I'm a bit late tonight, trying to get to grips with this video malarky. Good news is no serious traffic incidents today, in 142km.
Haven't done the numbers, but battery full all day. New for the Gopro, I ran it off USB from the bike battery all day, worked a treat. Hit 40+km/h at times, which makes the timelapse footage look like 375mph!
Tremendous scenery all day, from Strathcarron to Dundonnel via the coast road, minus Bealach na Ba, for which I do not have the gearing.
Many hills, wall to wall sunshine, highish temperatures and for the first time I pushed the motor or controller into thermal limiting mode. It cuts the assistance down to level 1 and seems also to reduce cutoff speed by half, although hard to tell when dumped a level on a first gear hill!
Took a long break to cool down at a potential camp spot where one set of van occupants forced tea on me, and then a pair of big campervan ladies of leisure (big vans) whiled away lots of time with talk of further north.
A Morgan, I think.
New sign for 'that hill'. The old one is now a sacrificial place for people to leave their mark.
A village.
Heavy machinery at roadwork making one of the remaining single track sections into two way road.
More tomorrow!
Thanks for all your suggestions. There is now red reflective tape across the rear edge of the frame, which the ladies in the vans happened to have, and I hit the big town tomorrow, Ullapool, so I'll be looking out for soft spongy bright things, or pipe insulation and more tape otherwise, for a waggly arm on the offside rear corner.