The "riding through treacle" comment has come from unpowered cycling experience David, it certainly wouldn't apply with a Bosch unit and 50 Nm of torque. Toothed belt drive is certainly very much quieter than chain and sprocket, and again any efficiency loss is wiped out by the drive power available on this system. With this power level the problematic chain wear of the Bosch system is overcome with toothed belt which makes perfect sense for this application.
It sounds like a great all round e-bike, but surely also a high speed class one if the assistance is to 45 kph (28 mph)?
Thanks Flecc, it is a fantastic bike, I had forgotten where I had heard "treacle" comment, but it stuck!!
We were at Bike Blenheim at the weekend with E4 and BEBA, we showed the bike for the first time and gave people the opportunity to ride it, generally they were amazed. There were one or two who felt that it was neither a mountain bike or a road bike and was therefor a bit of a compromise.
The look of the bike was very well accepted, people actually wanted to have photographs taken standing by the bike! Great fun.
I have asked about the 45kph and am awaiting and answer from Grace. It certainly wasn't a 350W set up so I believe there was an error in programing the Bosch system on this particular bike. I will report back. I should point out that we will not be selling the bike with the 45kph spec, great fun yes, but massively risky. If a "no win no fee" lawyer managed to get hold of the knowledge that someone involved in badly injuring one of their "clients" was riding such a bike, the rider should get ready to lose their house! The damages and costs bill would certainly be into six figures. Would the rider's insurers pay up? I doubt it.
On a lighter note Bike Blenheim was superb, with 1,300 Brompton riders turning up for the Brompton World Championships! Next year we are thinking of expanding the electric bike section to include a race and maybe a treasure hunt.
It was also great to meet Shemozle! We should publish an I Spy book of Pedelec members!!!!
All the best