Brexit, for once some facts.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 26, 2015
The European Union
I know that. The point I try to make is if remainers want to win the argument, they need to adopt Mr Trump's way to express his politics. Otherwise, they just talk to themselves.
You mean like "I know I have tiny hands but my **** is huge!"? That kind of politics?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
the sale of public assets, specially infractructural assets happened under both tory and labour administrations and entirely when we are inside the EU. One would say that the EU facilitated the sale of public assets. They support the sentiment of wanting to take the country back to where it was.
First the only administration we have had have all had Conservative policies.
Second the sale of assets has NOTHING to do with the EU, now has it?
And your last statement is actually the opposite to the aims of the EU which is to improve the lives of it's citizens.
I can't understand why you have confused the issues in this manner.
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
I can't understand why you have confused the issues in this manner
I think you under-estimate the role of EU market liberalisation policy. Asset sales are open to all EU economic actors, resulting in assets to be often sold to foreign investors.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
again from the Telegraph
Britain 'unable to conduct major amphibious operations' under cost-cutting plans to sell off warships
Naval officials in Chile and Brazil are reported to be lining up to buy two Royal Navy amphibious landing platform ships and Type-23 frigates after UK officials told them they may be put up for sale from next year..

I hope they realise how much putting new engines in them will add to the price, and why are we selling off ships when we are supposed to be "Protecting our Borders"?

This is getting sillier by the Day.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
From the Tlegraph this morning
The nihilist Left wants to abolish free speech completely – and universities are capitulating"

All because a Tory minister demanded a list of lecturers who dared to tell the truth as they saw it and not publicly worship this Brexit Religion thing?
That sounds to me like false news or as we used to call such blatant untruths, lies!

If only the judiciary were not part of the the same British elite as media tycoons, an action for libel against these tory propaganda organs would undoubtedly be successful.

I must remember never to buy the torygraph again!:D



Esteemed Pedelecer
I think you under-estimate the role of EU market liberalisation policy. Asset sales are open to all EU economic actors, resulting in assets to be often sold to foreign investors.
So, if I do some research I'll find lots of UK companies and maybe even the UK government itself, own similar assets in say, Germany, France........maybe The Netherlands, Italy, etc, to those in the UK owned by foreign companies and governments?

After all, one might expect our UK freeloaders business investors to be every bit as entrepreneurial as their counterparts in other countries, is that a fair comment?

And there I was thinking the UK was awash with venture capitalists, the kind of people who create the economic growth from which we all benefit through the 'trickle-down' effect.....or am I getting mixed up with those groups expert on tax evasion and avoidance?

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jul 15, 2017
Other than the few times that I have been ill, I don't think that there has been one day in the past 50 years that I have not driven a car.
Me too, but if you lived in Amsterdam, with many great cycle paths and cycling infrastructure (instead of a town in England with one potholed knobbly shoulder less road jammed with irate commuters in cars) it could have been very different
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
So, if I do some research I'll find lots of UK companies and maybe even the UK government itself, own similar assets in say, Germany, France........maybe The Netherlands, Italy, etc, to those in the UK owned by foreign companies and governments?
If remaiiners like OG made this kind of remarks:

Ask yourself why 74% of UK rail franchises are operated by foreign governments?
then there is no wonder that brexiters feel just as strongly that their country has been taken over by EU businesses.
The point is remainers have to bridge the gap of 'them and us' in a simple language when EU nationals and British living in EU countries are discussed.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
I think you under-estimate the role of EU market liberalisation policy. Asset sales are open to all EU economic actors, resulting in assets to be often sold to foreign investors.
That is no reason to absolve the Torys of responsibility for their actions is it?
They had no need to sell of all of those things, did they?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
If remaiiners like OG made this kind of remarks:

then there is no wonder that brexiters feel just as strongly that their country has been taken over by EU businesses.
The point is remainers have to bridge the gap of 'them and us' in a simple language when EU nationals and British living in EU countries are discussed.
You are kidding me aren't you? are the Brexiters so thick they don't realise their Government SOLD these assets, they weren't TAKEN AWAY by the EU?
How on Earth can we bridge a gulf of stupidity as wide as that and remain sane?
Sorry but the answer is NO
If they can't understand the reality there is no Hope whatsover of communicating with them is there?
And let's be honest no point in trying as they simply won't understand.
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
And let's be honest no point in trying as they simply won't understand.
with attitude like this, no wonder you can't reach out to brexiters.
People are not thick. The fault is with the seller of argument. If you try to sell a bike that needs half an hour to explain, you are going 99% to lose the deal.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jul 15, 2017
with attitude like this, no wonder you can't reach out to brexiters.
People are not thick. The fault is with the seller of argument. If you try to sell a bike that needs half an hour to explain, you are going 99% to lose the deal.
This smacks of the brave new 21st century manufactured fake world we're growing into in which it becomes about marketing not truth or anything intrinsic. Treating the electorate like sheep that have to be conned into whats good for them is potentially more patronising (than suggesting their thick which, frankly, many brexiters are, when not insincere). It also sets a dangerous presedent in which youre forever up against the Mcdonalds and boris' of the world. Far better to treat them like responsible subjects in lives where they live the consequences of decisions including brexit
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
with attitude like this, no wonder you can't reach out to brexiters.
People are not thick. The fault is with the seller of argument. If you try to sell a bike that needs half an hour to explain, you are going 99% to lose the deal.
Not thick? Perhaps you have another suitable adjective to describe dumbly accepting propaganda without verifying the facts?
And how or even why is it the responsibility of remain voters to take on the thankless struggle to disabuse them, when clearly that attempt will fail?
Time for the leave voters to face the music as they called the tune.

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
with attitude like this, no wonder you can't reach out to brexiters.
People are not thick. The fault is with the seller of argument. If you try to sell a bike that needs half an hour to explain, you are going 99% to lose the deal.
If folk sold bikes like Tom and OG put over their arguments salesman would be wearing bike and walking odd. And you,d buy a car..
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