Your apparent fit of pique is so, so juvenile and actually laughable.Please tell me exactly what went on at that dinner. You can't, can you - it's all conspiracy theory rubbish.
Although I cannot speak for OG, I can confirm that I was certainly not in attendance at that dinner. As for conspiracy theories, well, in your little bubble, I suppose any and all disagreement with the message with which you have been indoctrinated has to be challenged because the truth is simply too uncomfortable. If you don't like the suggestion, it must be a conspiracy theory, right?
Perhaps I misunderstand your meaning. Is it the case perhaps that you believe there is no holocaust being conducted against the Palestinians?
Maybe you believe that there are good reasons for the UK to support the murderous regime in Tel Aviv?
Do you believe therefore that any state which is not a friend of Israel must by definition be no friend of the UK?
How about answering the question on 'Brexit' that you have avoided?
Can you please tell me how and when 'Brexit' will improve the lot of the British people? Please don't lie to me.