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  1. P

    The "death" of the car, (as we know it)

    This is seriously flawed logic. The whole point about the Uber App is that they have ten's of thousands of potential customers directly linked to thousands of drivers, all done totally automatically, no human telephone controllers. That is why it is so much cheaper and more efficient. This...
  2. P

    The "death" of the car, (as we know it)

    On that basis there is no room for new technology - protectionism even?
  3. P

    The "death" of the car, (as we know it)

    Autonomous motorbike takes on Valentino Rossi at California’s Thunderhill raceway
  4. P

    The "death" of the car, (as we know it)

    Agreed and the earlier reference I gave to the issues surrounding the population exodus from Liverpool and reference to the 'Northern Powerhouse' serve to amplify the problem. There are some things in life that do need a Top Down approach, this is one of them.
  5. P

    The "death" of the car, (as we know it)

    Surely, given your previous stance on transport you can accept that Uber offer a big reduction in miles travelled by vehicles. They certainly need to clean up their act and the signs are that they will.
  6. P

    The "death" of the car, (as we know it)

    For what it is worth, you said - UBER no longer exists here. That is not a fact. Perhaps you would like to make one of your forecasts as to the position come the end of the year?
  7. P

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    How about Brexit? It wouldn't take much programming to get a couple of robots to replace the input we get from the the two O's - in fact an old record player would probably fit the bill?
  8. P

    The "death" of the car, (as we know it)

    Of course and we've seen the vision. Just need to add in the HS2 journey to take care of the longer distances, having gone to the station in an autonomous Uber vehicle. We need to go to the US once or twice a year with another trip to Australia. Next step is an 'Escape to the Country' but that...
  9. P

    The "death" of the car, (as we know it)

    I don't believe that to be the case at all.
  10. P

    The "death" of the car, (as we know it)

    I think the argument has already been made for the success of the Uber business model? It reduces the number of journeys and the need for as many cars significantly.
  11. P

    The "death" of the car, (as we know it)

    This is quite radical in my view., just a touch backward facing - but you're joking of course. It would take a nuclear war that just about wiped out the planet to take us back a few thousand or so years for that to happen. Put another way no one would want that I'm sure, except you perhaps. We...
  12. P

    The "death" of the car, (as we know it)

    Irrespective of whether or not it is Uber how can you possibly be so single-minded as not to appreciate the value in facilitating the elderly by allowing them to travel door to door easily? I might add I'm not ready just yet, but my neighbours certainly are.
  13. P

    The "death" of the car, (as we know it)

    Not all bad, I said earlier "I will do short-term lease from now on, until I can call UBER to take me wherever. As an OAP, that really does change the future, and not just for me. It is empowering."
  14. P

    The "death" of the car, (as we know it)

    Pie in the sky- perhaps?
  15. P

    The "death" of the car, (as we know it)

    Perfectly OK with that and can accept that that such speed of change would bring more than few problems of its own - there's a lot of unemployment within those figures which make much of it politically, unacceptable. but, change there will be, certainly in the US and I think his direction of...
  16. P

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    It's a moving target for sure.
  17. P

    The "death" of the car, (as we know it)

    I'm an optimist by nature, of just about most things, including people, albeit I have to admit it has been sorely questioned of late. Not by you I might add. That said, I don't think I'm a fool and like to understand how things work, this is a good thread in that respect - I'm learning something...
  18. P

    The "death" of the car, (as we know it)

    This sounds very much like the OP on the other thread, wonder if OG has signed in as you?
  19. P

    The "death" of the car, (as we know it)

    I can certainly see this being true. Much/most of the world population has no power currently, mostly where the sun shines most of the day - solar power is their solution?
  20. P

    The "death" of the car, (as we know it)

    There might be the odd bit that you can pick a hole in but this response is surely a bit OTT? (not unlike the other thread can be). The general thrust of what he has to say rings very true and I suspect, tempting as it might be, I have bought my last car. I will do short-term lease from now on...