Search results

  1. H

    Cycle Lane Law?

    Could you stand in front of the camera until they get the hint?
  2. H

    Electric Bike wins Climate Change Innovation Competition

    Is it road legal? The weights and dimensions are missing from the website and I can't see how it gets within the weight limit.
  3. H

    Independent or Multi? ''USE US OR LOSE US''

    Love to support my local independent retailer, if only I could get past the pedelec hating BMX urchins that gob off out the front.
  4. H

    Which cheap bike?

    I have the iZip so can add a little. As Flecc has said it is a hugely heavy bike, but you may not realise how noisy the motor is either, it sounds like a milk float. That said I have been very satisfied with mine, although my riding style is to add some reasonable effort of my own in. It...
  5. H

    Got Road Raged - Advice needed.

    Mackerel up the exhaust pipe...
  6. H

    suitable specifications for hill climbing bike

    I also have a choice of mile+ long hills to ride up to get to work, which I believe may be significantly steeper than yours, but I may be wrong. On top of this I weigh a good 5 stone more than you. My bike was slightly cheaper than the one you are looking at and it gets me up the hill every...
  7. H

    Wacky Projects for Summer 2009

    I've had thoughts of adding a second currie motor to my old Izip to cope with the additional amps, converting the behind the saddle battery to a 24V ping, adding a second rack mounted 24V ping, which are wired together to give 48V and uprating the controller to suit. Just to see what would happen.
  8. H

    How do I delete this thread?

    Can you make helmets out of MDMA or is that MDF?
  9. H

    Simplest electric assist possible?

    That was the impression I got.
  10. H

    How do you see e-bikes?

    Recently had a whole load of abuse from a couple of BMX urchins outside a bike shop. They though I was lazy and may have well just bought a motorbike. Not sure how burning petrol might help, or how just coming back from a 17mile ride on a lead acid battery and still having all my battery lights...
  11. H

    Cycling on the up!!

    Saw another pedelec out and about yesterday, gent on a Powacycle Salisbury in High Wycombe. Shame I was in a pub so couldn't wave a cheery halloo!
  12. H

    Cycle helmet wearers are reckless

    Your head, your choice. Simple innit. I wear one when in heavy traffic and on heavy trails but don't bother for gentle cycle route rides.
  13. H

    Face Freeze

    I use a Buff. Just noticed they do a reflective range too.
  14. H

    Blog entry with pics from my last ride out

    Aye, Wycombe is a hilly town. There are two ways out on the flat, North to Princes Risborough or South to Bourne End; other than that it's a bit of a killer. I've often thought it might be an ideal location for a pedelec rally a lá Tour de Presteigne, but close enough to London to be interesting.
  15. H

    Blog entry with pics from my last ride out

    I have friends who surf out of Braunton, so the Tarka trail is one that I intend to do in the future.
  16. H

    When 15 mph isn't enough

    It's not so bad, I can get up to 35mph on my downhill run and being able to keep with the flow of traffic is much safer than not. I do keep a close eye on the brakes though, although the biggest problem I seem to get is cable stretch. The V-brakes really are surprisingly effective on a 37Kg bike.
  17. H

    Cycling on the up!!

    I have noticed an increase in bikes on my commute, there were four of us in convoy going through the town centre at eight this morning.
  18. H

    Cyclist age

    Happily 31 to 40, and will continue to cling to it for the next three months... ...then it's the huge jump to 51!
  19. H

    Black Ice Grrrrrr

    Sorry to hear about your falls. Must admit I've not had the courage to cycle since about mid December, until today. Very telling on my fitness levels, had to drop down two extra gears to get up the hill.