Teen on e-bike dies after colliding with ambulance


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015
ebike shop has been selling bikes with dongles they fit from gen1 bosch motors even tho they are type approved with a dongle they are not road legal.

but if you see me flying down the road going 35mph im spinning the cranks at 100-120 rpm, im not fat any more ;)

but this means plod sees me spinning and adding power and i can sprint for around 6-7 miles now non stop.

m8s bafang hd has a throttle but has peddles and never had a problem from plod or been pulled over and he wont wear a splat hat either :rolleyes:


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 8, 2020
looks like that bike went under the ambulance to mangle and damage a fork like that.
No. zoomed in a bit of crumpling on the drivers wing. Bike hit and thrown to our left, rider to the right head first into the windscreen. Probably knew nothing about it.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015
No. zoomed in a bit of crumpling on the drivers wing. Bike hit and thrown to our left, rider to the right head first into the windscreen. Probably knew nothing about it.
well if that is the case and the bike never went under the ambulance lucky no one else was killed walking down the road because to bend twist a fork like that is massive.

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 8, 2018
The main distinction between an ebike and electric motorbike appears to be power and pedals or no pedals?
They are all ebikes in my mind, with three important categories: pedelec, e-moped, e-motorbike.
The definition of pedelec seems pretty clear: just a little vague about what the 250w really means, and the role of any throttle. I'm not clear about the distinction between moped and motorbike (whether electric or not), but that's mainly because the distinction hasn't been relevant to me rather than that it isn't clear to those concerned.

QUOTE="flecc, post: 682737, member: 3"]
... Those same 14 year olds in France can even drive low powered cars with passengers, limited to 45 kph, and all without a driving licence or driving test. They just need a safety certificate, and they behave since they don't want to lose their safety certificate.
A safety certificate seems a sensible idea but not sure how it gets issued, revoked and policed for riding/driving without it. Also what are the limits of power, speed, helmets, insurance for riding with such a certificate?

I suspect that the way the teens were riding would not have been permitted in France even with a certificate, but that is surmise as I don't know either the details of their riding behaviour or the details of the French rules.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 10, 2010

They cal him a cyclist, but it's a motorbike with no pedals. Why would they do that? If a guy was on a 50cc Honda, nobody would call them a cyclist. A Sur Ron is a motorcycle with the same power as a Chinese 125cc one and a lot less weight.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 10, 2010
If anything comes from this hopefully it will be more stringent regulation on the sellers of these electric motorbikes.
No purchase unless you can produce a driving license, and have been pre insured.
These guys are most likely criminals. Take a look at them. They're always masked and hooded - possibly drugs mules. Before these electric bikes, the criminals used stolen scooters. No laws or rules are going to stop them. If your proposed rules were in place, somebody authorised would buy one, then it would be reported stolen a few days later, and probably an insurance claim so they get it for nothing instead of having to pay for it.

The picture from Manchester that Sound wave provided shows two more Sur Ron's. Ask yourself where they're all getting the £4000+ from to buy them. Why always a Sur Ron? Why do they nearly all dress in black. Do you really think it's a rich uncle buying them? You need to get your brain in gear and start figuring it out.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 19, 2017
All riding in the pedestrian zone
Already started issuing fines in my area, tracking cyclists on CCTV and confronting them when they go into a shop with evidence of riding through pedestrian zones via mobile phones, albeit the only folks I have seen getting a ticket are old guys on shoppers, easy prey. I dismount now cba with a ton fine.

they could have overtaken but didn't
I've had this in a 40 zone, 5o behind me, at first I didn't notice its was cops, until I realised that no one else was on that stretch of road, pondering why they had not past I looked back, however that day it was head wind and even on full pelt it was hard to maintain 15mph let alone any more. They were defo clocking me, bored or lazy I assume.
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Oct 25, 2006
A safety certificate seems a sensible idea but not sure how it gets issued, revoked and policed for riding/driving without it. Also what are the limits of power, speed, helmets, insurance for riding with such a certificate?
It's become a bit more complicated now since they have recently changed to two classes of moped, low speed 30kph/19 mph and higher speed 45kph/28mph, driving licences now necessary for both of those, the safety certificate only for the low speed cars for 14 year olds. But some licences are easier to obtain, for example:

For low speed mopeds must have a driver's licence of any kind. Or, have an “AM” licence. They can get an AM licence after a short 8-hour practical course, accessible to anyone who has obtained their ASSR (School Road Safety Certificate) levels 1 and 2. **

I suspect that the way the teens were riding would not have been permitted in France even with a certificate
True to some extent, but of course when they are already able to ride mopeds and even drive light cars legally from 14 years old, there's no need to do that illegal riding at 15 or 16. It's the excessive restrictions here that is driving the illegal behaviour, leading to them taking a short cut to more freedom.

I'm sorry the French have started tightening up considerably on the rules, since if they go too far down that street they will end up with our problems. The other more liberal EU countries aren't following them , as Chris_N living in Austria reported.

Excessive restrictions and impediments are not just a kids problem, they affect adults too leading to big problems. For example the large numbers driving cars on our roads without insurance, driving licences or MOTs.

The effects are cumulative. Someone drives without insurance due to its rip off cost. They lose their licence so think "to hell with it, I'll drive anyway". So that means they won't bother with an MOT or car tax either.

So when they are eventually nabbed and further banned, they get smart and drive on someone else's cloned number plates, relying on their licence, insurance etc. to get away with it.

The problem is obvious, the more laws there are, the more they get broken. The answer to that is equally obvious, keep the law to the absolute minimum necessary.

** School Road Safety Certificates (ASRs) of 1er level (ASSR1) and 2e level (ASSR2) are obtained under compulsory education in road safety rules. SRAs are issued during school time after a theoretical knowledge check.
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Bonzo Banana

Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2019
Hopefully people in the comments on this article are more respectful of the young person who lost their life.
Hate all the point scoring that these articles bring to this forum,
Some of the comments about the 2 young boys who lost their lives in the last accident are a disgrace.

Remember these boys are someones sons, brother's etc.
Why are we treating this any differently to a drunk driver or joy rider who kills himself rather than innocent pedestrians or in other vehicles. These are criminals with no regard for the lives of others who in this instance died themselves. It's not point scoring it's just vile individuals with no regard for others have killed themselves. Yes it is horrible their lives have ended but so often these stories end with innocent lives being taken rather than these vile selfish individuals. They could have just stopped, the police would have arrested them and their e-motorbike would have been confiscated and likely crushed but that is what should have happened but instead the choose to continue risking their own lives and the lives of others. You can't just put 'young person' to detract from the real reality here. Sometimes you shouldn't be respectful, you should focus on the reality of the situation and say it as it is. It seems news reports are being respectful and have created a very warped image of the reality here.

I watched one report and the overall tone of the report was of an injustice to the boys that died and no mention of the criminal action of the boys. A lot of it was focused on the police reporting themselves for investigation. The end result made it look like innocent people had been killed by the police. A completely warped report that only seems to validate the choices of what those young men did. When the police have completed their investigation perhaps months from now with all the boring details of laws broken will the reporters be back then to present that information to the public and correct their warped report?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 7, 2014
West Sx RH
Strangely since both of these fatal accidents of stupidity , I have since seen two Suron type bikes here in town. Both ridden without riders wearing a helmet .
Because of there power and motor size they both sound like a zero bike at the TT in use .
One was being hooned around the local car park of a retail park and the other yesterday on local roads, Plod around here don't do much at all and there are plenty of illegals to see about.

Most of the illegals are 1kw motors and all ridden on throttle.
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
I watched one report and the overall tone of the report was of an injustice to the boys that died and no mention of the criminal action of the boys. A lot of it was focused on the police reporting themselves for investigation. The end result made it look like innocent people had been killed by the police. A completely warped report that only seems to validate the choices of what those young men did. When the police have completed their investigation perhaps months from now with all the boring details of laws broken will the reporters be back then to present that information to the public and correct their warped report?
For some reason, the boys are presumed to be innocent and the police guilty.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 7, 2014
West Sx RH
Plod are justing doing their job which I what we ask of them.