Brexit, for once some facts.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Don't have an election we haven't got time: form a coalition.
I rarely disagree with you OG but I do on this. These tory scum who have been and continue to rape this country of its assets must not be allowed any further input into administering the affairs of the UK.

Only a socialist government can bring about the necessary changes to get this country back on its feet with everyone paying taxes correctly in the UK, a matter which will require stiff regulation and harsh penalties for those who offend.

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
I rarely disagree with you OG but I do on this. These tory scum who have been and continue to rape this country of its assets must not be allowed any further input into administering the affairs of the UK.

Only a socialist government can bring about the necessary changes to get this country back on its feet with everyone paying taxes correctly in the UK, a matter which will require stiff regulation and harsh penalties for those who offend.

And here we part company i'm afraid as no matter who is in power this countries days of "going it alone" are long gone.
The purpose of my proposing a coalition is to bring that point home with full force.
Corbyn's view of Socialism is that of a Parish Councillor, and that is what this country will become, as powerful as a Parish in a Shire.

It is beyond the capability of this country to be other than a second rate nation outside the EU no matter who is running it.
Our present situation is the proof of that, a crisis created by it's own Government.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 19, 2017
I rarely disagree with you OG but I do on this. These tory scum who have been and continue to rape this country of its assets must not be allowed any further input into administering the affairs of the UK.

Only a socialist government can bring about the necessary changes to get this country back on its feet with everyone paying taxes correctly in the UK, a matter which will require stiff regulation and harsh penalties for those who offend.

You have to be joking...
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 19, 2017
And here we part company i'm afraid as no matter who is in power this countries days of "going it alone" are long gone.
The purpose of my proposing a coalition is to bring that point home with full force.
Corbyn's view of Socialism is that of a Parish Councillor, and that is what this country will become, as powerful as a Parish in a Shire.
Absolutely agree and perhaps like you I despair of the whole lot of them at the moment. I, however, do still have some faith left to cling on to.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
I'm not sure many of the general public quite understand the seriousness of the Priti Patel affair.

This infographic sums it up very well:

View attachment 22057

Well I suppose it makes a change from being Owned by Corporate Power?
Are the rest of them any better?
We need a better way to Govern this country, it is no longer fit for purpose.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
But in many ways that was the position that some currently argue for, in the Single Market and the Customs Union, without any say - not our current desired position?
True, and the question of course is why didn't "they" accept it back then?
But want it now.
Any idea?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
They say a picture paints a thousand words so I shall save my keyboard some punishment:


.......and just a reminder in case you have forgotten:


Hasn't anyone wondered why May rather hastily scrapped a planned cabinet meeting on Tuesday morning? The reason is that May has no-one to turn to; no-one she can trust and she is busily playing with some names in an effort to reshuffle her pack before she is unceremoniously sacked by her party - things are really desperate in tory HQ right now.

This was her position on early on Tuesday morning:


What's next in this sorry saga? I'm reminded of the old adage: 'Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practise to deceive!'

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Esteemed Pedelecer
In the interests of fairness following my post #22963 about Priti (awful) Patel, here is a similar tale about a Labour politician....well, she isn't really a socialist, more a pink tory just riding the best gravy train in the country:


Some may remember the story from January as covered by the Daily Mail with their typical hypocrisy. Here's a reminder:

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 19, 2017
In the interests of fairness following my post #22963 about Priti (awful) Patel, here is a similar tale about a Labour politician....well, she isn't really a socialist, more a pink tory just riding the best gravy train in the country:

View attachment 22061

Some may remember the story from January as covered by the Daily Mail with their typical hypocrisy. Here's a reminder:

Ambitious Mr Masot’s CV has the hallmarks of a spy: he spent eight years in the Israeli Navy’s ‘Special Unit’, has a degree in International Affairs, worked in Israeli Defence intelligence, has the rank of major and recently applied to run Israeli Foreign Affairs intelligence.

He says that he is ‘not a career diplomat’ and came to the UK ‘to take care of specific political issues – that’s what I do’.

Be scared, very scared!

Read more:
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Why is it that in every news outlet, the criticism is aimed at Priti Awful Patel and not the criminal apartheid regime masquerading as a country which is blackmailing, bribing and corrupting our political representatives in the UK?

Why is nobody criticising Israel for this? Why are they being given free range through their Labour, Liberal and Conservative "Friends of Israel" programme to bribe politicians with cash and holidays, and to plot against uncooperative politicians with fake allegations of anti-Semitism? Can you imagine the outcry if this was Iran doing this?

One Israeli diplomat who plotted against MPs also set up political groups -
Shai Masot is filmed covertly as he boasts about establishing several groups, at least one intended to influence Labour policy.


'The Guardian' had this to say back in January:


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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015

Doesn't even need a comment from me.

This one might

How odd that this situation went unchecked over all the years of conservative rule until after we had to bail out the bankers.
Previously they were more than happy to pay out benefits to keep the natives they had rendered unemployed with Thatcher's de industrialisation policy passive.
After all it came out of the public purse, not their pockets, did it, but then the bankers ballsed everything up, didn't they?

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