Perhaps you should base yoour view of Europe as it is now. Go stay in Greece, Spain , France and drive around place rather than base opinion on what you think uk was like pre eu..
As for posting to inform ,educate others that's bestowing a position of better knowledge, experience than other posters. Might be case, I don't know, but somehow I doubt it.
Apart from your assumed position of greater knowledge your posts make sense, but still disagree.
Actually i do recall what Europe was like pre EU, back so far in fact to it being in ruins shortly after the war,as was Kingston Upon Hull where I was born during the war.
As to the charge of better knowledge, that's easy to counter, don't simply believe what the media tell you as it's quite simple to check the facts these days.
To the Charge of better experience, well, I was there, does that count, and those things I spoke of I experienced.
It is your prerogative to doubt, but since checking doesn't seem to matter to you, how safe is that to do? is it for instance safe to accept the words of these two charlatans, Gove and Boris, when Gove states that the EU prevented him getting rid of foreign convicted criminals, yet if you check the EU rules say exactly the opposite? He has the power to do so.
Why not check and see whether I was simply reporting the truth, or does your assumption I am "assuming a position of greater knowledge" somehow mean you have no need to find out the truth?
I wasn't trying to "Talk down to you" but get you to ask some questions yourself, who knows perhaps you are correct, but have you checked?
The reason my posts make sense is that they are truthful and I check the things in the media for accuracy before judging them.
Here's one for you, check the EU regulation on Draining Rivers and find out why the Brexit people claim "The EU won't let us drain our Rivers and prevent flooding"
And when you find out what the EU regulations actually require, and why, do let me know how you got on.