Where to get Batteries

Flying Kiwi

Dec 25, 2006
Why reply privately to a problem of public criticism. Since it still hasn't sunk in, try this about your behaviour.
My point is that you dont have a lengthy go at someone publically when to do so privately will get the message accross.

When I wrote the above, you had 4 days in the forum, 11 posts, 7 of them with this sort of largely non-specific sniping at me within them.
It's true that I'm new to this particular forum (although not to the issues discussed here). I don't consider my posts to be sniping at you and you've misinterpreted them if you do.

Chris asked about the possibility of recelling the battery, I'd provided a tested site answer which by design had avoided any need for welding. Your response was to bring up the irrelevance of welding and hinting at problems with soldering which did not apply. The result was that Chris then posted "Assuming I could get round the soldering problem - -"
Again an issue of interpretation. I interpreted the get around the soldering problem to indicate infamiliarity with soldering or the lack of suitable equipment.

Well done! What a great achievement, finding a problem where none existed and making it a new problem for someone else.
Clearly you're annoyed about this but you have grasped the wrong end of the stick. My comprehensive PM (almost 5000 characters) is now in your inbox and I suggest any further correspondence about this be via PM.


Oct 25, 2006
Please see your private messages as I've responded to yours.

I don't accept the above since your excuses change according to the way I answer each time. 64% of your posts have indulged in these sort of vague critical generalities, and all aimed at me. Considering the many who post in here, that looks like targetting. If I was getting it so wrong, others would also be posting in like manner.
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Nov 25, 2006
Great Mongeham
Cool it please guys!!

These things get totally out of hand on forums and mushroom clouds soon develop, I moderate on enough!!!!

My original post was flawed from the schoolboy physics of battery series/parallel amperage.

I had not gone deeply into cost at that point, but was looking at the principle of getting maximum power out of a battery. The tagged batteries are an option I am certain I could do myself if found cheaply enough, but I haven't so far.

Happy New year,



Oct 25, 2006
Don't worry Chris, I've been contributing to forums for years, and therefore know that when a disruptive posting problem arises it should be attended to immediately before it grows into something unmanageable. Hence my blunt action. If no notice is taken of that, it will be finally resolved at that point.

Things are quiet in the forum at present anyway, the weather has probably seen to that, and with a few drinks in the offing, bikes will probably be stowed away until Tuesday! Meanwhile I'm in the stages of concluding several weeks of research and subsequent testing of the chosen replacement Twist charger and will be making it available to owners very shortly, and that will be occupying the rest of the holiday.

Happy New Year to you and everybody in the forum.
Nov 10, 2006
Do you know anything at all about this other than what I've written. I'd believe it's not possible to remap the software also if it weren't for the fact that after taking my bike in for it's first service and complaining about range under a full charge, it came back offering noticably less power assistance than it used to do.

Do you mean just that the red light should come on briefly when the system is switched on to signify the self test is working fine (at least with the Twist) or something more substantial:confused:

And later:

Yes there's a section on fleccs great website about the Twist dealing with this here index Professionals normally spotweld the tagged cells together as less concentrated heat (eg from a soldering iron) will damage cells if not very carefully applied. Why not get a quote from a specialist company both for the individual cells or a complete refit and ask about any warranty implications of the do it yourself path - you may decide to get them to do it.

Sorry for the late reply.
You know how to init the suede user test?
Hold down the button underneath the handlebar controller for 3-5 seconds
On the uk suede and US suede the button is out of sight beneath the controller. Once in test mode you can spin the front wheel to check the speed sensor is working. The lights flash according to speed. Similarly the tourque sensor can be tested in the same mode. On the US suede you can also test the throttle and power off brakes.

I have had the benefit of looking at the US and UK handlebar controllers. Both have circuitry and connectivity inside for the throttle and brakes. Both controllers work on the UK spec suede.
If you hold down the power button for 5 seconds (from off) it enters a programming mode of some sort. From that point on I am lost, PIC programming is not one of my strong points. The one thing I do know is that if you muck around with the programming mode, the ride feels different. Be wary m8, I don`t want you to break it!

The only other thing I did with the suede is install a bypass switch for the torque sensor. This gives "full whack" at the press of the button.
I have been told on US forums that dealers do have proper service manuals with VPC/PIC programming instructions.. try getting one, it is impossible.


Nov 25, 2006
Great Mongeham
Done a bit of research, without wishing to tread on Flecc's toes for his excellent work.

Found this and have put a piccie on one of my sites.

24v battery pack

They do a charger for 35$ with bulk discounts available.

10ah could be interesting if the postage is not crippling, have sent them an inquiry email. Will let you know


[edit] Pack plus charger plus postage £150 for one, discount for five. There could of course be VAT applied by HMC. Will look further
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Nov 25, 2006
Great Mongeham
Well spotted, I thought I hadn't left any ID info on the jpeg!!! The site does calculate postge which halves from 90$ to 45$ if five were ordered, more likely to attract HMC attention though.

Thought it would make more sense to let them reply to my email first!! Can't find anything like it in the UK, apart from Flecc's suggestions for a complete box..

Been looking at the Li packs as well, but none of them look suitable to me from fitting the Giant box or current & load specs.


Flying Kiwi

Dec 25, 2006
Sorry for the late reply.
You know how to init the suede user test?
Hold down the button underneath the handlebar controller for 3-5 seconds
On the uk suede and US suede the button is out of sight beneath the controller.
Hmmm a hidden button, now there's a challenge. I'll have to get my magnifying glass out and inspect my Twist for a hidden button right away :eek:
I have been told on US forums that dealers do have proper service manuals with VPC/PIC programming instructions.. try getting one, it is impossible.
Certainly dealers can be less than forthcomming with manuals and the car manufacturer I used to work for had a policy of not making it's workshop manuals available to owners, only approved service agents. My suggestion (which is what I did) is to insist on the full workshop manual being provided as a condition of the sale (at reasonable cost if necessary), that way you're more likely to get co-operation from them. It's not much use if you've already got the bike though of course.

Thanks for the information, much better late than never!


Oct 25, 2006
You're not treading on my toes Chris, far from it. All positive contributions more than welcome. I had seen these packs but had ruled them out for my purpose since they weren't the simplest solution, given import etc, and as someone who buys online all the time, I know how easily dollars quite magically become pounds for we put upon UK consumers. That's why I preferred to offer the 8 Ah at a price which is ultimately lower both overall and per Ah after duties. 8 Ah is after all a 23% gain in range anyway.

That 10 Ah pack is certainly a great option for someone needing to do journeys up to 30 miles on a Twist with one battery.

Packs are always the best option for the Twist casings, and most others as well, since there just isn't space for interconnections from cell tags, the assembled result ending up too large to fit.
Nov 10, 2006
Er guys. I`m being cheeky, but seeing as the forum is picking up speed.
Russ/Flecc, is there any chance of have three sticky threads..?

"best value NimH battery packs"
"best value Lithium battery packs"
"best value Pb batteries"
Reason being the chems are totally different and the only similarity between each is that they get hot if shorted out! Secondly the threads always end up in [$] instead of [£]. I think you`ll agree that buying anything bulky from the US/Canada is insanely expensive (postage).
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Oct 25, 2006
Sounds a good idea, but it's for Russ to decide of course.

It would need to include whole batteries for cannibalising as they're often cheaper than buying the contents, insane though that is. The Powacycle, £99 for 20 x 8 Ah seems the cheapest, though the Urban Raider batteries may now be the same price as their batteries are effectively the same.

Even the eZee NiMh is quite cheap in cell terms, 30 x 9 Ah cells for £200, and it's been £150 at times. Needs three 24 volt owners to club together on two batteries to take advantage of that though, and a warning, it's end to end tagged joined in columns, not a side by side cell pack as others use.
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Nov 10, 2006
Sorry Russ, shoulda put it to you. Is that the Russ with the 72v powabyke motors?

Flecc, I`ll take a look at those batts. I always try to keep an eye out for NimH at 36v. My Raleigh project bike has a set of cheap panniers that will hold pretty much any shape:)



Staff member
Aug 17, 2006
Sorry Russ, shoulda put it to you. Is that the Russ with the 72v powabyke motors?

Flecc, I`ll take a look at those batts. I always try to keep an eye out for NimH at 36v. My Raleigh project bike has a set of cheap panniers that will hold pretty much any shape:)

Hi Andrew,

I'm not the Russ with the PowaByke motors i'm afraid!

With regard to the battery threads perhaps we should add some Battery FAQs into the FAQ sub-forum.

For the main forum, I think a global index is in order where all the FAQ questions and answers can be indexed to help newcomers search for information.

Nov 10, 2006
That sounds like a good idea.
The only thing is that there are so many bike models in the FAQ root the extra battery threads could disappear into the mass. Would you consider subsecting the different bike models under a folder? I tend to get FAQ blindness.


Nov 25, 2006
Great Mongeham
I have tonight ordered a 10Ah pack and charger for the Lafree from Batteryspace in the States.

Total cost is £147 though they are looking at cheaper postage options (£50). There are restrictions on posting Li batteries over there and that is what the postage costs are based on. as this is a NiMH battery it may be possible to post cheaper.

I'll post when it arrives and whether it has attacted the attentions of HMCE

All I've got to do then is follow Flecc's instructions, might be wandering over to West Kent in a few days!!!

Five speed SRAM and marathon tyre next!!!



Staff member
Aug 17, 2006
That sounds like a good idea.
The only thing is that there are so many bike models in the FAQ root the extra battery threads could disappear into the mass. Would you consider subsecting the different bike models under a folder? I tend to get FAQ blindness.
Hi Andrew,

I'll tidy up the FAQ section tomorrow and break it down into smaller sections e.g. Batteries, motors and then the cycles by manufacturer etc.


Oct 25, 2006
HMCE now HMRC Chris. Customs were being so naughty that they've been put under the tax inspectors for some discipline, :mad: thus Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs.

You shouldn't have any problems with that pack but get in touch if necessary.

I was looking at long cable options for the SRAM P5, but maddeningly they only seem to be for the Sparc 5 speed electric hub version. Looks like you'll still have to mod the existing cable as per my instructions.
Nov 10, 2006
This one is vexxing me.
What needs paying when you import stuff from the US?
Is it 17.5% VAT? or some other sort of tariff? I had a look at the tax-mans website, but as usual it is as clear as mud! Knowing the rates and stuff would be quite helpful.