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  1. G

    Innovv H5 4k Helmet Camera Review

    My bet is that he can tune it up. His £20 glasses certainly caught number plates so I expect this camera can. Hope so anyway, or there will be disappointment. I'm wondering about the battery life. I think there were big claims in the online ads, about long battery life, unless I am confused.
  2. G

    Innovv H5 4k Helmet Camera Review

    That video is good enough to work out in one minute through Google, that you were riding North East along The Crescent in Lawley, and turned left into Church Road, just after ACH Autos, towards the west where there is a place called New Works, an old coal mine and now a nature reserve.
  3. G

    Cycling. Health. Covid. Diet.

    Ha ha ha - Love it. 'Ave, got nee pain at all man. Nen! Mind yee - A'am a pain in the arse tae everybody else man. Just ask thems aroond here.'
  4. G

    E-bike journeys and pictures around the South Tyne Valley

    Took this photo of the Top of Skidaw in the Lake District four days ago when I was there. Then I played about with the digital zoom on the phone camera and got this one of the same scene.
  5. G

    E-bike journeys and pictures around the South Tyne Valley

    Thought I'd ride a different bike today than my Bafang powered mid drive conversion, so I dug this one out of the garage and took it for a spin. 15 Kilowatts certainly makes a difference on the hills. :) The new Royal Enfields are certainly not fast bikes by motor bike standards but it is a...
  6. G

    Cycling. Health. Covid. Diet.

    Good for you - - at least on the avoidance of processed foods and ridig your bike - oh - and not smoking. But - as the old joke said, A person asks their doctor how to live longer. The doctor advises them to give up alcohol, smoking, and unhealthy foods, and to exercise regularly. The person...
  7. G

    Innovv H5 4k Helmet Camera Review

    Interesting. I know next to nothing about video processing.
  8. G

    Innovv H5 4k Helmet Camera Review

    I think image stabilisation might be important. Hope so or you will be very disappointed with the purchase. I had owned a Huaweh P9 phone for three years before I started to get concerned about the screen. Then I realised it had been knocking about in my pocket for 36 months with a plastic...
  9. G

    Battery Fires

    It's very annoying. This may be unjust and unfair, but I tend to think many of these fires are the result of very unsound bikes or unsound behaviour. I tend to think the people who have these very bad results are the kind I snapped on Friday on my dashcam. He was riding at speed along a...
  10. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    Ballistic gel is NOT the same as ear cartilage. It is an elastic gel. NOTHING like the thin, stiff tissue of the ear. I am not wasting anymore time on this subject. It is completely ridiculous. Look up the definition of psychosis... Loss of contact with reality.
  11. G

    Injuries With Electric vs Conventional Scooters and Bicycles

    I'd be thinking that someone who runs wildly across a road, gets hit by a car, and then jumps up and continues running, is either running from something terrible, or is running from the law.
  12. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    The diesel ones we have are fitted with huge cooling fans at the back which blow hot air out of vents. As a sometime city cyclist, I have come up behind them and been washed in hot air (quite nice in winter). If they are properly designed, and maintained, you ought to be able to run them all...
  13. G


    If I treat my current 2020, Sanyo 18650, 10s 6p battery kindly, I might be able to keep it going so that my next battery is one of these Samsung, solid state wonder batteries. I am trying to get my head around the idea of a solid electrolyte which allows ions to pass through in sufficient...
  14. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    We had rear engined, yellow diesel busses in Newcastle since about 1962.Hundreds of them. I used to go on them to secondary school aged eleven. I remember thinking how swish they were in comparison to the open rear ones. Previously in Newcastle, there had been old fashioned rear door buses like...
  15. G

    Injuries With Electric vs Conventional Scooters and Bicycles

    Perhaps more people who are black in the USA don't go to hospital unless critically injured because they have no insurance cover. I don't know. It's just a hunch.
  16. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    It should be obvious to most of us that what we call petrol in this country, is a VERY dangerous fire risk if it escapes fom safe confinement. A couple of years ago i was driving my 2010 diesel car, now scrapped, when i smelled diesel fuel very strongly. I stopped the car and opened the bonnet...
  17. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    @Woosh's nonsense about cavitation injuries he expects to Trump's ear.... If you knew about the subject, you would not expect to see cavitation damage to the thin cartilege at the outer part of an ear. If you shoot a high or low velocity round, or even an expanding bullet at a cardboar box or...
  18. G

    Injuries With Electric vs Conventional Scooters and Bicycles

    I read the article which is American, and dealing with American accident data. Of course the regulatory environment is very different to the European one, with significantly faster and more powerful ebikes being the norm. I would suggest the the big difference in hospitalisation rates between...