As is typical, the thread has drifted somewhat but going back to your original posting about a 'stronger' motor etc. In the event you come up with any candidates, you might like to lend some thought to the question of 'anti-torque' washers/tabs/arms?......Would anybody recommend a stronger motor that would replace the existing Swytch front wheel motor, without any rewiring. Thanks in anticipation.
Rig the Jig.
To aid understanding of what might be involved here, this very interesting (but rather dragged out) YT vid by Grin Technologies (LINK), starts at the 18min 50sec point on the topic of anti torque measures and gives some examples of what torques need what in terms of axle flats, tab washers and so on.
The current AKM100SX in the Swytch kit uses tab washers on the axle flats and seems to be adequate for the 40Nm quoted for that motor but looking at the Grin Tech vid, anything with more torque is likely to need a torque arm.
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