Yose 350W not engaging after left standing


Finding my (electric) wheels
Jan 24, 2021
I have had a Yose 350 700C rear wheel kit fitted for a bit over 4 years now and it has covered about 1K miles with no problems and was a godsend to get me out into the countryside in lockdown. Just recently it has developed a fault in that after being left standing say overnight it does not respond to the pedal sensor when I start off and if I press the hand throttle either nothing happens or the motor spins but does not engage. If I do this a few times, sometimes while pedalling as, well the motor engages as it should rather than spinning free and there is response to the pedals turning. Mostly this is then OK probably for the rest of the day but sometimes the problem recurs. Unfortunately this leaves me reluctant to risk going far from home as sometimes it takes a while to nudge it into operation.

I have undone and checked all the connections and checked the alignment of the pedal sensor and disc. Any suggestions as to what is going wrong and how to fix it.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 10, 2010
If the motor is whirring and not driving, the internal clutch is stuck. If the motor doesn't whirr, the problem is elsewhere. Which of the two is it - the first, second or both?

If you ever get water in the motor, then leave it, the clutch goes rusty and sticks. I'm not saying that's it. We need more information to make a proper diagnosis. Also, which way does the cable exit the motor axle - upwards, downards or sideways?


Finding my (electric) wheels
Jan 24, 2021
The motor whirrs but does not engage though after several tries it does seem to engage OK and then generally continues working OK for the rest of the outing but sometimes recurs. Your suggestion of sticking clutch does seem to fit and that would explain why blipping the throttle means it then responds to the pedals if it frees the clutch. The cable comes out at almost 5 o'clock. Any help how to fix this very much appreciated.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jul 23, 2019
Had a similar problems with my Bafang SWX02 hub after 6,000 miles. Turned out to be the clutch not working, stuck. Ordered a replacement from China and all OK now in excess of 10,000 miles. Took the old one to bits and I think the grease in it just hardened/thickened. Another member on here had a similar problem with a different make of hub and soaked his, in what I don't know to cure his. It is all here on this site somewhere. Good luck.......


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 7, 2014
West Sx RH
ATF should suffice to soften hardened grease without washing it out..


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 10, 2010
The motor whirrs but does not engage though after several tries it does seem to engage OK and then generally continues working OK for the rest of the outing but sometimes recurs. Your suggestion of sticking clutch does seem to fit and that would explain why blipping the throttle means it then responds to the pedals if it frees the clutch. The cable comes out at almost 5 o'clock. Any help how to fix this very much appreciated.
The best thing would be to open the motor and put some 3-in-1 oil on the rollers in the clutch. I can guarantee that you have some rust in there. The oil will stop it reforming when you stop using it.


Finding my (electric) wheels
Jan 24, 2021
Thanks a lot guys. It looks as if we likely have a fix. It sounds as if the "clutch" is something akin to what you find in in a recoil starter for an outboard so I am familiar with them. The wheel is still on the bike and it is sort of usable for short journeys to local shops and because of other things on hand I might not be able to get to grips with it for a little while. Does anybody know if there is a photo or video to be found on the web indicating how I get inside it, and what will confront me when I do, or is it all quite obvious when you look at it? I suppose it is too much to hope there is a pdf workshop manual in english to be found anywhere?
I am a diyer with a have a go attitude but it is nice to have any advance info available


Finding my (electric) wheels
Jan 24, 2021
I have just been watching some YouTube videos and I see I was wrong about the clutch but if they all work along similar lines I now have a better idea.Will have to look see how easy it is to free up the rollers or if the whole clutch has to be replaced.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 7, 2014
West Sx RH
Removal of the core depends on which hub you have , if it has the face plate fixing (six m5 screws) then removal is easy , if it has the hidden fine screw thread then a tool is needed to unscrew the joint.

For the former remove the freewheel or cassette, on the LHS remove all fixtures from the axle inclding any nuts inboard of the brake rotor.
On the RHS remove the six face fixing screws , the core should then come out.
(Some times one may have to tap the LHS axle end for it to pop out) , use a rubber mallet or wod block and hammer to tap it.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2021
The fact that sometimes it works is good news for it being fixable by lubrication once access is gained.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 10, 2010
The fact that sometimes it works is good news for it being fixable by lubrication once access is gained.
Everything depends on which motor you have. Some pictures of both sides would help. If it's an AKM motor, you should sort it sooner rather than later. If it's the type with an enclosed clutch, the only thing you can do is replace the whole clutch because you cannot get in to lubricate them; however, that type is more likely to fix themselves without dismantling.


Finding my (electric) wheels
Jan 24, 2021
Thanks Guys. This is all really helpful and encouraging. I will have to get the wheel off and post some photos for comment. The Yose site shows a planetary gear assembly for an AKM motor but says it is 40teeth and out of stock. Elsewhere I can see numerous assemblies with 36 teeth at wildly varying prices. All looks do-able once I have it apart. If I can get the right part it almost looks more sure fire to replace than clean it.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 10, 2010
Thanks Guys. This is all really helpful and encouraging. I will have to get the wheel off and post some photos for comment. The Yose site shows a planetary gear assembly for an AKM motor but says it is 40teeth and out of stock. Elsewhere I can see numerous assemblies with 36 teeth at wildly varying prices. All looks do-able once I have it apart. If I can get the right part it almost looks more sure fire to replace than clean it.
They've used different motors. Only you know which you have. Until we do, we can't help you.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 7, 2014
West Sx RH
My Yose hub is an early one and I believe it was I who introuduced the Yose kit to the forum some 8 years ago.
My hub came from the day's when KT 's were the control system used.
The early hubs weren't AKM but had no identifying maker to who it was made by.


Finding my (electric) wheels
Jan 24, 2021
I have 6 cross head screws which look as though they are stainless. Does that determine which motor I have and from that can I order a new clutch ? All the ones I have seen say 36 teeth but no info specific to Yose so maybe they are pretty universal. As is so often the way I went out to my shed this morning, lifted the back wheel, pressed the throttle and bingo instant drive; turned it upside down and turn the crank off and on and I simply cannot get it to misbehave. It is 10deg here and the problem first occurred when it was a lot colder so maybe some grease was a lot thicker or turning it upside down has dislodged a foreign body. Replacement or flushing still seems a good idea.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 10, 2010
I have 6 cross head screws which look as though they are stainless. Does that determine which motor I have and from that can I order a new clutch ? All the ones I have seen say 36 teeth but no info specific to Yose so maybe they are pretty universal. As is so often the way I went out to my shed this morning, lifted the back wheel, pressed the throttle and bingo instant drive; turned it upside down and turn the crank off and on and I simply cannot get it to misbehave. It is 10deg here and the problem first occurred when it was a lot colder so maybe some grease was a lot thicker or turning it upside down has dislodged a foreign body. Replacement or flushing still seems a good idea.
Remove the screws, then the side-plate lifts off, assuming that you removed any nuts from the axle. You can leave the cassette or freewheel in place as long as you can reach the screws, otherwise you have remove the cassette or freewheel to get to them.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 23, 2023
I have 6 cross head screws which look as though they are stainless. Does that determine which motor I have and from that can I order a new clutch ? All the ones I have seen say 36 teeth but no info specific to Yose so maybe they are pretty universal. As is so often the way I went out to my shed this morning, lifted the back wheel, pressed the throttle and bingo instant drive; turned it upside down and turn the crank off and on and I simply cannot get it to misbehave. It is 10deg here and the problem first occurred when it was a lot colder so maybe some grease was a lot thicker or turning it upside down has dislodged a foreign body. Replacement or flushing still seems a good idea.
You haven't said if your Yose 350w motor is a freewheel or freehub (cassette). The freewheel version number should start with AKM95RS....... and the cassette version AKM95RX...... - They are geared differently.
The Yose UK website lists clutch and gear assemblies for both versions, although currently out of stock:-
I have found service@yosepower.co.uk very helpful for spares in the past, and if you email them with the motor serial number they will probably be able to send one from China. Due to time zones you need to allow time for a reply.

Here is a Yose video for dismantling the cassette motor:-

....and one for the freewheel motor:-



Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 10, 2010
You haven't said if your Yose 350w motor is a freewheel or freehub (cassette). The freewheel version number should start with AKM95RS....... and the cassette version AKM95RX...... - They are geared differently.
The Yose UK website lists clutch and gear assemblies for both versions, although currently out of stock:-
I have found service@yosepower.co.uk very helpful for spares in the past, and if you email them with the motor serial number they will probably be able to send one from China. Due to time zones you need to allow time for a reply.

Here is a Yose video for dismantling the cassette motor:-

....and one for the freewheel motor:-

First video shows AKM. The second one is not an AKM because it has a sideplate held on with 6 screws - probably a Shengyi.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 7, 2014
West Sx RH
Yose have used CST hubs other then AKM of later years, 2017 CST's were non AKM and silver finish.


Finding my (electric) wheels
Jan 24, 2021
Thanks again guys. Where would I be without you.
I thought maybe I had got lucky and turning it upside down had dislodged a foreign body but I took the bike out this morning and - I should be so lucky huh? Same old trouble but having a better idea how it works I could sense the clutch biting after a few blips of the throttle. Had to do this a few times before it started to behave. I think the difference is we had a frost last night and I guess there is grease that becomes solid at low temperatures. So it must all come apart. I had found Yosepower in UK and they asked me for the serial number. Can't see it at the moment so I guess it is either behind the freewheel or somewhere inside. I see I should be able to remove the screws without necessarily taking the freewheel off. Yosepower in UK appear to be in a bike shop about 10 miles away so maybe I can take the clutch there to pick up a replacement.
In videos I have seen the rollers and springs look as if they are meant to be clear of all grease but not accessible without some destruction. So maybe a good flush will do the trick once the clutch is removed. The gears clearly need grease which I take to be silicone I see can be had on Ebay, unless plumbers seal grease will also do for this.