Scavenging escooter found apparently dead to make batteries?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
Bikes don't have to have pedals as leg amputees or paralysed users can use and ride hand cycles, that early stick propelled trike being so.
The main thing though is the vehicle driven is propelled by human power even if it is an assisted powered bike.
Wow, it'd take next to no effort to propel a BBS01B powered armapedelec. If one has the right gears, hill starts wouldn't be an unsurmountable problem either, with Arnie-style arm building training.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 7, 2014
West Sx RH
Even if ambiguous no court would prosecute a amputee or paralysed rider for having e assist on a hand cycle.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
Even if ambiguous no court would prosecute a amputee or paralysed rider for having e assist on a hand cycle.
That frame is steel, the whole thing must weigh a lot - maybe a bbshd then? Things might be different if he/she crushed someone with that comfy but very heavy looking armchair on wheels.

Plas man

May 12, 2022
(So some kid is riding along on the scooter - battery dies , kid runs home crying to mum , dad comes in the car to collect ,only to find is gone , passer by says “guy on a e bike ‘n trailer full of pumpkins took it” - so of you get cut up whilst riding you’ll know it’s the kids dad :D


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
(So some kid is riding along on the scooter - battery dies , kid runs home crying to mum , dad comes in the car to collect ,only to find is gone , passer by says “guy on a e bike ‘n trailer full of pumpkins took it” - so of you get cut up whilst riding you’ll know it’s the kids dad :D
Crumbs :oops: Maybe I should repair it and put it back? (If it's broken)

I would never have come across this scooter if my hindsight hadn't suddenly become 10/20 (my right Zefal Cyclop end mirror had fallen off 10 minutes before) and I hadn't turned left to ride along the pavement next to a big park (on pavement because I didn't fancy using the road without my right mirror, it's funny how one becomes reliant on them), and there it was missing it's seatpost on the grass verge next to the kerb, on a Monday morning when in my area, bins get collected and people leave stuff outside their homes for the scrap guys, who drive around annoying everyone for miles around forcefully sputtering out their negligible musical talent through old trumpets. There's a big industrial estate opposite the park, no houses for at least half a mile in either direction, it was situated a few yards away from a bus stop, and the scoooter had been rained on. Perhaps the dad decided to move it near the bus stop on his way to work, in case the scrap guys didn't take it? I'll never know what this scooter's story is, but it doesn't matter because now that I've disabled it's GPS tracker, I'm going to break it into untraceable parts to fill a shipping container bound for Nigeria and sell it all for millions of whatever the currency is there...

Snitches get stitches ;)
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
This guy seems to have success fixing scooters economically?:)
So that button is a fuse reset? Was wondering what it was for. Thanks for posting that video. These deathtraps are surprisingly cheap to buy second hand, I can see why so many people use them - starting at just £55. By the time they're sold to Cex, their batteries are probably well shagged out.

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
Almost exactly the same escooter, apart from the seatpost mount which this lacks.

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
Phaserunner, on a better scooter:




Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
Seems this dangerous trash escooter was available for about £37, 6 years ago.

The batteries will be powering water pumps in my rather faraway garden, trickle charged by a small solar panel.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 10, 2010
There's a small box containing both BMS and controller I guess... I can open it up if anyone's interested. Otherwise I'll try and find a use for these 12V batteries in my garden shed to power lights or something else, if they're not dodos.
Lead batteries don't have BMSs. It's a brushed motor controller.

Hand version of pedelec would be manelec, not armapedelec.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
How much range would I get from the two 12V batteries I've scavenged from this dead e-scooter, if I connected them in series through this to my 36V ebike using 19Wh per mile? If they're not shagged out - I'm trying to charge them individually right now using an ultra-cheap "Smart" 12V charger from AliExpress's Most Excellent And Troublingly Addictive Great Winter Sale of 2024.

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 10, 2010
How much range would I get from the two 12V batteries I've scavenged from this dead e-scooter, if I connected them in series through this to my 36V ebike using 19Wh per mile? If they're not shagged out - I'm trying to charge them individually right now using an ultra-cheap "Smart" 12V charger from AliExpress's Most Excellent And Troublingly Addictive Great Winter Sale of 2024.

View attachment 61975
Lead batteries are nearly always shagged, so the answer is zero miles.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 2, 2024
Lead batteries are nearly always shagged, so the answer is zero miles.

Lead sulfate crystals form over the plates when the voltage falls to below about 12 volts.

If left flat for any time at all the battery becomes useless. It can happen over winter with a motorbike battery that has not been looked after.

Add to that the generally poor life of deep cycle lead acid batteries and you are completely right.

The probability of uselessness is about 98%.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 21, 2020
Question is, will it set my home aflame?
I know from your many posting that you are really catious about batteries and possible fires thus it truly beats me why you would ever consider taking batteries of unknown provenance to build a battery pack from them.

You'll have no idea as to the quality of the batteries and how they have been used/abused.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 2, 2024
I know from your many posting that you are really catious about batteries and possible fires thus it truly beats me why you would ever consider taking batteries of unknown provenance to build a battery pack from them.

You'll have no idea as to the quality of the batteries and how they have been used/abused.
They are old, abandoned, lead acid batteries of 4.5Ah each.

They will be completely flat and irrecoverable through the usual killer of flat, abandoned, lead acid batteries. They will only waste his time and won't be a hazard. Being of the sealed type, he won't even be able to spill the corrosive electrolyte on his jeans and rot the material into a hole.

Even if they were in A grade condition he would be lucky to get anywhere near 40 Watt hours out of each of them. One of the weird things about that technology is that you can only get about half of the rated energy out of them.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
Precise percentage of shaggage could be tricky to determine, but I reckon they're royally shagged to near total death/Prince Andrewed. If nothing else, I was hoping one of these could be trickle charged by solar panel, to power a 12V water pump or Archimedes screw, in my offgrid garden on a timer, periodically moving harvested rainwater from a set of water butts which all feed each other, up into a much larger water container... but alas, they become hot while being charged, and they self discharge fast - after being charged to 12V from 5mV over two hours, they're losing about 0.45V per day by mere virtue of existing. I'll take them to recycling, and buy a couple of 12Vs to muck about with. Tiny scrap of paper containing megacheap "Smart" charger destructions:


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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
I know from your many posting that you are really catious about batteries and possible fires thus it truly beats me why you would ever consider taking batteries of unknown provenance to build a battery pack from them.

You'll have no idea as to the quality of the batteries and how they have been used/abused.
I didn't want the possibility of dangerous batteries hanging around
I would have kept it outside in the dry if lithium-ion, until I could take a good look at it. Lead-acid batteries exploding don't worry me - easier to extinguish, one bang and it's largely over (don't tell the girls). Considering how many millions of escooters there are and what's demanded of whatever batteries they contain etc, there must be zillions of dead escooter batteries being thrown into landfill. This one would be been lobbed into a wheelie bin by some other passer by, to leech into groundwater posoining soil, veg and animals we eat. If the battery turned out to be lithium-ion, I might have been able to make small no-solder slow drain power banks, or use the cells to power torches or something. If not viable, I'd have taken them to recycling, if indeed that's what happens to them when we take them to recycling.

of unknown provenance
Your vegetables are of unknown provenance. Who knows how they have been poisoned and abused, or what quality they are.
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