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  1. Georgew

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Goodness seems that I've wandered trouser-less into a minefield.
  2. Georgew

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    I may not agree with leavers but given the untruths and propaganda of the leave campaign I can well see why they voted that way.....but I then I would not insult them for their opinions. Social cohesion is all very well but if this is based upon a hatred of immigrants then it's not worth having...
  3. Georgew

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    To be fair I did take the trouble to read your post in which you responded to a post criticising the Daily Mail by saying this : "Spouting stuff like ruins this thread. Its sort of comments that would get you ushered out of question time by Dimbleby...and rightly so." It does seem that you...
  4. Georgew

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    It's difficult to take seriously these comments about those people who choose to speak out being somehow causing "division". The speakers certainly live in a different world from mine. We have a Government that has deliberately targeted the disadvantaged in our society, the poor, the unemployed...
  5. Georgew

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Are you serious? A disgusting rag of the lowest order which dishes out insulting racist filth on a daily basis, whose owners live in a tax-haven and yet seek to subvert and shape British politics........and yet you see criticism of these dreadful people as being in bad taste. You just have to...
  6. Georgew

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    As regards Royalty I do believe that a large proportion of the English population are endowed with a wide streak of subservience and have a desperate need to look up to someone......anyone really... and it matters not a jot or tittle who these are, be they of German origin or Greek origin...
  7. Georgew

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    As a fellow sufferer I did try to pass on my sympathies regarding his little problem but I hesitate to repeat his reply........rude doesn't begin to describe it. :oops:
  8. Georgew

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Absolutely right. These people should keep their mouths tightly shut and allow the beneficial measures that this Government has set in train against these lazy, cadging single mothers, the disabled and the unemployed... to take effect for the good of the country. Too long have we put up with...
  9. Georgew

    IGH gears vs. derailleur

    On my Moulton TSR 27 I have a single chain-ring with a Sram Dual-drive and a 9 speed Der. This gives a good chain-line and a huge gear range but having e-assist does make these many gears superfluous. Handy if the battery gives out miles from home though as you know that you'll make it home by...
  10. Georgew

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    I agree with all of the above.....apart from the use of the word "disinterested" when the writer meant "uninterested".
  11. Georgew

    IGH gears vs. derailleur

    It is possible to have both. My Moulton TSR27 combines a Sram Dual drive (3 speed) with a 9 speed derailleur. This offers a huge gear range and also the ease of changing gears while stationary. Bit of a swine for punctures on the rear wheel though but it does work well with the ARCC...
  12. Georgew

    Grenfell Tower

    No fair-minded person could have reservations about our Justice system......good heavens no....perish the thought. I mean Osgreave, Hillsborough, the wrongful imprisonment of the Scottish miners in 1984, the Guildford four and Maguire seven and the wrongful imprisonment of the Birmingham...
  13. Georgew

    Grenfell Tower

    You watched Panorama and actually saw on screen the Fire Brigade Chief's report detailing the danger to this and other tower blocks. You saw on screen the written reply from Government Minister's refusing the water sprinkler request and you saw the fire travelling up the outside fabric of the...
  14. Georgew

    Grenfell Tower

    Are you really suggesting that the tenants of the Tower block had some say in KCTMO policy? Are you serious? This is one of the richest Councils in the world with £270m in contingency funds and you must be aware by now that the tenants were unable to get the Council even to take on board their...
  15. Georgew

    Sudden Onset Broken Foot Syndrome

    That's it we can make a proper diagnosis. You are clearly suffering from Dutch Elm disease.
  16. Georgew

    Sudden Onset Broken Foot Syndrome

    I experienced something similar to this including the toe peculiarly bent. This was caused by cramp and in my case was a side-effect of Statins. If this is the case the Schweppes tonic or quinine may help.
  17. Georgew

    Grenfell Tower

    Of course one would argue for a Court of Inquiry but then the power of the Establishment, such as it is... may ensure that justice may still be denied...going by experience. As to woosh's insistence upon facts I'll say this....when one is commenting upon a tragedy in which Mothers have been...
  18. Georgew

    Grenfell Tower

    You may not do but even a superficial reading of your contributions to this thread show that your attitude towards this tragedy is skewed to an extraordinary degree. I do believe that if you were to interrupt a Cannibal at dinner you would complain only about his table manners.
  19. Georgew

    Grenfell Tower

    Even centrists may be allowed to think when presented with facts such as the Tory policy of denigrating and degrading H&S regulations. Even Centrists are allowed to ponder why appeals made by the Fire Brigade regarding the safety of Tower blocks were disregarded as were the legitimate concerns...
  20. Georgew

    Grenfell Tower

    I'm sure that will be a great comfort to those affected. I find it odd that you should give so much attention to these technical aspects as above but not one word....not a scooby...regarding the political context, the warnings given by the Fire Brigade to Ministers, the protests of the action...