Brexit, for once some facts.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
But you work or strive for no alternative ??? If remain had concentrated their efforts positively they may well have developed representation by an appreciative politician. As it is remainers just come over as negative, mocking and with no real motivation for change. Its a type of grudging acceptance but with the proviso " this was your doing" ( ie Brexit voters)
Unfortunately your attitude is not unique OG. I find it strange . I,ve maintained from start I thought we had a brighter future outside EU, many obviously feel differently but rather than develop support for their opposing views they have merely attacked others for daring to think differently. I accept unequivocally I could be wrong but instead of kicking such as myself , Peter , Woosh, Tilson and Peter Hargreaves ( only an example) why not offer a viable alternative way forward.
Its as though many remainers are saying " oh well, we have no choice, lets just do Brexit and make it fail" rather than setting your stall out. Its exactly the reason nobody is representing remainers. They ate too desparate and disparate. They have no leader because they are not unified enough to lead. Had groups of remainers set out their wishes some enterprising politician would have had no option but take up the gauntlet and challenge Brexit properly. As it is Corbyn doesn't believe remainers are sincere enough in their beliefs to get him into power.
That is a massive shame and a mistake on remainers part. Look through this thread,page after page of knocking Tories or Brexit, or in many cases individuals. That gives no one something to work on, nothing to negotiate with.
Remainers have been their own worst enemies. This threw typifies it. Look at Tom,s rhetoric. Years old, platitudes and insults. You cant build policies or represent that.
Remainers should have campaigned for representation and not focused their energies on negative put downs. There has plainly been enough support for remainers to alter things. If I was a remained I,d be asking myself why it hasn't happened. The answer is on this thread. Leavers simply left you all to moan in and on, not organising not demanding anything, just blaming others.
You only have yourselves to blame.
There had been ample opportunity to change things. But nothing has changed. We are still heading for Brexit with a Tory government.
Only ourselves to blame? Good grief ! denial of what you have done is your answer?
And you blame us for it?
You live in a dream world
And your dream will come true, or will it?
Don't blame remainers, it is nothing to do with them.

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jul 15, 2017
So how do we achieve your better future OG.? Vote May out and Corbyn in ? Cancel Brexit? Go back to how we were under Cameron.( he was a Tory you know)..
Its your arguments which are circular and negative.
for what my 2p is worth, this is all wishful thinking and pointless. brexit will happen, not because of the referendum, but because we are held to ransom by an obstinately obtuse xenophobic faction in the electorate who are evidently only capable of learning by urinating on the electric wires themselves. there isn't a politician that could possibly change their minds. the die is cast and sense will only prevail in two or three years when things get noticeably difficult.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
After tonight's panorama programme it is hard to avoid the conclusion that the pro brexit politicians wanted brexit to avoid being sorted out by the EU, and for no better reason than to protect their money laundering.

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 26, 2015
The European Union
After tonight's panorama programme it is hard to avoid the conclusion that the pro brexit politicians wanted brexit to avoid being sorted out by the EU, and for no better reason than to protect their money laundering.
What do you think the president of Catalonia is running from? The judges have only started scratching the surface of corruption there.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
But you work or strive for no alternative ??? If remain had concentrated their efforts positively they may well have developed representation by an appreciative politician. As it is remainers just come over as negative, mocking and with no real motivation for change. Its a type of grudging acceptance but with the proviso " this was your doing" ( ie Brexit voters)
Unfortunately your attitude is not unique OG. I find it strange . I,ve maintained from start I thought we had a brighter future outside EU, many obviously feel differently but rather than develop support for their opposing views they have merely attacked others for daring to think differently. I accept unequivocally I could be wrong but instead of mocking such as myself , Peter , Woosh, Tilson and Peter Hargreaves ( only an example) why not offer a viable alternative way forward.
Its as though many remainers are saying " oh well, we have no choice, lets just do Brexit and make it fail" rather than setting your stall out. Its exactly the reason nobody is representing remainers. They are too desparate and disparate. They have no leader because they are not unified enough to lead. Had groups of remainers set out their wishes some enterprising politician would have had no option but take up the gauntlet and challenge Brexit properly. As it is Corbyn doesn't believe remainers are sincere enough in their beliefs to get him into power.
That is a massive shame and a mistake on remainers part. Look through this thread,page after page of knocking Tories or Brexit, or in many cases individuals. That gives no one something to work on, nothing to negotiate with.
Remainers have been their own worst enemies. This thread typifies it. Look at Tom,s rhetoric. Years old, platitudes and insults. You cant build policies or represent that.
Remainers should have campaigned for representation and not focused their energies on negative put downs. There has plainly been enough support for remainers to alter things. If I was a remainer I,d be asking myself why it hasn't happened. The answer is on this thread. Leavers simply left you all to moan on and on, not organising not demanding anything, just blaming others.
You only have yourselves to blame.
There has been ample opportunity to change things. But nothing has changed. We are still heading for Brexit with a Tory government. You should be asking why has nothing changed since June 23rd even though thousands plainly do not want to leave ? No direction, no policies, no leader, no real alternatives offered. That is NOT brexit voters faults.
In the eyes of the majority in Europe, the Brexit concept is such a monumental own goal, that it is difficult to construct any single coherent arguement against it. It is so bizzare on so many levels. Even were it but slightly wrong , which I don't for a moment accept, the way it has been handled has been appallingly incompetent.
Britain stands alone, northern Ireland voted against it, Scotland voted against it , only England and Wales voted for it..
Just like the USA elections, the result was so different and so flew in the face of expert opinion that one cannot argue logically about it. It has descended into the realm of religious dogma.. on both sides by now, and it looks that it going to go to the bitter end game.
Everybody who has responsibility has In my opinion abdicated it. So it is going to go to the bitter end...
The bitter end will involve a land border, limited citizen rights and exclusion from the single market.
A review article on our national broadcasting channel mentioned the last foot and mouth epidemic we had in Ireland, created by the illegal transportation of livestock between Scotland and NI, and which transferred accross the border into a peninsula in ROI. If the UK, as is suggested, wants a trade deal with the USA, it will need to also an agricultural deal, and that will result in the hard border...
Now Zathlan, It is disingenious to say that these effects are not the responsibility of Brexit voters.and campaign leaders.. They are just in the same way as those horrific events in Texas yesterday are a direct consequence of their gun lobby. The Brexit side initiated the campaign, they also damaged the process by telling untruths ...or lies, about it being frictionless, that any objections was" project fear" , by shouting down any reasoned arguements with a simplistic slogans. There were threats to all and any who would not honour the" will of the people", including your judiciary, and there was murder.
All of these actions were initiated by the Brexit campaign, what is worrying was that those persons expected to heed expert opinion and not the baying of the job,... Your parliamentary parties, were and remain supine. Now flecc is suggesting that Labours stance is good politics, my view is less sanguine and the words "cop out "and" bottling it" a come to mind.

How can you reasonably expect "remainers ", to work for a good Brexit, when every action is either bad or worse .? In their opinion The only good Brexit is no Brexit. .. a view I concur with. Virtually any examination of any aspect from science, to education to agriculture, to personal rights , to industry to commerce is worse under Brexit than not. They have seen experts from all the industries belittled before during and after and shouted down, so why would they make the effort yet another time?
You cannot reason with an alcoholic when they are drunk, later when the sober truth of what has been allowed to happen dawn's,
The view they are adopting is , you made your bed now lie in it. I can appreciate their dispair , but wish it were not so.
Why am I am outsider still responding.. in the forlorn hope that someone within the Brexit camp realises what they are risking..
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Thought for the Day
Zlatan made this statement
"Just think if government had revenue from all this lost tax leaving eu would be no problem at all."
What supreme irony!
Brexit was bought and sold with offshore Gold to protect the scam, and the lies and promises that were spoonfed to the Brexit Voters,( which are still coming by the way,) are all intended to hide the truth

Brexit is a coup intended create a country that is little more than a Tax Haven for the rich and workhouse for the poor, and the rule of law and fairness for the people goes out of the window.
And who set this process up? the Coalition Government when it set up the laws to make it all so much easier to pull off

The final achievement of Paymasters and Right wing press is this, the Tory Party intends turning the UK into the equivalent of Bermuda without the weather.

At last! the real reason for Brexit is revealed as a Ponzi scheme.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Brexit is a coup intended create a country that is little more than a Tax Haven for the rich and workhouse for the poor, and the rule of law and fairness for the people goes out of the window.
This has always seemed to me the prime motive why the rich and infamous want 'Brexit', ever since it became EU policy to take action against tax havens.



Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
How can you reasonably expect "remainers ", to work for a good Brexit, when every action is either bad or worse .? In their opinion The only good Brexit is no Brexit. .. a view I concur with.
sorry, I agree with Zlatan on this. Remainers on this thread are constantly moaning, against everything and everyone, saying very little positive about any news, such as Britons will be able to opt in the EU associate citizenship. Even arch remainers like Nick Clegg and Tony Blair get nothing on here but insults from their own camp and that's before I mention notable MEPs.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
It seems so defeatist by remainers. How many have attended meetings, organised protests, rallies, written letters. Lobbied MP,s. I know KTM was involved in an organisation but its been the preserve of most remainers to simply accept everything as a fait accompli ( no idea how that's spelt) and then attack those with different views.
OG has posted literally thousands of times. All negative, has he approached anyone, organised anything, attended anything, written to mp,s, councillors explaining his dissatisfaction and desires for going forward. Nope , I doubt it. Its easier to single out brexit voters and blame them for voting as they did months ago.
Had there been a groundswell of similar wishes ( not criticisms) a politician would have been able to ride that opinion into no 10. Unfortunately you cant ride negativity. It counts for nothing. Stop telling us what you don't want and blaming brexit voters for giving it you, tell MPs what you DO and get them to do something.
Look at Tom,s rhetoric. How on earth is anybody supposed to represent that lot..They cant.
Remainers have had Blair, Clegg , Cable all to rally around but for whatever reason you chose not to.
You cant blame others for not getting a voice when all your own shouts have been put downs.
Just read the posts between my last and this. Knocking but not putting forward a thing. Like I said earlier its just like the Union Rep moaning about conditions, pay, holidays, training but not making a single request.
What do you all want ? There is no unification of desires amongst remainers.
Who do you want as PM ? What policies do you want ? I,ve followed tho thread for a while and no remainer has ever answered those two simple questions.( Flecc is only one that tried)
Personally I,m fairly happy with May,there are others I,d sooner see in No10 but at least she had guts to step into the mire Cameron created. Yes , I accept leaving EU is going to create difficulties but also give us opportunities. ( ok I,m an optimist) so where and with whom are remainers offering , requesting.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 19, 2017
for what my 2p is worth, this is all wishful thinking and pointless. brexit will happen, not because of the referendum, but because we are held to ransom by an obstinately obtuse xenophobic faction in the electorate who are evidently only capable of learning by urinating on the electric wires themselves. there isn't a politician that could possibly change their minds. the die is cast and sense will only prevail in two or three years when things get noticeably difficult.
As there isn't a button to describe this, let me just say that perhaps you (Steb) ought to read what you write before you post. Not sure who you trying to impress but, there's no sign of this audience being a bunch of impressionable kids?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
It seems so defeatist by remainers. How many have attended meetings, organised protests, rallies, written letters. Lobbied MP,s. I know KTM was involved in an organisation but its been the preserve of most remainers to simply accept everything as a fait accumpli ( no idea how that's spelt) and then attack those with different views.
OG has posted literally thousands of times. All negative, has he approached anyone, organised anything, attended anything, written to mp,s, councillors explaining his dissatisfaction and desires for going forward. Nope , I doubt it. Its easier to single out brexit voters and blame them for voting as they did months ago.
Had there been a groundswell of similar wishes ( not criticisms) a politician would have been able to ride that opinion into no 10. Unfortunately you cant ride negativity. It counts for nothing. Stop telling us what you don't want and blaming brexit voters for giving it you, tell MPs what you DO and get them to do something.
Look at Tom,s rhetoric. How on earth is anybody supposed to represent that lot..They cant.
Remainers have had Blair, Clegg , Cable all to rally around but for whatever reason you chose not to.
You cant blame others for not getting a voice when all your own shouts have been put downs.
Still not listening are you? Tom and I are FOR letting Brexit go ahead, why do you find that so hard to understand?

People like you would have learned Nothing if Brexit is cancelled now.
Look upon what is going to happen as Educational.

You Brexit fans are never satisifed are you? it must be hard to have a guilty conscience and unable to accept critisism at one and the same time.
Let's face it you hate being told you are wrong, but reserve the right to claim you are victims when someone criticises you.

Where do you get this notion of being put down from? are you unable to take criticism? does it hurt your ego?

I don't oppose Brexit, why isn't that good enough for you?
Everything is going pretty much as expected, so what is there for me to do?
All I have to do is be patient, amuse myself reading your rants and wait.

As you are so fond of saying
What is it you really want?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
As there isn't a button to describe this, let me just say that perhaps you (Steb) ought to read what you write before you post. Not sure who you trying to impress but, there's no sign of this audience being a bunch of impressionable kids?
But some of them did vote for the Conservative perhaps the word impressionable is applicable after all.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
Still not listening are you? Tom and I are FOR letting Brexit go ahead, why do you find that so hard to understand?

People like you would have learned Nothing if Brexit is cancelled now.
Look upon what is going to happen as Educational.

You Brexit fans are never satisifed are you? it must be hard to have a guilty conscience and unable to accept critisism at one and the same time.
Let's face it you hate being told you are wrong, but reserve the right to claim you are victims when someone criticises you.

Where do you get this notion of being put down from? are you unable to take criticism? does it hurt your ego?

I don't oppose Brexit, why isn't that good enough for you?
Everything is going pretty much as expected, so what is there for me to do?
All I have to do is be patient, amuse myself reading your rants and wait.

As you are so fond of saying
What is it you really want?
If that were truly case you would have lost reason to post months ago.
What you really desire ( and its not a pleasant trait) is for us all to fall flat on our faces while you sit back scoff and say I told you so. A coat holder. As a kid at school always some kid willing to hold your coat,offer advice whilst somebody else had the fight.
Its a get out OG. Its not admirable either.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
But some of them did vote for the Conservative perhaps the word impressionable is applicable after all.
The conservative government wanted to remain. Corbyn always wanted out.
And that's another reason remainers mixed wishes have been ignored. You,ve made Brexit / Remain into a class war, which it is not. You have attempted to blame everything on Tories ( and Murdoch press) from Fascism of 40:s to NHS funding.
Brexit is not a Tory / Labour class war concept. Labour want out EU anyway.
Your arguments around Brexit should have stayed exactly that. As it is nobody has a clue what remainers are thinking. Steb, OG and Tom obviously anti Tory but not pro Labour /???
Remainers have themselves to blame for position they are now in.
The remain campaign has been a fiasco from start to finish. Its been full of lies and exaggeration and now typified by all this ridiculous hate rhetoric.
The bottom line is remainers want to remain ( or should have been). They have not set out their stall to achieve that one goal. They have brought in all sorts of nonsense, which has totally muddied the waters, to leavers benefit.

You dont see the irony in your comment. You are a devout remainer but openly say " well actually I want to leave". Its exactly why the remain campaign is fractured. Corbyn, Blair , Cable and Clegg have all offered remainers a lifeline ( not so much Corbyn) but they haven't a clue how much support they would actually get. Remainers are saying things like " well I want to leave" and posting pictures of Blackshirts and insulting leavers. Its been a senseless way to remain, which is why we wont.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 19, 2017
From the Telegraph's Tim Stanley

Attacks on legal tax vehicles are simply an attempt to hand more power to the state"

Not much in the way of contrition there is there?
No, of course not, there is truth in such a statement and to read the whole article makes the point. Essentially down to the pro's and con's of necessary government vs nanny state. Or, be careful what you wish for, to drive all these multimillionaires completely out of our jurisdiction wouldn't achieve anything good for the poor. Such people might well use these tax reduction methods (loopholes, call them what you like) but, they still pay enormous amounts of tax to the exchequer each year.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 19, 2017
This has always seemed to me the prime motive why the rich and infamous want 'Brexit', ever since it became EU policy to take action against tax havens.

There may be some truth in this, we agree for once. However, certainly not as simple as it sounds nor desirable, dependant on your political viewpoint. Why would anyone want more government? Something else we mostly agree with, there is little, if any evidence that an increasing tax take leads to better governance. That said, I do not advocate tax avoidance and there are many examples of the rich doing better things than Governments. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation being one such example.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 29, 2008
After tonight's panorama programme it is hard to avoid the conclusion that the pro brexit politicians wanted brexit to avoid being sorted out by the EU, and for no better reason than to protect their money laundering.

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I’m not defending this latest scandal and I detest the principle of the wealthy and the most able to pay taxes shifting their tax burden onto those less able to pay. However, all of this has happen whilst being members of the EU and most of the Conservative party were against leaving. So how can you claim that Brexit is in itself a conspiracy for tax avoidance? They seem to have done very well whilst being members.

Perhaps the EU is so burdened with bureaucracy and committee decisions that they will never reach agreement over how to tackle tax avoidance? Could this be the real reason why a majority of Tory MPs favour remain?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
If that were truly case you would have lost reason to post months ago.
What you really desire ( and its not a pleasant trait) is for us all to fall flat on our faces while you sit back scoff and say I told you so. A coat holder. As a kid at school always some kid willing to hold your coat,offer advice whilst somebody else had the fight.
Its a get out OG. Its not admirable either.
Try to understand before one of us dies.
The process of Brexit is irreversible
Resistance is futile,
But criticism is necessary to keep the attention of people focusses away from the latest boob job of some useless celebrity.
And it keeps you coming back for more doesn't it?
You are making assumptions again about my attitude based on your own weaknesses.
We are different beasts you and I, you are concerned to gain an advantage for yourself, in that, we differ completely.
Brexit will provide me with nothing I desire, rather it provides the very opposite.
If it succeeds, well and good, but that in no way proves you were right to risk the future on such slim odds of success, does it? and the motives of the promoters of Brexit are now laid bare for all to see.

It is the worlds biggest con job by the rich on the poor, to "Take back control" yes indeed they are going to do that aren't they?
And you have helped them do that.
All your dissembling and evasion can't alter that fact can it?
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