Brexit, for once some facts.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
You left out - Initially press ganged by Heath then lied to by Wilson.
You mean the Public didn't check what they were getting into?
Now who's fault was that?
let me guess.... and now because it is convenient for you to do so you have decided in their absence they would have been against the idea?
Perhaps, contrary to your belief they were less gullible than modern people, actually checked the facts and approved?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
But we have eventually reached the final point, after being denied by politicians a voice on previous Treaty changes, of being unable to fool all of the people all of the time and the people have spoken - we are leaving the EU.
Actually you mean Con men have convinced you that this was all a plot, and told you how bright you are to have woken up at last.

Tell me, since you could easily have checked the facts at that time, why didn't you?

or was it that you believe you are not now being conned, but you were back then?
How Gullible is that?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
That is true apparently. There are two alternatives. 1. They were really playing a very smart game of misdirection or 2 when the unexpected and unthinkable happened they found an upside... just as Henry 8th did.....
No it's just as Tom pointed out the EU had fingered their collective collars over Tax evasion Dodges so they wanted out before the blow fell on their necks.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
[QUOTE="Danidl, post: 408667, member: 18444"Wouldn't life be more exciting if they mounted male connectors just like plug tops , with the live current available on the walls...
I suspect that the population at large would have been informed at a much faster rate had that been the case?[/QUOTE]
Informed as in interred?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
You have called Tories scum, leavers idiots,Tillsin, myself and Woosh racists ( and myself a troll ) and alikekened the Queen to Myra Hindley. Your replies to Woosh and Peterl have been disgusting. . You are a great advert for leaving.

And by the way where does your aggresive , vindictive attitude leave your opinions of Tony Benn..a eurosceptic and socialist...Was he an idiot ??? Or perhaps Cameron is your hero ??

Just tone it down for goodness sake Tom.
If Tom was a great advert for leaving, how come you are still here?
Just kidding there's always room for a masochist (Sorry Brexiter) on here, and now you have a Friend too.
Doesn't that give you a warm and cuddly feeling inside?
Still, on Balance tillson is still the Main man on your style, he ticks all the right boxes, he's a really class opponent.
Compared to his Siberian Tiger, you two are pussy cats.
But let me say here and now I'm a big fan of cats...
And I've got the scars to prove it :rolleyes:


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Both gallons had their origin in the Winchester bushel centuries ago, but that was refined independently by both lands. The end result is that the US gallon is some 20% smaller than ours and they have different numbers of fluid ounces. Both have 32 gills per gallon, but the US gallon has 4 fluid ounces per gill, the Imperial gallon 5 fluid ounces per gill.
Can I have a Firkin of Ale please ?
How we ever came up that is a mystery
"1 firkin = 0.25 barrel = 9 imperial gallons = 10.8 U.S. gallons = 41 litres.

Someone must have been F****n about at the time I reckon.;)
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
That is true apparently. There are two alternatives. 1. They were really playing a very smart game of misdirection or 2 when the unexpected and unthinkable happened they found an upside... just as Henry 8th did.....
I prefer the Conspiracy theory that the Houses of Parliament had been attacked by a Stealth Drone that dropped a WMS weapon on them
(Weapon of Mass Stupidity)
Boris and Gove and Jackass and several others are still suffering the long term after effects.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 28, 2009
Actually you mean Con men have convinced you that this was all a plot, and told you how bright you are to have woken up at last.

Tell me, since you could easily have checked the facts at that time, why didn't you?

or was it that you believe you are not now being conned, but you were back then?
How Gullible is that?

Voted leave
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Esteemed Pedelecer
we are leaving the EU.
I have heard this repeated so often now that I'm beginning to wonder if it will ever really happen. It seems to be that the only victory possible for the clowns who have pushed us into this mess will be to accept a 'Brexit' 'halfway house', so soft as to make no significant difference to our current t&c, except we will have no say in how EU matters progress and will empty treasury coffers one way or another.

The 'Brexidiots' will be livid if we still need to defer to the ECJ and still accept FOM.

Alternatively, crashing out with no deal will be so bad that come the following GE, the tories will be ravaged and ousted from seats all across the nation, never to be in power again for a generation or more.

Everyone must have noticed by now how incredibly downplayed by the major media were Lord Kerr's comments yesterday about our PM being totally wrong to contend that because we have activated A50, there is no turning back - that reversal is not possible.

That is controlled news and like fake news, is all part of the long-running tory propaganda war to ensure the electorate gets only the message they want you to hear, rather than the truth.

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 19, 2017
Can I have a Firkin of Ale please ?
How we ever came up that is a mystery
"1 firkin = 0.25 barrel = 9 imperial gallons = 10.8 U.S. gallons = 41 litres.

Someone must have been F****n about at the time I reckon.;)
Have you ever been in a pub, if so why was that - scientific reason perhaps, surely not for fun?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 19, 2017
This is the message disseminated at the most recent Cabinet meeting just to remind waverers about the importance of togetherness:

View attachment 22101

"In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move." (Hitchhikers again)

You can change the words to suit but it won't change the result.
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Oct 25, 2006
Everyone must have noticed by now how incredibly downplayed by the major media were Lord Kerr's comments yesterday about our PM being totally wrong to contend that because we have activated A50, there is no turning back - that reversal is not possible.
Indeed. Lord Kerr is undoubtedly right, the EU and all its member countries would be very happy for us to abandon our Article 50 intentions and stay a member. No matter what the rules say, they'd metaphorically screw up our A.50 notice and throw it in the bin.

I'm betting that also includes the continuation of our rebate, such would be the relief at our reversal.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
I have heard this repeated so often now that I'm beginning to wonder if it will ever really happen. It seems to be that the only victory possible for the clowns who have pushed us into this mess will be to accept a 'Brexit' 'halfway house', so soft as to make no significant difference to our current t&c, except we will have no say in how EU matters progress and will empty treasury coffers one way or another.

The 'Brexidiots' will be livid if we still need to defer to the ECJ and still accept FOM.

Alternatively, crashing out with no deal will be so bad that come the following GE, the tories will be ravaged and ousted from seats all across the nation, never to be in power again for a generation or more.

Everyone must have noticed by now how incredibly downplayed by the major media were Lord Kerr's comments yesterday about our PM being totally wrong to contend that because we have activated A50, there is no turning back - that reversal is not possible.

That is controlled news and like fake news, is all part of the long-running tory propaganda war to ensure the electorate gets only the message they want you to hear, rather than the truth.

As I have stated on a number of occasions previously , I think your Lord Kerr has got it wrong, and it is wishful thinking.
Once article 50 was enacted, all initiative was lost by the UK. I can accept fleccs argument that the EU might be willing to tear up the application for secession, but it is not a foregone conclusion, and it would only need one awkward customer ..say Poland, Romania say or Hungary .. far away so not likely to suffer much impact to put the kibosh on it..
Need I remind people that the acceptance of terms is currently by qualified majority of the EU parliament where as scrapping the procedure would be by unanimous agreement . Otherwise the UK would need to plead at the ECJ... that would go down well in Suderland
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