Race Event
Will I be able to use my 'virtual' Pro Connect 53cm Gents in the race as I still haven't got my real one and probably won't have it by September either the ways things are going!
I realized recently that the name I use on this forum (WALKERMAN) has become very appropriate, maybe I should change it to 'WAITINGMAN'
I feel it might never become 'BIKERMAN' 
Hi FleccMy guess is that this is intended on a different day, the 9th September mention just being the ToB date.
Will I be able to use my 'virtual' Pro Connect 53cm Gents in the race as I still haven't got my real one and probably won't have it by September either the ways things are going!
I realized recently that the name I use on this forum (WALKERMAN) has become very appropriate, maybe I should change it to 'WAITINGMAN'