The point is, it's not a "radical change" to anything. It's removing 4 screws, a plastic lid and drilling a few holes in it and putting the lid back on. You think that's a radical change (whereas the people my suggestion is aimed at, wouldn't), so I'd leave it alone and carry on using your cake rack. No problem. But posting a response about it possibly rendering the charger useless or dangerous is just daft. All it accomplishes is to attempt to negate a perfectly sensible and easy idea by implying that it could be dangerous or damage the component if done by someone incompetent. That applies to any of the hundreds of technical suggestions on this site, made by people who are competent, knowledgeable and who wish to share their technical experiences with other like-minded people. They all assume that someone who feels incompetent won't even attempt it. Each time I read a technical suggestion here, I hope I don't see a response 'advising' everyone that, if done by someone incompetent, it might make the bike catch fire, or not work or .... shock horror..... invalidate the warranty... that would get really tedious.
I'm sorry James but I actually do not use a cake rack as I do not find the charger in my opinion gets too hot. It was merely a suggestion for those who have concerns. My lap top charger gets considerably hotter and I think that most computer manufacturers would be horrified at your suggetion if you were to suggest drilling into the charger supplied.
As for suggesting that rendering the charger dangerous or useless was certainly not a daft suggestion and a most definite possibility if someone was not
Competent enough which is a word you seem to like using, well certainly in your reponses to myself. Did you know you mentioned the word competent or incompetent 5 times in this last post?
I actually thought this forum was aimed at
all people that use the electric bike as a form of transport and not just aimed at the technical aspects of the electric bike? Although I am very interested in these too.
I have stated in previous posts to Rob that I am not concerned about the warranty issues. He had previously posted on this site and had problems regarding the bike he purchased and has seemed to have now stopped posting

I actually stated in my posts that if you can get the bike that cheap then don't grumble.
I was simply stating on this occasion as to the singular warranty of the charger so was certainly not going down that road again.
I am all for people adding an extra motor or more powerful one to there bike together with a more powerful or added battery.
I am thinking of turning mine into a chopper this weekend and am extremely competent

Any suggestions? Only Kidding
