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  1. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    No, I didn't blame ECJ at all. I blame our government and greedy businesses men like Mike Ashley, between them they trample any ECJ rules. Its purely the remit of nations government...makking ECJ a big expensive pink elephant.
  2. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Apologies, I really haven't read that. Unfortunately many didn't.( Abstain that is)
  3. Z

    Most powerful eBike for long uphill journeys?

    Higher power density motors are in the way.... "Siemens' experts scrutinized all the components of previous motors and optimized them up to their technical limits. New simulation techniques and sophisticated lightweight construction enabled the drive system to achieve a unique...
  4. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Its just so ironic. Tom and OG come on here explaining,quite rightly,how working class have suffered , how the wealthy are getting wealthier, the NHS is floundering etc etc etc and put it all down to Tory control ( again quite possible) but then scream and shout about how great EU is and how...
  5. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Come on OG. Zero hours contracts are everything EU doesn't stand for, yet they are alive and well in UK, even got support from many folk on here.. How come the ECJ has not prevented them ? Because it cant, therefore its a pointless charade of care. Said it before, we need a caring government...
  6. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    And her opinion has just as much " right" as anybodies. Once we go down road of passing judgements and standards of some sort for voting it really is the end of democracy.
  7. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    And yes I think the ECJ has done nothing to protect anyone, from fires to reduced pensions to unemployment to Zero hours contracts. Banned in many EU countries. Not ours. What has ECJ done on that. Same old story, if country wants to avoid or implement anything it can. ( wording I quoted said as...
  8. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    No who is obsessed with Blair. But yes like millions I supported Blair ( not sure which other Labour pm anyone else voted for?) and yes we were all misled and lied to. Labour voters had no choice but support him, by default it seems you are the one who voted Tory and this time contemplated Lib...
  9. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    OG ECJ is not a product of EC, and if individual countries so wish the can already over rule its decisions. As normal you both over simplify situation and overestimate what EC does. "The ECJ is the highest court of the European Union in matters of Union law, but not national law. It is not...
  10. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Think there would be a bloke with a brolly following you OG if May was Putin..Tom would be long gone.
  11. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    On the same programme was the idiot Mendoza, who along with all the other extreme left fools has ruined any chance of a reputable , sensible image for Labour movement. Unfortunately the public simply see all socialists as represented by these people. It even happens on here. If you aim any...
  12. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    KTM / Tom There is little point criticizing individuals when neither the government or whats more to the point , the opposition , are offering any policies whatsoever with regard to postponing, cancelling or even softening Brexit. We have just debated the unbelievable stance JC is taking. The...
  13. Z

    Grenfell Tower

    It would certainly quell suspicion ( a little) if official figures of survivors were published. If there is a small discrepancy adding all the knowns together , well that would be sort of normal but a large figure ?? I was under impression only 168 people had been accounted for , adding to this...
  14. Z

    Most powerful eBike for long uphill journeys?

    Just seen graphs...they would also infer a flat torque curve , with power simply rising as a function of higher rpm, until approx cadence of 90 or so is reached. Graph is contradictory to earlier link showing power meter on Yamaha. That showed max power of around 700, the graph under 500 ???
  15. Z

    Most powerful eBike for long uphill journeys?

    Correct me by all means DV but isn't motor torque with respect to rpm just,about a flat line until max rpm ? ( thought it was one of advantages over ICE engines who,s torque curves can be all over place) Totally agree re once some ( as yet unknown) cadence is hit motor cant give any torque..(...
  16. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    You know everything OG..but anyone can answer...doesnt make sense... Labour in turmoil...what a surprise
  17. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    He cant and much as it pains me I suspect he,d have won last election with a halt Brexit policy.
  18. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    But why aren't they opposing the government ? Thats their job...the opposition ??? What's going on ? How can they ever get to power with same policies ?
  19. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Can somebody please explain why JC is not pushing to stay in single market? He,s actually sacked 3 ministers ( a 4th has resigned) for backing a rebellion against him...putting forward possibility of staying in single market ) against his policy?!) I know I,m all for leaving EU but surely his...
  20. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    No chance... Yes, unfortunately ,I did vote for Blair...sort of hard not to when Labour is only party I,ve ever voted for. ( to be honest didn't vote at all after Brown fiasco)