Possibly, but Flecc, who clearly knows his stuff, suggested that even the authorities can be unclear on the law.
How true this is becomes very clear when the DfT, who make the law, don't know it to the point of comedy.
When a police force tried to prosecute a pedelecer for having a 250 watt motor, the DfT backed them, until I pointed out an anomaly and the prosecution was stopped.
The problem was that their pedelec usage law (1983 EAPC) states that any bike having over 200 watts had to be type approved as a motor vehicle, that ruled by the DfT legal department,
However the DfT's Vehicle Inspectorate who do type approval work to a different construction law (168/2013), which exempts any otherwise legal pedelec having 250 watts or less from being type approved.
A bit like pantomime really, one DfT department saying "Oh yes you must!", while another department says "Oh no you can't!"