Frank of Xipi signed himself off as agreeing with me that he is a selfish idiot. Why does this matter,well parts of this forum seem to be the core customers of these illegal bikes and responses to my posting appear to endorse that,although I must say that the number of supporters of these illegal machines seems to be reducing,maybe shame is keeping them away.
Why does this matter-you only have to look at the kit car industry over the last 10 years. At one time almost unregulated,then there was a fatal accident with a powerful kit car and SVA inspection was introduced costing £400 per vehicle,now upgraded to IVA costing almost £700 per took all the independent designs away,the smaller companies went bust overnight and building a kit car became a complex and expensive project,the industry has changed into a smaller number of bigger players and is now a much smaller industry.
The obvious government knee-jerk reaction would be all e-bikes would have to have EN15194,that will happen anyway but an accident would sure hasten matters. Ironically that would be good for the likes of Kudos,Wisper,Ebco etc because all our bikes already meet EN15194 but the smaller companies would struggle to meet the costs involved.
What I cannot understand about manufacturing illegal bikes is that it makes no business sense. The market for illegals must be small,there is no growth potential,no insurer is ever going to cover them for product and public liability insurance and the risk of being sued heavily is very high.
Franks advert describes the new Xipi as a Commuter bike with 1500 watts,I just cannot see how you can commute to work on private land(note not off-road the land must be private)? Also the mention that the motor has only 250 watts marked upon it is clear to all that this suggests that if you deristrict to 1500 watts it would still appear as 250 watts-this would be cannon fodder to any half decent prosecution barrister.
I have become quite passionate about these e-bikes,I enjoy the engineering challenge of getting the maximum performance within the constraints of EN15194 and the market is growing rapidly-Kudos despatched over 70 bikes last week. It would be a real shame if a few selfish idiots spoilt the business and the fun for the majority.