Should we all have Bicycle Bells


Oct 6, 2011
Can anyone on the forum tell me has this been passed in law
Cyclists will be threatened with jail or a fine of up to £2,500 if they are caught riding without a bicycle bell, under draconian new laws Labour is studying


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 16, 2011
Exeter Devon

Your right people don't move out of the way and here in Exeter we have a lot of shared pavements and they don't work?? I have even bought an electric horn but it's just the same as every one you see has got earphones in so they can't hear anything so perhaps they should ban earphones. ????


Oct 6, 2011
You want to be her in Belfast you ring the bell and they either don't move are turn round and give you a look that would send you to hell and back now i am talking about shared footpaths or shared cycle ways


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 22, 2011
South Shields, Tyne & Wear
Your right people don't move out of the way and here in Exeter we have a lot of shared pavements and they don't work?? I have even bought an electric horn but it's just the same as every one you see has got earphones in so they can't hear anything so perhaps they should ban earphones. ????
Dont say that.....its usually ME that has the earphones in LOL........and around here they must be politer, because everyone gets out of my way when I am hitting the cycle trails.......mind you, I think they probably think thats better than being mown down :D

I always slow down for dogs and horses though......oh.....and the ferret I saw on a lead last week :)

Lynda :)


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 24, 2010
P.S. they are not in power!
Thank god for that. But for how long? People seem to have a very short memory come election time.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 24, 2010
Can anyone on the forum tell me has this been passed in law
Cyclists will be threatened with jail or a fine of up to £2,500 if they are caught riding without a bicycle bell, under draconian new laws Labour is studying
Before I got my bike I was walking along and I heard this distant ringing sound behind me...I turned and saw this very polite young man on a bike who smiled and said "just letting you know I'm here".

So I do the same now, I always ring long before I approach anyone and I always ring it when going around corners on pavements. Good way to avoid accidents, pedestrians can be very unpredictable or just don't seem to expect bikes to be on pavements.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 8, 2010
In my part of S.Wales we don`t have any cycle paths , let alone shared ones . We have to mix it with Artics , Buses and Boy Racers . The latter don`t like Hi-Vis waistcoats , it seems to bring out the worst in them . It must be they have bad memories of something !


Aug 2, 2011
Apparently its illegal to sell a bicycle without a bell. As seen here, in the final section, International Requirements: Construction & Use Regulations

My bike has a bell, but I'm too embarrassed to use it. Pathetic little ding noises.



Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 17, 2008
I should video my commute someday as it’s hard to describe sometimes.
There’s a junction I use every morning and the way it’s designed means all the cars go through and then bikes follow on a slightly different line. After the cars go past people start to cross (Pelican crossing with red man showing), some people look and see the bikes and wait but others just carry on strolling across without thought. This morning I called out excuse me and a few people stopped, not because they wanted to let me past but because they knew it would hurt if they didn’t. One woman had her earplugs in and kept going so I got up very close and shouted “Oi!” at her, as I rode off I could hear her moaning about me. I’m gobsmacked that people cross busy roads without looking, without listening and without waiting for the crossing to change.
There are other crossings like that in London, people see others on the crossings and assume it’s OK to cross. I’ve had women push prams out in front of me, I’ve hit a few other people and scared several. All those people probably think I should have a bell, I think they should use their eyes and wait for the little green man.
Rant over.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 22, 2011
South Shields, Tyne & Wear
You need one of these....a vintage car Hooter!
It certainly wakes people up
Wow....I like that......where did you find it ?

Lynda :)

Deleted member 4366

Bells and hooters are no good. When pedestrians hear them, (that's all those that aren't texting on their phones or listening to headphones, which doesn't leave many). it seems to cause them to veer directly into your path instead of getting out the way - best not to bother.

But what I don't understand is how, when you're going quietly down a cycle path aproaching a pedestrian from behind, whos oblivious to your approach because he/she is listening to their music or whatever. How come, when they're walking in a straight line, do they know exactly the moment to start walking at 45 degrees to their previous path, or turn and walk at right angles, just as you get to that point of no return?

Here in Telford we've got many cyclepaths, where the very wide bit next to the road is split into a marked cycle path on one side and a pedestrian way next to it, split by a slightly raised white line. Nine times out of ten, the pedestrians will be walking on the cycle path. Sometimes I point to the signs as I glide past, but most times I can hear abuse being shouted as I disappear in the distance. One time there was a rather heavily pregnant teenager with her bare-topped tattooed teenage boyfriend walking next to her along a bit of sometimes busy cycle path, so as I had just reached the parking racks, I asked her if she realised that it was a cycle path and that she might be safer walking on the footpath - nothing for about ten seconds, and then it was like the blue touch paper had been lit. She gave out an absolute tirade of abuse that included the claim that, as she was pregnant, she could walk where she liked!


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 19, 2011
Short answer is YES however I would like to have a nice musical sound that I could switch on and make people look behind to see where the sound is coming from, I sometimes ride on the canal tow path and people have remarked that I have a bell.

Sorry to be sexist but we have special parking spots for mother and child at S-markets but they will walk for miles if they are shopping seems weird to me. but I am a man !!!!!!!!!!!!
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jul 12, 2011
Sorry to be sexist but we have special parking spots for mother and child at S-markets but they will walk for miles if they are shopping seems weird to me. but I am a man !!!!!!!!!!!!
Parent and child - not mother and child.

And they aren't there to give them less distance to walk, they are there to ensure you can get your kids in and out of the car without damaging cars either side with the car doors.