Road rage


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 30, 2012
Boston lincs
I was just on the outskirts of town . The minor road I was pedalling along joins the A52 at a roundabout . Past experience has taught me that this roundabout is dodgy for cyclists . So about 100 meters short of the roundabout , I stopped , dismounted ,crossed the road , and rode on the pavement up to the roundabout , and turned right , staying on the pavement . About 100 meters beyond the roundabout there is a pedestrian crossing . I stopped at the crossing and was about to dismount , when a car approaching from my right stopped , and the driver flagged me across . Looking to my left , the road was clear as far as the roundabout . So rather than hold up the considerate driver by dismounting , I decided to ride across the crossing . Looking back , I know this was illegal , and it turned out to be a bad decision . At the half way point , I saw a Mercedes car approaching from my left , and accelerating hard . It was too late for me to stop . At the last second he braked so hard that I saw smoke from his tyres ,and he leaned on the horn . I turned right onto the road and carried on . He then overtook me very close , and then cut across me at 45 degrees so that I had to stop . He wound down his window , and said that the crossing was for ******** pedestrians , not For****** bikes , and called in to question my ancestry . I was going to explain that had I walked across , I would have detained him longer . ButI had only time to say two words to him , the second one being "off" . He then drove away . I got the impression that for whatever reason , he had failed to see me, despite my wearing a reflective jacket of the type worn by road workers . I feel that his reaction was out of all proportion to the situation , even though I know I was in the wrong . What do you think ?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 29, 2008
Well if he was driving a Mercedes he is clearly a successful man with sufficient income not to have to ride a bicycle. If it were me, I'd just take my cap off, appologies for getting in the way of the Mercedes driver and promise him that it won't happen again. And if he had a private number plate on his car, this means that he is far superior and extremely effluent. The only thing to do under these circumstances is to kiss his boots.


Jul 7, 2008
The fact that he tried to damage you buy running you off the road seems not to have entered his some CS gas next time your in France.:p


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 25, 2011
East Sussex
Yes, indeed.

I think I would also have offered to thrash myself with spiked chains for several hours for such heinous behavior.

Seriously though, it does seem that a majority of Mercedes drivers are prone to tantrums. Why are they all so angry all the time?


Jul 7, 2008
funny that I actually cam across a considerate one today..after nearly getting crunched at a roundabout when I had right of way. I cycled on and at a T joining a que of traffic, a merc driver let me join the road! could not believe it

Deleted member 4366

I got the impression that for whatever reason , he had failed to see me, despite my wearing a reflective jacket of the type worn by road workers .
These jackets are better know as "Invisibility Cloaks". I rarely get problems when I don't wear mine, but I seem to get a near miss every time I put it on.

It's been a bad day for incidents. I was forced (fell) off my bike today in Tescos car park. I was riding up the lane to the exit with rows of parked cars on either side, when one appeared to jump out of a space in front of me. I tutted to myself and carried on just behind him, but when he got to the cross-roads of lanes he slowed right down as if he was checking that it was clear. I could easily see that it was clear so I tutted again and proceeded to pass him. I was right on his rear quarter when he suddenly swung across into the last space before the cross-roads. I hit my brakes hard and just managed to avoid T-boning him, but my bike tipped right up and I sort of went half over the handlebars onto the ground. Fortunately I had wiped off all the speed so I wasn't hurt in any way. The guy was very apologetic and then said that he wasn't expecting me to pass on his inside (which was his off-side), but he soon went back to apologizing when I pointed out that he had pulled out on me as well. I was thinking about it while riding home and figured out that he must have come down the down lane and seen the space which he preferred, and then cut through the parking spaces to get through it only focusing on getting there before anyone else. Anyway, no damage done so everyone's OK.

I can't believe how much grip I got from the Conti Top Contact tyres


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 30, 2012
Boston lincs
Thanks for all the words of encouragement . During my working life , among other jobs , I have spent years driving heavy vehicles and busses all over Europe , so I have done my share of driving . Two years ago I lost the sight of one eye , and no longer drive , although I am still allowed to . I think a mistake we all make sometimes , is to carry emotional upset or stress with us into our vehicles . I remember being stuck in stationary traffic in London one morning . It was a lovely summer morning , and I had the lorry window down , and was whistling a tune . A guy in an open topped car in the next lane had a face like thunder , and demanded to know what I was being so cheerful about . I just said " I am quite happy because I am already AT work !"


Oct 25, 2006
You were not in the wrong as far as the driver was concerned Neptune, it was his responsibility to stop for anyone on a pedestrian crossing. Your wheels had no more relevance than the wheels on a pushchair, pram or wheelchair crossing. Obviously that driver thought the relative cost of his vehicle gave him policing rights, a very common psychotic delusion.


Jul 28, 2011
I find that Tesco's carparks I nearly have an accident everyday due to people not looking in their mirrors. They just look out for cars if they do. Lucky enough the cars are going slow and so am I so I tend to avoid them. I do cuss a lot though.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 2, 2011
Sorry to hear about your experience.
It's so bizarre that normal people with everyday jobs become complete nob heads when driving it's so strange that people don't relax.

If it's one thing I've learnt it's to relax a little whilst cycling and enjoy the travel than stress myself out by it. This is only something I've learnt while cycling. As I'm clearly the slowest thing on the road it's taught me to just keep on it and let people in a mega rush go past.

They usually have to stop at the next set of lights. Then if there really annoyed they can always get out the car and have a word. Most people never do. Even when they do I think they realise what there doing and it's not a good idea. I'm wearing a helmet and protective gear and I'm usually bigger than them. Probably even look bigger with all the gear on.

Glad your ok though which is the main thing. Those kinds of people get what's coming to them when they pick on someone eventually. I'd go about your business in a much more relaxed attitude.


Sep 19, 2009
S'funny isn't it. If he's got time to lean on the horn, then he could probably have slowed down sooner. I know the really near misses I've been involved with whilst in a car, i haven't had time to think about the horn, being too busy avoiding a collision!

Some people seem to speed up when they see a potential hazard, just to slam on the breaks and hurl abuse - sad really


Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 2, 2010
Sarfeast England
it was his responsibility to stop for anyone on a pedestrian crossing. Your wheels had no more relevance than the wheels on a pushchair, pram or wheelchair crossing.
That's interesting. Either the law's changed in the last 20 years or so, or one of Brighton's traffic sergeants was talking out of his bottom when he explained to me that if a person is so naughty as to ride a bicycle over a pedestrian crossing, the pedestrian crossing affords him no "protection", as it were, because he is not a pedestrian!

Doesn't it say somewhere in the HC that thou shalt not ride thy bicycle upon a pedestrian crossing, and if thou so doest, verily thou art Wicked?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 29, 2008
Nottingham, UK
It was too late for me to stop . At the last second he braked so hard that I saw smoke from his tyres ,and he leaned on the horn .
Neptune, given what could have happened at this point, everything else pales in to insignificance. I'm just glad you are OK. Forget about the angry man, and most of all, don't let it make you an angry cyclist, that's the quickest route to major problems.


Oct 25, 2006
Doesn't it say somewhere in the HC that thou shalt not ride thy bicycle upon a pedestrian crossing, and if thou so doest, verily thou art Wicked?
I didn't mean in crossing law, but in the sense that he must stop if anyone is directly in his path. Approaching a crossing he should not have been in an emergency braking situation, since he should expect the possibility of seeing someone on it. I think a court would find the same if he had hit you, since the fact you were on a bike did not in any way increase the chance of an accident.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 30, 2012
Boston lincs
During my years of driving , I always , as a matter of professional pride , refused to "rise to the bait " so to speak . I swore at this guy because he swore at me first , and I wanted to make it clear that I was not going to lie down and be his victim ,. I was also a bit shook up I suppose . I was glad when he drove off . I have admitted that I made a foolish decision in riding on the crossing . Hopefully , I am not too old to learn from it . Most of my cycling is done for pleasure , and I am in no hurry to get anywhere in particular , so mentally I am pretty laid back . All that really matters is that no one was hurt , including Mercedes Man . I like to think that later he would reflect , and realise he had been as big an idiot as I had . Thanks again for all your positive words .
@mike , we also have one of those in Boston . Unfortunately it was not the one I was on at the time !
@flecc , Even if he failed to see me personally , the fact the the oncoming traffic had already stopped should have alerted him that he needed to be prepared to stop , wouldn`t you think ?
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Oct 25, 2006
We have Toucan crossings as well, for pedestrians and bikes, the crossing name a pun and continuing the creature theme from zebra and pelican crossings.

mike killay

Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 17, 2011
It seems to becoming more prevalent these days, but I have observed it in an old lady born in 1916.
People seem to have been brought up never to accept responsibility. Things are never their fault and they will go to bizarre lengths to prove it so, attributing blame wherever they can. They seem unable to accept that it is their fault. For instance, the old lady above had her cold tap washer wear out. She was convinced that when her attached neighbour had some plumbing done, that he was responsible for her tap wearing out. I told her otherwise and she began casting around for someone else to blame, eventually settling on her nephew who had visited about two months before!


Apr 1, 2009
CW12 Congleton
Well if he was driving a Mercedes he is clearly a successful man with sufficient income not to have to ride a bicycle. If it were me, I'd just take my cap off, appologies for getting in the way of the Mercedes driver and promise him that it won't happen again. And if he had a private number plate on his car, this means that he is far superior and extremely effluent. The only thing to do under these circumstances is to kiss his boots.
This reminds me of the lad who wrote into our local newspaper thanking all the considerate drivers who carefully drove around him. Whilst he lay in the road the victim of a hit and run. Not one stopped to see if he was alright. He had a broken femur!