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  1. Jimod

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    We'd probably use the pound in the interim. I'd campaign for us to adopt the rouble. That would really annoy Mrs May. ;) As to the EU. There were people up here campaigning for independence last time based on the fact that they wanted out of the EU and David Cameron had said that's what...
  2. Jimod

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    A lot of us up here want a second referendum as well. We'll worry about a second brexit referendum after that. ;)
  3. Jimod

    Broken chain.

    The only real problem was in starting off. Turning the pedals doesn't move the bike until the motor cuts in. A thumb throttle like the one on the Typhoon would have started the bike moving whilst allowing me to start turning the pedals. :)
  4. Jimod

    Broken chain.

    Out on the Tourer today and the chain snapped 4 miles from home. Now, to me this wasn't a problem. However to the woman walking past, she thought I was in trouble. It's OK I said, I'll get home, it's only 4 miles. So, I picked up the chain and stuck it in my bag. The look on her face when I...
  5. Jimod

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Well you know I'm going to have to try those two now, don't you? :)
  6. Jimod

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    By far the best tea bag in the pot would be, Bewley's Irish breakfast. I'm just hoping brexit doesn't increase the price of them much. :)
  7. Jimod

    Things I didn't know......and confusion.

    So you prefer the Irish stuff do you? ;)
  8. Jimod

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    I think you meant 'celebrations' instead of 'ructions' ;)
  9. Jimod

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    The majority of people in Britain don't care if Northern Ireland joins Eire or just floats off into the Atlantic. Either would save us a load of problems.
  10. Jimod

    Returning my ebike to Decathlon tonight and here's why

    You're not the Messiah, you're a very naughty man. ;)
  11. Jimod

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Putin could explain it in 4 words... "We didn't do it" Then what will she do? :) Being Scottish, I liked Boris's idea. Pull England out of the world cup. :)
  12. Jimod

    bosch intuvia phone charging lead where to buy on ebay please

    Is this what you're looking for?
  13. Jimod

    Go to work on a Pineapple! Wisper Folder sneak preview.

    Wisper it. could also mean it's so good, you don't need to shout it from the rooftops. :)
  14. Jimod

    Go to work on a Pineapple! Wisper Folder sneak preview.

    When someone asks what kind of bike it is, you'll say, "wisper it" They'll then ask you again in a quieter voice. ;)
  15. Jimod

    Go to work on a Pineapple! Wisper Folder sneak preview.

    Wisper It . That's a nice short name. ;)
  16. Jimod

    Waterproofing Bosch System

    I'm catholic so I'm not allowed to use them. I'll stick to clingfilm.
  17. Jimod

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    You lot down there need to leave poor old Boris alone. All us SNP supporting sweaty socks up here think he'd be a great PM in the Westminster government. ;) . Mind you, we'd probably need to get rid of Ms. Sturgeon and get somebody good in to replace her first.
  18. Jimod

    How long do you expect an ebike to last before needing replacement?

    I probably mean, stick it in the back of the garage and just use it occasionally. ;) I've fitted a battery holder from a Typhoon to it so I can use its own battery or one of my Typhoon batteries.
  19. Jimod

    How long do you expect an ebike to last before needing replacement?

    My Kudos Tourer will be 7 years old in July. The battery on it is about 6 years old. It still goes fine. I also have a Kudos Typhoon which will be 4 years old in March. I am considering retiring the Tourer and buying a Kudos Stealth this year but I'm not sure. When I take the Tourer out it...
  20. Jimod

    Ebikes are so old school!

    It doesn't need to be legal. When the 'flying squad' charge you with some motoring offence, you'd go to court and plead insanity. No jury would then convict you. ;)