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  1. RobF

    Spoke question

    Assuming it's a spoke in the motor wheel that's broken, it won't have been the best quality or build in the first place. As d8 says, somewhat counter-intuitively a 14g (thinner) spoke often performs better than a 13g one. Whatever size, I think it's worth getting branded spokes if you can...
  2. RobF

    I have took a bit of a gamble.

    I'm not the biggest fan of cheap Chinese ebikes although I've seen worse than this one. More importantly, don't expect any ebike to get you very fit very quickly. The gentle exercise is all good, but the main benefit will be you will hopefully enjoy getting out into the countryside and riding...
  3. RobF

    Update on N.I. e-bike regs.

    Facebook is a big business but it's hard to assess the extent of use. I have some friends and acquaintances - particularly women - who are never off it. On t'other hand, I probably know more people who are not users. Official bodies - such as police forces - and companies do Facebook's...
  4. RobF

    Update on N.I. e-bike regs.

    My cycling group had a facebook account which had its uses. Note the past tense - the page has fallen into disuse. That was my only use of facebook, so I suppose I'm now a non-user, although my account is still there.
  5. RobF

    Pleasant ride, sunshine but something missing?

    The best 'bell' I have is my voice, although the pinger on the handlebars has its uses.
  6. RobF

    Bosch ebike motor reliability

    The different models of motor is something else again. Kalkhoff, bless 'em, make a Bosch Speed predelec which has an Alfine 11 hub.
  7. RobF

    Bosch ebike motor reliability

    So ebikers go two or three times faster than a club road rider? Of course they don't, they go slower if anything. I would like to know where this 'two or three times power' goes, but I think we will have to agree to disagree. d8 isn't quite right about the Bosch motor being 'de-tuned' for hub...
  8. RobF

    Bosch ebike motor reliability

    You might then think hub gears would be regularly going pop but they are not. The Shimano seven and eight speed hubs appear to be bombproof reliable with a Bosch motor. My Alfine 11 broke, but then lots of them did, more on push bikes than ebikes due to numbers sold.
  9. RobF

    Bosch ebike motor reliability

    A hub motor must put less strain on the drivetrain. However, if I'm climbing at the same speed as the roadie, the extra strain can only be that caused by the extra weight of my rig. I doubt that amounts to much, but can't say for sure. What I don't get is the posts we have on here - often...
  10. RobF

    Bosch ebike motor reliability

    My Rose/Bosch Alfine 11 hub gear bike did more than 5,000 miles on the original chain, which might be still going now for all I know because I sold the bike. A hub gear bike would all but eliminate chain and sprocket wear, and of course, entirely eliminate cassette wear because there isn't one...
  11. RobF

    Bosch ebike motor reliability

    I still don't get how crank drives are supposed to wear transmissions. For most of us - certainly for me - the total load of me and motor on the transmission is less than a fit road cyclist. Bosch ebikes with hub gears don't eat chains or hubs, so are a better prospect for commuting. A lot of...
  12. RobF

    The Last Wisper Sneak Preview of the year. 12kg Road Bike

    The rewards may be there if you can position Wisper as a cool, niche brand. Not easy, but it's been done before. In mountain bikes, Orange - and probably others I've not heard of - have successfully taken on the big brands and established themselves as the quality product the informed customer...
  13. RobF

    The Last Wisper Sneak Preview of the year. 12kg Road Bike

    Which is another problem going against the premium brands - the online discounters get hold of it and spank its backside. Cube/Fazua bikes are still fairly new, but 'offers' in the next year or so could skew the market further. With the best will in the world, who is going to pay extra for a...
  14. RobF

    The Last Wisper Sneak Preview of the year. 12kg Road Bike

    The new bike looks good, although it is not without its competition. Cube offer Fazua bikes for about the same price - the £4K one in the link is lower spec. As with Wisper's eMTBs, Wisper seem to think the customer will pay as much for a Wisper bike as for one of the established premium...
  15. RobF

    Returning my ebike to Decathlon tonight and here's why

    A mate of mine has a fairly expensive Decathlon road bike. He does quite a few miles and has been pleased with it. Decathlon cheaper bikes really are cheap - and nasty. As regards creaks, no bike, regardless of cost, is totally silent all the time.
  16. RobF

    Returning my ebike to Decathlon tonight and here's why

    Fairly typical of what you will get with a £1,000 ebike. OK at first blush, but cheap and nasty underneath so not a good long term prospect. It's done quite well to do 800 commuting miles without breaking down to the extent of leaving you stranded. Not sure on what basis you would be entitled...
  17. RobF

    Tires + Tubes

    Rolling resistance is generally thought to be lower with tubeless. My experience is there isn't much in it, but my bike does roll a little easier now it's tubeless.
  18. RobF

    Oxygen Scross MTB ongoing review

    Me and d8 agree on one thing - if you went by chain gauges you would be changing the chain every five minutes on any bike. Conditions must come into it, a lot of eMTBs are Bosch and mountain biking - in certain types of dirt - will wear a chain. But in those conditions, a chain on a hub eMTB...
  19. RobF

    My first DIY e-bike

    Buy a petrol motorbike.
  20. RobF

    What's the optimum PSI?

    Some rolling resistance figures on this link. Seems the Kenda tyre is a poor performer in fat bike terms, but 20psi will make the best of a bad job. Could be worth changing to Schwalbe Jumbo Jim when the Kendas are worn out...