are you on about?
Same old rubbish totally unrelated to what is going on, sorry but you really have no contact with reality do you?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
What the heck are you on about?
Same old rubbish totally unrelated to what is going on, sorry but you really have no contact with reality do you?
I notice your insulting tone still afflicts you...
What you fail to comprehend is the fact the only reason May can do just about as she pleases is simply because she knows full well there iss no alternative.
The woman has made a fiasco of brexit negotiations, probably lied over goodness how many things ; taken us to the brink of war, thousands of jobs have gone, pound has dropped ( in real terms) all on her watch yet she is still more popular than Corbyn.
He is unelectable and not dealing with Diane Abbott after sacking Ms Champion ( and others) just proves the fact.


Oct 25, 2006
Zlatan does have a point regarding Diane Abbott.
But he answered in the context of her being the alternative to Theresa May, so not relevant since she isn't the leader of the opposition.

The alternative to Theresa May is one of the newer younger and more capable MPs in her party, the old guard in the cabinet just aren't up to their jobs.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 29, 2008
Is that what you are reduced to as a response?
Come on Zlatan, while you have been dodging Putin's kilo class submarine that mistook you for one of ours, the proverbial has hit the fan for your arguments.
And it's getting worse too!
Green Party co-leader Lucas pointed out that “two sites bombed overnight on Friday were compliant with having no chemical weapons on site” as of five months ago.

Hold on, apparently these science centres are not actually involved in chemical weapons. The US-led coalition bombed one such site in Barzeh, Damascus. Workers at the Syrian research lab claimed the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) “has proven in two reports that this building and the centre as a whole are empty and do not produce any chemical weapons”. Rather, employees said the site produces pharmaceuticals such as cancer medicines."

Well that's a new way of treating Cancer! kill sufferers off by destroying their source of drugs!
Hell's teeth, the Torys have beeen doing that here by denying funds, will they resort to Air strikes next?
In 2016, the OPCW reported that it had overseen the destruction of Syria’s declared chemical weapons. Many people have pointed out that the US, UK, and France have had the right to report any chemical weapons sites to the OPCW. They didn’t, instead now opting to bomb the sites they allege have chemical weapons.
Our response to an alleged "chemical weapons" attack by the Syrian government inside Syria is to, "do the right thing". I believe those were May's words.

Mrs May's "right thing" appears to consist of dropping thick walled steel vessels containing chemicals onto Syria. Instead of choking people, Mrs May's chemicals react rapidly inside the steel vessel creating a massive pressure and temperature surge. This in turn causes the vessel to burst releasing a devastating pressure wave and indiscriminately flinging shards of jagged white hot steel in all directions. The shards of steel pass through any limb, torso or head which happens to be in the way. That's a much more ethical use of chemicals than Mr Assad's approach and sets us upon the moral high ground.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
If ever a hardening of young Arab people's attitude towards the west was needed, May has gone the 'right way' about it. It's tantamount to creating a whole new generation of extremists and providing them with justification in seeking vengeance on the usual suspects.

What price another decade of terrorist attacks on UK soil thanks to Theresa May and her bunch of inbred, chinless wonders along with her friends in NI, the political wing of the protestant terrorist groups, the DUP.

The British public should be ashamed at what is being done in their name but the media tells a story giving the impression that our bombardment of yet another country a long way away, is essential for the well-being and safety both of the UK and the Syrian people from attacks by chemical weapons.

Shameful lies and deception!



Oct 25, 2006
Back to Brexit!

The House of Lords have rejected the EU withdrawal bill, insisting that the government must make the case for leaving the Custom's Union.

Well done the Lords for making yourself useful.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 29, 2008
Back to Brexit!

The House of Lords have rejected the EU withdrawal bill, insisting that the government must make the case for leaving the Custom's Union.

Well done the Lords for making yourself useful.
Was the vote mid-morning by any chance?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
But he answered in the context of her being the alternative to Theresa May, so not relevant since she isn't the leader of the opposition.

The alternative to Theresa May is one of the newer younger and more capable MPs in her party, the old guard in the cabinet just aren't up to their jobs.
Neither was May ! She was well down pecking order and nobody thought her pm material, perhaps because she isn't...
Its not the fact that she may never be pm ,( Abbott that is) god forbid,its how JC has handled her and why ?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
Was the vote mid-morning by any chance?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
I,m always rather suspicious of any graphs given that supress zero as this one does Tillson. The actual drop is from 1.156 to 1.148...about 0.7 %...??? I,d have to be heating water in harbour rather than boat to save £300 ???
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Oct 25, 2006
Neither was May ! She was well down pecking order and nobody thought her pm material, perhaps because she isn't...
Its not the fact that she may never be pm ,( Abbott that is) god forbid,its how JC has handled her and why ?
Zlatan, it's not relevant for you to mention Diane Abbot, simply because you insist that Labour is unelectable. Therefore on your own terms she will never be in any position of authority.

Unless of course you are wrong and Labour is electable.

You can't have it both ways.
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Oct 25, 2006
Was the vote mid-morning by any chance?
I don't know, but the Lords position is consistent with previous utterances. They firmly believe the government should be seeking a Customs Union with the EU.

So do I, it would help with the Irish border situation. The government's policy of no customs union etc with the EU is completely irrational, based only on an obsessive belief that they can strike lucrative free trade deals with numerous other countries. Why their hard brexiters think countries are queuing up to buy from us when we have little to sell is unknown.
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