Wish list


Jul 18, 2008
Why are Cytronex owners so touchy about their steeds? Pedelecs can never be mopeds and they are better alternatives for many.
I don`t believe I was being touchy, just pointing out that anyone who wants a bike that will pull them around with little or no effort, should look elsewhere.

I don`t think Cytronex owners are any more touchy than any other.
There are probably more negative comments about the bike, but usually by people who hav`nt even seen one in the flesh, let alone ridden one, that`s fine, each to there own.

Happy peddaling.


Oct 25, 2006
I don`t believe I was being touchy, just pointing out that anyone who wants a bike that will pull them around with little or no effort, should look elsewhere.

I don`t think Cytronex owners are any more touchy than any other.
There are probably more negative comments about the bike, but usually by people who hav`nt even seen one in the flesh, let alone ridden one, that`s fine, each to there own.

Happy peddaling.
I believe that's what I meant. :)

The comment about "those who want a moped can look elsewhere" was a sneer at other e-bikes, and you repeat it with the comment above about being pulled around with little or no effort. A bit unnecessary and very inaccurate. Todays most popular high end e-bikes are the Panasonic motored ones, and if you think they need little or no effort it's you who should ride one first and learn differently.

In stark contrast to your comments and those of some other of other Cytronex owners, my comment on the Cytronex was merely a statement of the things I didn't like about it as part of an answer to another member about it's battery. In that answer was praise for the chosen battery chemistry, but my comment on a bottle battery being a style item is nothing but the truth, style being the reason why this pretends to be something it isn't

Part of this forum's brief is to accept others opinions, but each time I try to express mine on any aspect of the Cytronex I get jumped on by an owner in the way you did, frequently with a crack at other e-bikes. No product is going to get a nod through in a forum like this without critical examination and comment, and the Cytronex is no exception. If its a good product it will easily withstand such examination, so I don't know what it is that makes Cytronex owners so touchy about the slightest expression of another's opinion. Finally I cannot understand how having a test ride will alter an opinion about the appearance of the battery and the fact that it's presentation is one of style, as a water bottle.

As you say, each to their own, but that includes opinions as well.


Jul 18, 2008
Hi Flecc,

You know a lot more about ebikes than I ever will, or ever want to. I wasn`t sneering at anything, why would I, I know very little about any other ebikes.

From what I have read here, I was under the impression that there are ebikes that are designed in such a way that they can be ridden with little rider imput, maybe I have misunderstood. If I have, then I can see why my comment might have appeared like a sneer.

I don`t see the battery as a style item, primarily because it works. Our interpretation of the phrase `style item` obviously differs. For my use, I would rather have a small inconspicuous battery, others are happy with a large battery, probably because they need the power/range they give, but am sure that if they could get the same power/range out of a water bottle sized battery, they would prefer it.


Oct 25, 2006
Fair enough, there are indeed a few bikes that can do a moped imitation on the flat, though their days are numbered. I'd read your comment as referring to all the others.

I certainly agree about the smaller and lighter the battery the better, only referring to the water bottle shape and mounting position as style. I'm happy for an e-bike to appear as one and don't mind a battery being obvious as one, but I'm aware that many prefer their bike to look like an ordinary bike as much as possible.

Strangely, A to B also like the ordinary bike look, which I find odd for a magazine promoting e-bikes. In their position I'd want each one to shout that it's an e-bike from it's appearance for concept promotional reasons.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 10, 2006
Stockport, SK7
I think theres room in the market for all styles and tastes. If you want a bike that looks non-electric, fine. If you want a bike that looks retro and solid, fine. I think the main thing is that they offerings keep evolving as that way there will be a greater choice for consumers, and thats absolutely fine too (even the cheap chinese cr** on ebay :().



Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2008
Ebike Styles

I can understand why some people would prefer an ebike to look more like a standard bike. I feel less conspicuous riding around on my Pro Connect Gents than I did on my Giant Lafree Step Thru. Even so I still get a few derogatory comments from the older teenager 'moron' group. I can't figure out why they have this attitude though. Anyone any thoughts on this?
Fortunately the Pro Connect seems to attract more admiring looks from most people.


Oct 25, 2006
I think with step-through it's the "ladies bike" thing as much as anything Walkerman, I've suffered it myself at times when riding one.

But there's also a sort of demeaning view of any cycling if it isn't the lycra or mountain bike variety, particularly among the teenagers but plenty of adults sharing it.

They seem to see cycling as a kids thing if it isn't being done in what they view as a legitimate sporting way, hence the Pro Connect having a chance of getting away without remark.

All this is uniquely British of course, on most of the continent there isn't any problem with adults cycling on any kind of bike in any sort of clothing, but here the "right" kind of bike with the clothing to suit is all that's acceptable to the moronic.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 10, 2006
Stockport, SK7
I would say with the older moronic teenagers, better they spend time giving lip to a passing cyclist than to a passing pedestrian (who cant escape so easily).




Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 10, 2006
Stockport, SK7
...if it isn't the lycra or mountain bike variety.
Frankly this makes me sick. I hate our 'conformist' societies conception of what a bike should be.

its the blind leading the blind



Oct 25, 2006
I hate our 'conformist' societies conception of what a bike should be.
I hate our conformist society's preconceptions of virtually everything John, creating the very opposite of the free society we are told we are living in. Much of the population appear to be blinkered by their prejudices.

Wisper Bikes

Trade Member
Apr 11, 2007
Sevenoaks Kent
Bent Keys

Yup, thats how my key gets bent - whacked with the back of the heel as I pedal.



The keys on all the Wisper bikes are being changed to the type with the folding "thumb plate" I will inquire if we can get them for the bikes in circulation now.

Best regards David


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 26, 2008
That would be great, we use those folding keys at work and are so much less prone to breakage.