Cool! Bookmarked. There aren't any hills anywhere near me, as steep and as long as that, but I breeze up this one while dragging a 90kg+ bike trailer (+me+bike=180kg total), while defeated local real cyclists look on at my silly looking ickle folding bike with amazement. This hill is a favourite for local masochists. Progress was slow at 15A, would be a bit faster with the current 20A current.Mapometer
Rear QR axle gets yanked out by the trailer hitch, when trailer cargo is over 100kg + 15.5kg trailer, else I think my bike would be capable of dragging that weight up too, plus 68kg of me and 22.41kg of bike = 205.91kg. Might be forced to drop chainwheel size from 52T to do so, sacrificing no-haul speed on flat road, but I'll never know.
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