The bike has been little used (under 200kms) and has been in a dry lockup garage for many years. When I tried to get it going (we want to give it away to a needy lady in our retirement village), I was able to connect the charger which showed an orange light for an hour or so and then a green light - so disconnected. This model has the key integrated into the battery casing (extract from Manual with pictures of lock attached) - but I can't turn the key past the Off position, so no Indicator lights on top of the battery, nor response from the handlebar control unit On/Off button. If you think this might be a problem with the lock - can I use Silicone spray into the keyhole or lock casing? What about WD40? Or must I use graphite powder? NB The lock also functions as the On/Off switch for the battery – might spray be a risk of damaging the On/Off switch. Other troubleshooting suggestions greatly appreciated.
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