For anyone landing on this thread without seeing the
original a word about the controller swap, especially as I
plan on one myself.
The new controller at 12A increases the torque over the old one and doubles the heating effect. The OP used
calculations, heuristics and a wealth of experience to indicate the bike should be OK with this and has
tested to check it worked, successfully.
So can we be sure the battery will be OK with the extra heat? LiNMC is known for exponential runaway meaning they can fail fiercely long after whatever set them off.
Extracting better performance consumes some of the margin of safety, shrinking the envelope of circumstances for safe use. Testing doesn't prove something's repeatable but gathers evidence we've left enough headroom for our circumstances. In other words a successfully uprated bike remains an experiment in progress. So when over-taxing batteries I suggest:
- a prominent label on the handlebars: ** AVOID TAKING INDOORS **
- lots of edge case testing straight after conversion
Testing can show that the outcome is or isn't worth upgrading with a suitably rated battery for safety. Alternatively the bike could live its life as a successful experiment, but this is where the OP's long experimental experience comes into play. For the rest of us there's the insidious risk of forgetting that it remains an experiment and loading it into the car one day, for example.