As long as no real time output to display is needed.
Very little coding if none at all required to capture data and broadcast it with existing tech frameworks.
there are a few configurable f/w systems for popular esp8266/32 socs. Im most familiar with tasmota which will host a web server of config pages so you can configure h/w like temp sensors etc and dictate where and at what frequency logs should be sent in the json/mqtt format over wifi. (other logging available such as *nix syslog..)
A further capture and record device hosting a mqtt broker with storage would be needed (your fone?), though i would use a PI-zero-W to host a wifi network to recieve the mqtt or syslog broadcasts and format the useful data accordingly (i would probably use node red - gui - easy) total cost circa £25-30 + sensors ( asuming you have a powerbank/5v feed available to power the pi-zero.. more otherwise.
( there are <5 client mqtt brokers that can run on an esp8266 but would require coding and h/w to log to storage)
tasmota wiki for supported h/w -sensors for input if not there you would need to add to the sources and recompile ( real programming) but not impossible. there are quite a few though..
Alternatively if you find cheap off the shelf ble sensors you can accomplish pretty much the same with the
OMG project- Open Mqtt Gateway f/w for an esp32..
- I had plans... but the frequency my back box has been knocked off my bike has slowed my pace asI had planned to house my 'bike brain' within the gap of 2x stacked boxes at the rear.
** MQTT is a messaging protocol that can handle long text strings great for mark up languages like xml json...
A Broker is required to receive and repost mqtt messages, without one your literally whistling into the wind, data gets lost. Its a whole thing worth the 10 mins or so to swallow the basics might take a couple of sessions for it to sink in??
Mosquitto is the broker i employ on the same h/w above , Pi-0-W(v1).
Node Red is a Gui tool accessed via a web interface that is MESSAGE based, create flows that manipulate and change the message as it passes through the flow, THIS IS A PARADIGM SHIFT from traditional coding, but once the penny drops.. its easy/powerful, took me a bit of time tbh tho flow #1 was a monster and about 90% the way through I though hang on .. and reduced it to a handful of nodes..
what i mean to say-- not that tricky and if you want a hand to get going im happy to point..