Wisper Works 905SE Owner Reviews


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 7, 2007
Norwich Norfolk
There will always be posts on this and any forum that are not to every one`s tastes including mine just try not to take them too personally.
Your posts have been interesting and informative if not a little provoking at times, why don’t you just take a holiday from the site for a while like Flecc and come back at a later date;) .

Wisper Bikes

Trade Member
Apr 11, 2007
Sevenoaks Kent

David my comments were only about the appearance I had not ridden the bike when I sent you that email and as far as I am concerned the bike looks great and it also has a quality feel.

As far as the wiring goes I carried out the mod before I ever rode the bike which may have been a mistake since I cannot say what it was like before the modification to the wiring.

To make sure you understand the difference in performance my best time to work on my previous electric bike was 32mins 52 seconds on the Wisper it is 36 mins 28seconds not exactly the improvement I was looking for. Oh! yes while I am at it the return journey on my old bike took 34 mins and on the Wisper 46 minutes.
Hi Billy, there still seems to be something massively wrong here. Are you coming to Presteigne? I would really like to get this sorted out.

I am however delighted you like the look and quality feel.

This is the problem with the German bikes and the reason I did not want them sold in UK. They were designed to fit in with the German rules and regulations on ebikes that is why they did not have a fitted throttle. The UK bikes are far superior and it is a shame that you gave us a bad review based on a bike that was never intended for sale here and one that you have made modifications to. I am also disappointed that you chose to give the bike a damning review before you had spoken to us about the problem, especially as I believe we can easily resolve it.

As mentioned in my earlier post, I really hate having dissatisfied customers especially after the 10's of 1000's of hours work and massive amount of money we have spent on this project. That is why with your help I am determined to turn this around.

Have you contacted Doug or Phil yet to see if we can get the problem resolved?

Best regards David


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 11, 2007
Hi Jimmy, (if you are reading)

For what is is worth, please don't take my response to you as anything other than an objection to that particular post. I have found your other posts to be informative, interesting, honest and valuable, and I will miss your presence on this forum.

All the best,



Apr 10, 2008

They're gonna be dropping like flies soon. This one should go as acting like that should be condemed.

Good news is that as a newbie i'm learning so much on this forum., Sexism, rudeness, being argumentative, insulting folks etc.

How long before I can start learning some new swear words?

Maybe we should start running a sweep to see who quits next.

Wonder when I might learn something about those ebike thingies!!!!!!!

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 26, 2007
West Hampstead, NW London
Project england

The problem is that, when other members respond and quote the messages which I usually block, the text of the blocked message then becomes visible. Since the user mentioned feels at liberty to comment on just about anything to do with anything. no thread is safe from the drivel that irritates me so much. So, an easy solution, I'm clearing off, with my technical knowledge and ideas, and will leave the other person to continue placing "hey, why worry?" type rubbish for public perusal. Better all round for everyone. Good luck
Jimmy- I hope you come back after a break, which seems fashionable now:D . Not least for technical views, your insights into the Wisper and especially your test bike.

Wisper Bikes

Trade Member
Apr 11, 2007
Sevenoaks Kent

Hi William

I know your old bike, that is why I know the 905se is far superior!

Doug and Phil tell me that you still have not made contact :rolleyes:. If you don't want to make the call, PM me with your telephone number and we will call you.

Either way lets get together and sort this out.

We are here to help you.

Best regards David

Caractacus Potts

Finding my (electric) wheels
Oct 28, 2007
... I really hate having dissatisfied customers especially after the 10's of 1000's of hours work and massive amount of money we have spent on this project. ...

Having done over 1000 miles in two and a half months on my 905e and found the performance of the bike regarding battery life and speed to be excellent :D.
I travel 17 miles each way to work every day over varied terrain - mostly flat but including a couple of 1 in 10 ish hills - the journey takes about 1 hr 5 min and going off a 1.5 to 2 hr recharge time at each end uses about half of the battery capacity for each journey. My only disappointment has been the ineffective rear brake :( and a change of brake blocks soon sorted that out :) .
If my experience is typical (... and I see no reason why not ...) I can assure you there must be plenty of satisfied 905e customers out there and if the forthcoming 'SE' is the improvement you make it out to be then things can only get better.


Wisper Bikes

Trade Member
Apr 11, 2007
Sevenoaks Kent
Thanks John!

Hi John,

Thanks so much for your kind comments.

It's wonderful to hear you are enjoying the bike and yes we have made improvements to the brake quality.

After selling my exhibition business of 25 years standing to concentrate on Wisper and The Sustainability Show in the summer of last year. Even I am amazed at how delicate I can be if anyone criticizes my "baby"!! Of course I love to hear the good things but also know that to improve the vehicle I must take notice of, and act on the not so good!

My wife still thinks I am insane and if I was going to have a mid life crisis she would have rather me buy a Harley Davidson like any other self respecting 53 year old :cool: !

I must say however that I think I have made the correct choice especially when we get receive comments like yours, so a big thank you!

Best regards David

PS Gail (my wife) says we can't spend nice comments at Tesco :eek: I just don't understand women :D !!
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Oct 25, 2006
PS Gail (my wife) says we can't spend nice comments at Tesco :eek: I just don't understand women :D !!
Easy to understand David, when the saying,

"Women are from Venus, men are from Mars" is amended to:

"Women are credit cards, men are cash machines". :D


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 18, 2006
Hi folks
being a ex torq owner and a happy one at that:D How would the wiper 905se compare it could be my next electric bike:) nigel.


Oct 25, 2006
I know I will get a lot of flack from other members but I am saying what I think.
This may be a reference to my former protest, but you cause me no problem.

Original complaints are welcome and should be made.

My protest was against constant repetition by reposting the same complaint in thread after thread, even where not relevant to the thread subject.

Although consumer complaints have their own thread now, this has arisen here so you obviously had no option but to respond here.


Oct 25, 2006
Thanks Bill, appreciated.

I'd made a protest as I indicated which caused some to think I was attempting to censor, and despite my denials, a few don't accept that.

I hope David responds to your post and query about the "se" status, though I've a very good idea what is meant by what he said.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 23, 2007
Easy to understand David, when the saying,

"Women are from Venus, men are from Mars" is amended to:

"Women are credit cards, men are cash machines". :D
Ooooooh Flecc, that hurt, not really lol! Glad to see you back :D
Unfortunately I am both, not man and woman :D but credit card and cash machine :)


Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 23, 2007
Jimmy, sorry to see you go (although you're still listed as online right now :confused:).

Thanks for your comments and advice. I have to say that its largely your postings (along with flecc, frank9755 and mandy) that have persuaded me to order a 905SE (which I did long before I started this particular thread).
I am sure you will enjoy it and look forward to seeing your review on your new SE :)
After all Jeremy Clarkson reviews cars on Top Gear and doesn't stop every few yards to tinker under the bonnet :D
My review is based on my experience of riding the bike and as I have said in previous posts I am of slight build at just 8 stone so this may contribute to the speed as my son could not achieve the same speeds at around 13 stone :)
I would also clarify that I am technically minded in many ways, however I am learning with regards to electric bikes as are many on this forum.


Apr 10, 2008
I am sure you will enjoy it and look forward to seeing your review on your new SE :)
After all Jeremy Clarkson reviews cars on Top Gear and doesn't stop every few yards to tinker under the bonnet :D
My review is based on my experience of riding the bike and as I have said in previous posts I am of slight build at just 8 stone so this may contribute to the speed as my son could not achieve the same speeds at around 13 stone :)
I would also clarify that I am technically minded in many ways, however I am learning with regards to electric bikes as are many on this forum.

I cant beleive you have to put up with all the sexist and rude crap on this forum.

Some of the people on here should take a good look in the mirror including the admin. What sort of image are you trying to put accross. This isnt some sort of gentlemans club.

Mandy should not have to post messages like the one above justifying herself

If you made comments like the type Mandy has had to suffer in the workplace you'd be in a lot of trouble but it seems the admin here finds it acceptabe to run women down.



Oct 25, 2006

it seems the admin here finds it acceptabe to run women down.

A little unfair Dufus, and just as Mandy should not be unfairly treated, nor should Russ our administrator.

He had very firmly publicly admonished the person who treated Mandy in that way and accepted that members departure from this forum. Similar actions have happened in the past.

In posting this I make no judgement on the rights and wrongs of what's happened, I just state the facts.


Finding my (electric) wheels
A follow up:

I was out today with my bike for about 1.5-2 hours. The weather could have been worse as can be seen at:

Weather Observations, University of Tromsø, Department of Computer Science

The picture below was taken as I arrived home again. It looks worse than it was. It is mild (around 0C) so the road was 90% free of snow, but very wet as it was snowing steadily. As such, the conditions were not good for cycling, and I saw no other cyclists (however, the road winds along right by the ocean, and I came across 5-6 cars packed with divers suiting up for a day of current diving in the sound. The current is almost always brisk at 5 knots and they had an inflatable picking them up after they have drifted for a while. Some had spears so they will get a very good dinner tonight.)

Anyhow, aware of this thread, I kept an eye on the speedometer and the effort I needed to maintain a steady pace between 20-30KM/h going both uphill and flat. I am 6 feet and 80-85KG.

I don't know how accurate the speedometer is, but maintaining 20KM/h going uphill is easy. The hills are not steep, but unassisted I could only keep a speed at around 5KM/h unless I wanted a real work out. I observed that I got the most efficient gain from my own input when I balanced it with the motor. I could easily find this "break-even" point by holding off a little bit until I could feel the motor pushing more than me. The bike accelerates noticeably at this point, and it feels like the bike prefers going at 20KM/h uphill.

Of course, on the flat (and downhill) I went at anything between 20-30KM/h without any effort.

The balance of user input and the motor is perfect for my riding style. I can maintain a brisk pace for a very long time, and still feel rested when arriving. I once biked (a part of) the Pennsylvania Grand Canyon (on a Bike Friday bike, which I still have - it has been great for traveling because it fits into a suitcase), and I wish I had had the Wisper then. Going in one direction was easy, but the return trip was harder as the dirt track had a slight incline for days on end.


Pasted from <http://www.pedelecs.co.uk/forum/attachments/electric-bicycles/254d1208357620-just-registered-introduce-yourself-here-70n_april08.jpg>

Greetings from 70N in Norway. The weather in April is not bad at all as can be seen from the picture. I'm out surfing with my electric bike for a few hours of fun in the sun.

No problems at all with the motor and battery at -5C. However, I need to be careful sometimes when the motor kicks in to avoid spinning.

The bike gives me a 30km reach very easily, and without breaking a sweat. And the battery still shows 1/2 left.

It may, of course, be a bit unfair to fellow riders when I effortlessly glide up a hill at 20km/h in strong headwind with a smile on my face and raised eyebrows. But they have no idea of how much effort it is to keep warm for us electric cyclists.





Amazing photo Slowfeet, I was out for a couple of hours this morning on my new 905se (German import), trying hard to drain the battery as part of a conditioning routine.
It was overcast, very damp and no wind, temperature about 9 degrees C, but I was chilled to the bone when I got home.
When I warmed up, I went out on it again in an another attempt to drain the battery, this time I only managed about 3 miles before the battery gave up, so I had to ride home unassisted. This time I was quite warm when I got back as a result of the effort.
I don't think I would cycle I the sort of conditions you experience:eek: maybe on a Skidoo which is what I used to do when I lived in Canada.


P.S. Slowfeet, you could qualify as the most northerly Pedelec member, maybe you should ask Django to be on the map.