I think you've misunderstood me John, since I wasn't saying the Cytronex was superior to it, and in fact I wouldn't personally like one for those conditions.I dont agree with that Flecc at all. In my view, fumbling for buttons on the end of the bars when every single touch of the brakes turns off the power, is far from ideal. At least with the Panasonic system you have assistance on every press of the pedal.
This one the one thing that I found excellent about the Panasonic system, its simplicity.
What I was saying is that the Panasonic system doesn't make for a particularly agile and responsive bicycle, particularly on a heavier machine like the Agattu. In this I agree with Hal that the narrow power band relative to cadence makes it impossible to stay with full power assist for quick acceleration in heavy traffic, since one quickly runs beyond the maximum assist point. That leaves two options. Work very much harder on the pedals to achieve the required acceleration or change up which delays acceleration with a hub gear.
In most circumstances the system is fine, but having commuted in and out of central London and throughout the West End and much of the City for much of the day over a nine year period, I fully understand what Hal means, though his Cytronex choice doesn't appeal to me.
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