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  1. P

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    In the context it was offered, I would have thought that it was fairly obvious. It has long been the case that the productivity of the UK lags many countries?
  2. P

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    There are many other comments on here that have no direct link or connection. However, you lot, really are so exercised over Brexit that you come across as a truly miserable lot, and having watched the football it didn't escape me that I was anything but miserable... perhaps there is a...
  3. P

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    And you accuse me of small minded jingoistic comment.
  4. P

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    No wonder our productivity figures are so bad, even the immigrants are up to the same tricks.
  5. P

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    That maybe true, give us a clue, just what do you mean by that?
  6. P

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    When that money will be spent to the betterment of the NI population and certainly not find its way into anyones pocket, it would be hard to for any Judge to find fault?
  7. P

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Nothing so sad, or sinister come to that. Enjoyed the game and looking forward to great relaxing weekend. Might even have a beer or two and a small whisky as a nightcap to keep the cold out. I take it that you will continue to exercise yourself about Brexit?
  8. P

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Having just watched the U17 World Cup. Good to see that Brexit can at least be the first to take the credit for our lads winning it - convincingly!
  9. P

    The "death" of the car, (as we know it)

    Not too sure where I saw it but, I do believe that an Insurance broker has the solution with a scheme that insures by the hour. I'll do a Google later and update. Found it INSURE BY THE HOUR Meanwhile found this earlier which is a basic calculator of charging times for EV's - rather neat.
  10. P

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Perhaps someone told them they were unlikely to ever get back from whence they came?
  11. P

    The "death" of the car, (as we know it)

    I can see the point you make but, especially as, in the main, the roads were also narrow. However, so were the pavements and many of the houses were terraced and without gardens, let alone drives with garages. Very much chicken and egg. Anyway, why can't we be positive about Electric cars? I...
  12. P

    HMRC gives £700 million IT contract to Amazon.

    And they do things rather well. The fact that they have brought about a seismic change to retail is only a threat to less efficient competition or should I say to unnecessary competition.
  13. P

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    I take it that we assume that the boat is called the SS Europe and the passengers the EU? Tories of course would get first call for the life-boats being posh, First Class and all that. And the first to notice that all was not well on SS Europe.
  14. P

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    It's well known that a couple of drinks increases the thought process, even better, social interaction helps further.
  15. P

    HMRC gives £700 million IT contract to Amazon.

    I have been using for some time 'secure' in the knowledge / belief that my data is secure and only to me? 100%private cloud Sync's unique, zero-knowledge storage platform guarantees your privacy by providing end-to-end encryption, and only you have access to the keys.
  16. P

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Indeed, but you'd best let OG know that, he seems to be wearing blinkers and generalising where and when it suits - nothing new there of course. This book might help BIG BOOK OF RUBBISH. I made a start but this is even better...
  17. P

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    How can that be - he's an academic?
  18. P

    HMRC gives £700 million IT contract to Amazon.

    I would have thought, racing certainty, that whatever data they have stored will be encrypted and way out of reach of any employee.
  19. P

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    One must conclude that the answer is a Dear John... OG will be a Gin drinker I suspect.