Wisper Works 905SE Owner Reviews


Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 23, 2007

I cant beleive you have to put up with all the sexist and rude crap on this forum.

Some of the people on here should take a good look in the mirror including the admin. What sort of image are you trying to put accross. This isnt some sort of gentlemans club.

Mandy should not have to post messages like the one above justifying herself

If you made comments like the type Mandy has had to suffer in the workplace you'd be in a lot of trouble but it seems the admin here finds it acceptabe to run women down.

Hi Dufus
Very pleased to meet you but please don't worry, it was only one member and Russ dealt with that immediately as Flecc ponted out and that member has now left.
No I was not happy at the time, but we have all moved on and I just wanted to put right what had been said in a light hearted way before I too moved on to enjoy the forum as I used to.
I have no problem with and enjoy some light hearted banter with many of the guys on this forum and it's just a bit of fun :D
What electric bike do you have?
Cheers for caring though
Mandy :)

Wisper Bikes

Trade Member
Apr 11, 2007
Sevenoaks Kent

On re reading your post where you say the SE that I have is not an SE can you explain further since I bought it as an SE
Hi Bill

It is a 905Se, sorry to confuse, it is just not up to the spec of the 2008 905Se's that was my point, a bit rash of me!

All the best David

Wisper Bikes

Trade Member
Apr 11, 2007
Sevenoaks Kent
Warranty issue


If as you say the German model was sent out with a wiring fault then why were they not recalled why are owners expected to correct the wiring fault when the first thing the dealer will do when anyone tries to make a claim if something fails prematurely is to say you have modified the bike thereby invalidating the warranty and yet you openly encourage people to modify the wiring. I do accept that electric bikes in Europe are in their infancy but all the polite talk on this site is no subistute for positive action. The German bikes should never have been allowed to be sold until the problems.
Hi again Bill

We did not want the German bikes to be sold without the wiring fault cured. But as we had sold the bikes to e-wheels we could not control what they did with them. As a matter of interest I did recall them and offer to buy them all back at cost but E-wheels decided that the fix was so simple that they would rather sell them and take a small profit, which I must say I do understand.

My point about the warranty is that we can not be held responsible for the electrics on a bike that has had a throttle installed by a third party. This is another reason why I did not want these bikes sold in UK. The fix on the wiring would not have effected your position.

However if you read the posts regarding warranty issues on the German 905's you will see we are still working with our customers. As you have pointed out though, problems are few and far between.

Best regards David
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Wisper Bikes

Trade Member
Apr 11, 2007
Sevenoaks Kent

"What's the difference between a 'German' Wisper Works 905se and the latest 2008 model soon to be available..... I along with several other members have been trying to fathom that one out for quite a while."

Hi John

Thanks for your post.

I will try to explain.

The bikes that will be here in a couple of weeks have had many upgrades over the German model including the ones you mentioned.

Many are small changes such as only using stainless steel or alloy fixings on the bike, having a molding made to increase the length of the throttle grips and fitting a torque arm. We have also made larger changes such as new brakes and brake levers back and front and better forks. The new battery is important as we are getting a far greater range now, but as you kindly pointed out we have had no problems with the Lishen pack since the first delivery. The motor has been upgraded with better and quieter gearing and the confusing on off handle bar buttons have been completely changed. We don't itemise each and every improvement as I believe it would become very boring to prospective purchasers.

We will continue to improve the model, but in future to avoid any confusion will not be talking about changes until the bikes are here in the UK or at least on the sea.

The 905Eco, has most of the new features and improvements but we have made a bike that is more affordable. Many people question the need for front suspension, saddle suspension and disk brakes so we have made a new frame that gives us a different angle of attack on the front forks so we can offer the choice of with/without front suspension. The battery is smaller and less expensive but is from the same factory as the powerful 37v 14a version and is also the new Li Po model.

The Sport model still has the speedo but a new better wireless version and still carries all the other goodies.

The City as you quite correctly point out has lost the front suspension and disk brake but has gained a dyno hub and full mudguards.

The only major problems with the German bike was the wiring and lack of a fitted throttle, although I do agree with you about the saddle.

The initial batch coming into the UK are Sports but we do have full mudguards if people prefer them.

We now only have 24 left to sell from the full container and the next bikes will not be here until June.

Best regards David
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Finding my (electric) wheels

9C can be colder than 0C or even -5C. When the weather looks OK, I tend to dress too lightly, and when it is snowing I layer and will be fine for several hours. And I have never been so cold as when I am in Australia and other warm places. I'm impressed by some of the "southerners" I know being able to dress in a pair of Bermuda shorts, and feel comfortable even in the evenings :)

Glad you liked the picture, thanks.

Interesting comment about the map, thanks. I'll check it out.


Amazing photo Slowfeet, I was out for a couple of <snip>

P.S. Slowfeet, you could qualify as the most northerly Pedelec member, maybe you should ask Django to be on the map.


Speed Record?

Went out for a spin this evening on my new 905se and on returning home I was riding down the pavement at a fair lick just a 100 metres from home and spotted cops with a radar gun trying to catch motorists breaking the 30 mph limit. I had to slow down and stop as they were in the process of pulling in a car for speeding. I rather cheekily asked the most georgeous young blonde police woman what speed I was doing, She replied with a beautiful smile:D "at least 50", therefore I claim the offical speed limit for a Wisper Works 905se:p

Can't help wondering what she looks like without a stab vest?


P.S. Hope she wasn't talking about my age:rolleyes:
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 24, 2007
sounds like you had a lucky escape john,its a good job it wasnt one of the new units checking that our electric bikes are not capable of doing over 15mph,i had a radar gun pointed at me and concentrated so hard on keeping the computer at 14mph that i almost hit a tree lol.


George Clooney.;) BTW, I have the young ladies number if you would like it, 999:p

The cops were too busy trying to nick motorists to bother about me riding on the pavement. My defence would have been, that strech of road is too dangerous for cyclists because of speeding motorists and hardly used by pedestrians.
