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  1. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    In the case of individual countries, I think they should have their own currency which has a relative and floating value to a currency of another nation. When you have a nation like Greece, with free money fountains in every town square, their currency devalues. One unit of their currency...
  2. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    An excellent article pact full of evidence as to why the Euro is a thoroughly bad idea. It allows economies such as that of Greece to burden other countries with the results of their recklessness. As the article very clearly illustrates, there aren’t enough safeguards in place to stop this...
  3. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    I’m sorry, but I have no idea what point it is that you are trying to make.
  4. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    My Italian brother-in-law estimates that when Italy transitioned to the Euro, it roughly halved his wealth. His savings had about half the buying power, post adopting the Euro. He developed and built machines which stack multiple PCBs and then drill them. Many of his products are licensed and...
  5. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    In fairness, Greece seemed to be doing ok until they became more deeply integrated into the EU. That view seems to be held by the few Greeks I have spoken too. The Greek economy isn’t a very good fit with Germany’s, sorry I mean the EU’s.
  6. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    It’s hard to believe, but yes, it actually is worse than Brummie.
  7. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    It’s also the most irritating noise on the planet. I don’t know why, but a Yorkshire accent really grinds my pipe.
  8. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    not relevant. They speak English
  9. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    That’s ok until they need to communicate with medical staff. I think I mentioned an experience I had when I visited my elderly neighbour in hospital recently. There were people on the ward who didn’t speak English. As a direct result, the nurse was spending a disproportionate amount of time...
  10. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Yes And thank you for demonstrating that you know G Wilson is not the same as George Wilson.
  11. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Come on, it’s not difficult to reconcile a database, particularly searching it for duplicate entries. This is a basic schoolboy error made under the most important circumstances.
  12. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    It’s the fact that they sent two forms to some voters that demonstrates the incompetence. Posting a form to a person is a simple task which could be executed by a child, yet the “professionals” mess it up. Thank you for your reassuring words, which were based upon illustrating your knowledge of...
  13. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    They’ve even managed to screw up the Boris / Hunt voting process, sending two vote forms to some members. How hard can it be post a form to someone, once only. This isn’t looking very encouraging for the time when the mildly difficult stuff starts. I dare not think what’s going to happen when...
  14. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Nothing wrong at all with making them learn English. That’s a sensible position to adopt.
  15. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Apparently Borisis due to reveal his Criminal Policy very soon. Very candid of him.
  16. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    I don’t play tennis. We have women in our running club who regularly run 40 mile Fell Ultra Marathons, with 4 to 5 thousand metres of climbing. Now that’s tough. Women are capable of 5 set tennis, but they are too idle to play it.
  17. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    There is nothing stopping them playing five sets except idleness. :-)
  18. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    I’m watching the Wimbledon tennis. How come the women are still playing 3 set matches now their prize money pay equals the men’s, who must play 5 sets? I thought they wanted equality. If you got a bloke in to dig out a 5 metre x 1 metre deep trench for you, but a woman turned up and only dug 3...
  19. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Same reason you waste your time I suppose.
  20. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Are you suggesting that Jeremy is a fascist? Will his theme park, when he builds it, therefore have a special area for his Jews?