Brake cut-out switch is a very important safety feature.
- When my 2 year-old grandson is in the front seat (Thule Mini, we have wonderful rides together) he can reach everything and loves pressing things, regardless of instructions - including the thumb throttle. If I’ve forgotten to switch off when we stop, the brake switch can literally be a lifesaver. I’ve not made that mistake twice.
- In the car, I was waiting at a busy zebra crossing while a guy was walking his ebike across. It was a DIY conversion so caught my eye. Suddenly his pedals started turning and in the same instant the bike reared off in front of him. He managed to keep hold of one handlebar momentarily but it was too late and the bike careered off and crashed on the other side of the road. The rider was sprawled on the ground though dusted himself down okay, but it was pure fluke that nobody else was hurt, with mums and prams about. That can happen so easily with a sticky freewheel, with or without a throttle.*
I also use the brake cut-out as a clutch when changing down approaching a junction. You obviously have to pedal to change gear but don’t want any power, so a light touch on the brake just kills the motor.
*Edit: Something similar almost happened to me when I was walking the bike around the back of the house. It suddenly lurched forward violently but thankfully I caught it with the brake cut-out. This was not a case of poor maintenance, but some long grass that, unknown to me, had tangled itself around the freewheel and prevented it from, well, freewheeling.