most of us use our bikes for work or some kind of business, be it going to the shops or fetching mums bread and carrotts, but what sort of ride do you do for pleasure, when i go to my g/f's its a bit of a drag really,after getting off the train at doncaster its a 8 mile trip there, the route i started off taking i had worked out to be the fastest by means of shgortest distance, least hills,least likelyhood of traffic...but what a boring journey, the wide open roads with nothing either side give you the impression you are going so slow i spend all my time looking at the speedo to make sure i have not stopped, so route changed,more stops and turns, traffic lights to speedily accelerate from...
and shock the cars as i speed off like a drag car on methane injection, the routes where other riders are where i can nip past them, ok it might be slowly past them but the sight of something resembling a shopper bike..(Quando) is a right demorilisor for them. the long drags where its always head winds and the postmen are up out of their saddle waggling there bums all over straining,love to sing or whistle and let them know something is stalking them ready to pounce just as their last spray of sweat hits their forehead,the narrow roads with hedges or walls that really exagerates your speed, the sharp corners where my knee bends out like kenny roberts on his 500cc yamaha...funnily enough i dont like the downhill areas as hit 18 ish it dont feel so good, catch a real sharp long one like i did the other day and it feels like the space shuttle on re-entry.when i hit 28.5mph.."IM GONNA BURN UP HOUSTON !!!!!
...after 250 miles i realised that ok i may have extended my journey by a mile or two..but it only adds 8 minutes to the journey and its all fun instead of being just a means to an end......
at the end of the day...its night....
at the end of the day...its night....