But that is the point are they?. Where does it say a 250w bike with a throttle is allowed in law ?
Just because its a accepted pratice amongst UK suppliers does not make it legal
Because,the bikes were tested with throttles and passed EN15194.
This thread is going round in circles and whilst in danger of getting pilloried for it I will try to put some honesty into the conversation.
I tell you that even the DfT do not understand the law,I have a letter at work that has so many ambiguities from the DfT that its really not worth reading. The law is stuck between the 1982 EPAC law and the EU 2003 directive-in the event of a test case and lets hope EN15194 is signed up to before a case becomes reality I think the courts would have difficulty in sorting legality.
Lets be brutally blunt we are putting throttles on our bikes because at least 40% of the customers would not buy that bike without a throttle and on this forum the percentage may be even higher,some customers cannot use the bike without a throttle-my inbox has,at this moment,an enquiry from a Kudos customer who wants to know if he can retrospectively fit a throttle to a Kudos King bike.
With regard to the legality the throttle could be considered a means of changing the PAS power setting and everybody would agree that a PAS control (that is fitted to every ebike) is an essential control for safe passage within pedestrians,the throttle is effectively a fully proportional PAS control-now that statement will probably open up a can of worms but that is the premise that all of us are working to and the EN15194 testers seem to agree.
By the way,boost buttons,are specifically banned under the regulations because they,in some cases,changed the amp setting of the controller and therefore voided the EN15194 regs.
Whilst there are many arguments about the motor power even on 250 watt bikes being outside EN15194 we have to be practical about this-my bikes all seem to exhibit similar performance characteristics,the choice being one of style and specification rather than power-but I have ridden bikes at shows with supposedly only 250 watts that I can pull a wheelie on a bike weighing 37kgs,I have also ridden test S class bikes with 350 watts and bikes in China with 500 watts,these are so much more powerful that the difference is immediately obvious-it is these bikes we want off the cycletracks before someone gets hurt.
As far as my customers are concerned all Kudos bikes meet EN15194,the certificates are there for anyone to view(I take a book of them to every show)and in the event of an accident,assuming the bike has not been DIY modified I think customers should take confidence in that standard.
If ultimately throttles are outlawed for definite,as has recently been the case in Germany then one wire removed from the controller disconnects the throttle.
Now the armchair lawyers can pick the bones out of that lot,but in the current confused situation I think that Kudos and other responsible importers are presenting bikes that people want to buy and with EN15194 certification.