BEBA "come and try" Day in Regent's Park London

Wisper Bikes

Trade Member
Apr 11, 2007
Sevenoaks Kent
I am delighted to announce that BEBA has teamed up with London Green Fair to hold the first ever "London Electric Bike Fest" over the weekend of the 9th and 10th of June. We will also have a strong presence at the Bristol event being held on the 9th so it is a good weekend for anyone that can easily get into London or to Bristol to come and try some of the latest electric bikes available.

Alastair from Atmosphere Electric Bikes is organising the Bristol event so I will leave it to him to give you all the details.

BEBA are proud to announce that we are event sponsors and fully back the concept of the whole weekend.

The London Green Fair 2012 :: Sponsors and Supporters

The London Electric Bike Fest will be held on Chester road (closed for the weekend) on a half mile course just outside the main entrance to the Green Fest. Bikes will be available to test from 12.00 to 19.00 on both days.

So far the following companies have booked space;

Hero Eco
Storck Raddar
Green Zebra
Electric Transport Shop
Free Go
and of course Wisper!

So there will be a lot to see and try.

I will be updating as and when I have more information, in the mean time if anyone has any questions, please ask.

All the best


Wisper Bikes

Trade Member
Apr 11, 2007
Sevenoaks Kent
I should say that this event is not closed to BEBA members and anyone with a decent electric bike to sell would be more than welcome to join us.

The cost for the two days including a 3x3 covered space, direct access to the secure electric bike course overnight security for bikes and overnight charging facility is £600.00 for BEBA members and £750.00 for non members plus VAT. If anyone is still on the fence over joining BEBA this may be a good time to join we will deduct the extra £150.00 from your half year subscription.

If anyone else is interested in showing their bikes to what looks as if it is going to be a huge audience please drop me a line to or leave me a PM.

Best regards



Sep 13, 2009
Herts & Spain
Regents Park is a great venue to showcase ebikes David. In the capital city, there will be massive footfall and consequent interest in the products. Let's hope some more suppliers get on board and make it the best ebike show yet.

I shall certainly endeavour to be there if I get back from Spain in time.


Wisper Bikes

Trade Member
Apr 11, 2007
Sevenoaks Kent
Great Indalo, it is a little expensive for some suppliers but as you say the footfall will certainly make it worth while.

I truly believe what we need in the industry is some grown up, joined up thinking and not everyone going off at a tangent with their own agenda. BEBA is the perfect group to achieve this if we can get more serious players involved I am convinced it is the fastest way forward to connect with the mass market.

I feel that some may think I have my own agenda within BEBA, although this certainly is not the case it may be putting some off. So for the good of the industry as a whole I think it is time to resign as Chair so someone else can take over.

All the best

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Jul 7, 2008
David of Kudos?:D :p

Oh come on David(Wisper) you know you are perfect for the job.....You have the gift of the gab and you aren't even Irish!:confused:
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Wisper Bikes

Trade Member
Apr 11, 2007
Sevenoaks Kent
Thanks Eddie!

I have enjoyed helping to get BEBA off the ground but I do believe some may see BEBA as my private thiefdom and that will certainly hold it back. I have nominated Mark from Hero Eco to take over.

I absolutely believe an organisation such as BEBA is desperately needed within the industry if we are to make any headway, and if my resignation will encourage others to join I am happy to step down. I will however continue to assist the new Chairman in any ay I can.

All the best



Jul 7, 2008
Regent Park a perfect venue by the way!

Wisper Bikes

Trade Member
Apr 11, 2007
Sevenoaks Kent
Thanks Eddie I visited the site last week and it looks superb, it should be a good weekend, loads of live music and a huge ethical fair that last year drew 25,000 people over the two days, I suspect we will be inundated.

We will have the new DaaHub ready to try by then too!

All the best



Jul 7, 2008


Mar 31, 2011
Another 3 months??

Thanks Eddie I visited the site last week and it looks superb, it should be a good weekend, loads of live music and a huge ethical fair that last year drew 25,000 people over the two days, I suspect we will be inundated.

We will have the new DaaHub ready to try by then too!

All the best

Is that the earliest?

Wisper Bikes

Trade Member
Apr 11, 2007
Sevenoaks Kent
It will not look any different Eddie but the motor will be near silent and have the same power as the original without any of the fade or cut out issues. The new kits will come with alternative brakes.

All the best


Wisper Bikes

Trade Member
Apr 11, 2007
Sevenoaks Kent
Is that the earliest?
Hi Peter, we will have a few kits earlier for testing. As soon as we have them I will call you.

If possible can we talk about DaaHub on the DaaHub thread as I don't want to confuse the London Electric Bike Fest thread?

All the best



Official Trade Member
Apr 15, 2011
The BEBA 'come and try day' in Regents Park.
First of all I am supportive of any event which expands the e-bike concept and appreciative of those companies who pay to support such an event.
However I am becoming increasingly concerned about the motives of some in the green lobby.
I investigated the organisers of the London Green Festival-it is a registered Community Interest Company,company No 07523337.
I must say that I had no knowledge of community interest companies(CIC's)prior to this festival but now realise there are 3,100 CIC's in existence.
CIC's ARE BUSINESSES AND IN FACT ARE EXCLUDED FROM BEING CHARITIES,although their presentation(looking for donations,looking for unpaid working volunteers,the language used)would suggest a charitable intention.
A CIC was intended to be set up by philanthropic entrepreneurs,they have to fulfil a community purpose,profits are locked in but the biggest difference between a charity and a CIC is that a charity usually has volunteer unpaid boards whereas a CIC HAS PAID DIRECTORS.
Effectively they are companies set up by paid directors where the work is usually performed by unpaid volunteers-Oh I wish I could run KudosCycles similarly.
Why did I investigate CIC's-assuming that BEBA is passing on the costs of this show without undue profit then £750.00 is a significant sum for a 3mtr x 3mtr space in a public park,remember that the organising CIC is engaged on a social mission. This should be compared with Alistair at Atmosphere Bikes,Bristol who is organising a similar event on the same weekend at zero cost to exhibitors.
My experience is the word green is translated into pound sterling with lots noughts by some organisations,our own governments have learnt that criticising green taxes is not politically or socially acceptable so it is an easy tax to implement. There is an 'emperors new clothes syndrome' about these hopelessly inefficient wind turbines that are sprouting up all over our country-perhaps a little boy will come forward soon and shout naked!!!!
I noted that CIC's were set up in 2005 under a Labour Government.

Wisper Bikes

Trade Member
Apr 11, 2007
Sevenoaks Kent
Blimy, how cynical can you get possibly get Dave?

Of course there are paid directors, I have met one of them, and he has other business interestes that pay his wages, he takes hardly anything from the Green Fair.

You need to ask yourself how on earth would such a huge event take place without one or two full time staff? And why should they not be paid for their initiative and risk?

Before the event was taken over by the current company it was run by Camden where all the staff were paid was that better?

BEBA also is a Community Interest Company, it was set up that way because it was the most efficient way to utilise the member's fees, BEBA does not to pay it's directors.

We are fully supportive of Alastairs event and will be there too. We will not be attending any events arranged by a single manufacturer though. We believe "come and try" days need to be a joint effort, run by a group of professional electric bicycle businesses. We have already said you would be very welcome to apply for membership. However if you do not want to become a part of the group please refrain from pouring cold water over our initiatives and efforts.

How much do you think we are being paid to organise the event?

I have a meeting today with the Undersecretary of State for Transport to ask for the Government's assistance in promoting electric cycling. Who do you think pays for my time and transport costs?

Mark from Hero Eco and Sue from Batribike are in London next week organising the BEBA parliamentary electric bike day. Who do you think pays for their time and costs?

The truth is Dave there are some who want to work together to promote electric bike use general to benefit the whole industry (including your sales) regardless of cost to themselves in time and cash and there are others who don't. We do not discriminate against those who do not want to join in but would expect a little support and not to be constantly attacked.

Will you be attending the Cycle Show at the NEC or any other professionally organised exhibition or will you boycot and run these events down too? I am sorry to have to inform you but Upper Street Events are only doing it for the profit!

I believe £750 is massively cheap for such an event, consider.....

1. You are guaranteed 25,000 plus members of public will see the Electric Bike Fest Area 2. We are provided with a specially set up tent and signage
3. We have had a public road closed in West London to stage the Electric Bike Fest
4. There will be security guards at both ends of the circuit
5. The Green Fair provides over a mile of crowd control fencing to keep the bikes safe from being pinched and the public away from the test area
6. There is secure guarded storage for the bikes overnight with recharge facilities (in the middle of the park!)
7. We have a full page in the programme (over 25,000 copies) to promote the area
8. Millions of people will be invited to the event through advertising, posters, flyers and PR

Maybe you can now understand what a great deal this is. Maybe there is another reason you don't want to join in but I am sure it has nothing to do with value?

All said Dave, you are still very welcome to join us at BEBA or the event!


David Miall

banbury frank

Jan 13, 2011
Hi All All i can say To David and The BEBA Is well done in promoting Electric Bikes For all us suppliers

I had TNT in yesterday and the lady said I never new such things existed so the public need to be made aware that Electric Bikes Exist


Wisper Bikes

Trade Member
Apr 11, 2007
Sevenoaks Kent
Hi All All i can say To David and The BEBA Is well done in promoting Electric Bikes For all us suppliers

I had TNT in yesterday and the lady said I never new such things existed so the public need to be made aware that Electric Bikes Exist

Hi Frank, thanks for your support, yes of couse we will all benefit including Wisper. I don't want you to think it is only me though there is a growing group of us that are all working hard to get electric bikes in general into the public eye. I am sure that others will take over in the hard work future. It is just a little upsetting to be knocked by one of the companies who are already benefitting from the work BEBA does. Maybe I shouldn't be so sensitive but I do love this industry!

All the best

David :)