I believe he was merely expressing a comment on your strange-looking and controversial bike, a valid thing to do since your main reason for appearing in this forum is to plug it. On that basis, any forum member might be considered a potential customer.
Bode, you are incorrect. If the main reason for me being on this forum was to 'plug my bike,' then I would have stayed well away from a lot of / perceived controversial topics - which I clearly haven't

I am here because I genuinely believe that electric bikes can and will make a difference to society and will happily partake in discussion about them. had you read my previous posts, like you suggested I did with PED-AL, this would have been obvious.
I particularly like this forum because most claims that are made on here are, or can be substantiated and the claims that cannot, are often shot down, leading to greater accuracy and less spin by those inclined to do so.
For example: Try claiming that a 'Panansonic crank drive' bike can't climb a hill and that you are so staunch in your belief that you wouldn't even bother trying it - then see how many people on here who own or have ridden one and know otherwise, will jump on you.
Remember, alot of people who joined have stated that they did so because of the valuable and ACCURATE information that they were able to gleen because of other members actual experiences with various products or manufacturers, or existing members technical prominence in certain fields.
back to the topic - in my view, what he did was stupid, no question about that and he should be punished. A 6 month custodial though, on the face of it, to me seems a little harsh when you consider that far worse crimes have been perpetrated wherein the offenders received a very much lighter sentence.