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  1. Jimod

    Hub or Mid Drive? Any views?

    In that case, every company in Britain could simply import their stuff and stick a British flag on it. They wouldn't need to make anything in UK.
  2. Jimod

    Kudos secret review

    You can phone Kudos and buy parts from them . I bought a new wheel for mine a couple of weeks ago and recieved it the next day. I've always had great service and very quick delivery from Kudos.
  3. Jimod

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    i hope you enjoyed your holiday, don't worry, this thread is still in the same place as when you left. ;)
  4. Jimod

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Do you acually believe that you know what you're talking about?
  5. Jimod

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Indeed, I cycle past his shale bings regularly.
  6. Jimod

    And i thought i had seen it all

    I should think so too. It's a major selling point. ;)
  7. Jimod

    Happy Birthday

    My Kudos Typhoon is 5 years old today. It's still doing the business and still getting me up hills faster than others. :) My Kudos Tourer will be 8 years old in July. It must be time for another bike, suerly. :)
  8. Jimod

    Street legal

    The easy way to find it will be when you ride it. If it goes over 15.5 mph with the motor still working then it's de-restricted. On my bike you could also change the wheel size setting so it could go faster but still only show 15.5 mph. I guess you'd know if that's happened to yours as it...
  9. Jimod

    strange problem

    Count your blessings. ;)
  10. Jimod

    Help - too many punctures

    That is my experience of slime filled tubes as well.
  11. Jimod

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Poirot is on ITV 3. Im just posting this during an AD break. ;)
  12. Jimod

    Website update

    I think it's horrendous. There was nothing wrong with the old layout.
  13. Jimod

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    If the EU said that. Most of us up here would definitely vote to leave. )
  14. Jimod

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Mea Culpa :)
  15. Jimod

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    If we had 27 unmarried royals, we could marry one to every country left in the EU. Mrs. May would then have an easy job.
  16. Jimod

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Are there any unmarried royals who could get wed and have a right royal wedding? That would take our mind off it.
  17. Jimod

    Atera Strada E-bike towball mounted rack

    When putting it on, hold the rear end and as you lower the lever, gently raise the rear of the carrier and see if it finds a sweet spot that allows the lever to go down fully. I own a Thule and if the rack isn't sitting at the correct angle to the towbar the lever won't go down. Jim
  18. Jimod

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Aye, and none of them are straight.
  19. Jimod

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    It's a good idea but it wouldn't work. You're asking the proletariat to make 2 important decisions at the same time. There was a woman in the audience of Question Time once who said she'd been undecided about the referendum right up until the night before it. Then she thought "straight bananas"...
  20. Jimod

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    The answer on whether to have another brexit referendum or not, is to have a referendum on whether to have another brexit referendum or not. Then the second brexit referendum will happen or not happen, depending on the will of the people. It's simple really.