Pro Connect - Sheard Spoke - HELP !!!!!!!


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 25, 2008
South West
There are numerous examples of catastrophic failures amongst low spoke wheelsets amongst the blogs of the out and out racing fraternity. There are even some amongst those racers themselves that feel that the trickle-down effect of low spoke wheels now ending up on ordinary commuting bikes as undesirable. ie., the potential for catastrophic failure unless the low spoke wheelsets are made from THE very highest of quality components. (I'm not proposing that the Pro Connects are anything but).

I suppose what we're being asked to do, is to trust those who promote the low spoke wheelsets for commuting bikes. However, bicycle engineers don't always call it right. For example think Shimano as great as they are, (and they are), are immune from making mistakes? If so , then think again -

In the 1980's Shimano came up with a revolutionary idea = BIOPACE oval chainrings. Remember those? Sold loads and loads to unsuspecting cyclists - it was the 'in' thing to do. There were debates that labelled those slow to admit to the benefits of the new technology as Luddites etc.,

Here's the thing - Shimano had made a complete engineering ar$e of it!

Today 'Ovals' in particular 'Egg rings' are a proven and well respected crankest for those who desire that kind of thing, and these days - it works.

But Shimano's effort gave Ovals a bad name in the 1980's because their crank offsets orientated them 100% incorrectly and designed them, wait for it - BACK TO FRONT! Instead of this making things more efficient, as they advertised, they made things worse! What they did in fact, incredibly, was in effect give a higher gear to push through the dead-spots instead of a lower one, making matters worse, not better, than with round chainrings!!! The very thing they were invented to replace!!!!!!!!

Can you believe that - 100% worse! Shimano eventually quietly dropped the idea, hoping no one would notice, but the whole shenanigans put the idea of 'ovals' back 20 years until it was picked up by others and done properly.

Now why am I reminded of all that when low spoke wheelsets, something designed for a completely different application, ie., lightweight racing, are being promoted for use on everyday (and heavy by comparison), commuting bikes?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 1, 2007
Peterborough, UK
Nope, it's the 19" diamond frame, 700C wheels.
Mine is also the 49cm / 19" frame, so there must be some changes coming forward on the new models.

If you get a moment, can you let us know the part number written on the hub of the back wheel. Various views have been expressed in this thread, but I would be quite happy if it has become a 36 spoke Nexus 8 / Alfine hub.



Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 1, 2007
Peterborough, UK
This thread is totally pointless. You can ramble on about how your old school 36 spoke wheels are better all you like.

But the self proclaimed 'guru' in my opinion needs to stop living in the past.

<insert another two pages of crap below>
I am not quite clear why you find it all so emotional.

Shimano in their wisdom have had a good crack at developing a competitively priced, 8 speed, internal gear hub.

A lot have been made in 32 spoke and 36 spoke versions, and spares are readily available.

Along the way, they have made a smaller number in the 24 spoke version and spares are quite difficult to find.

No doubt there are very appropriate applications for the 24 spoke version, but for some reason there is a delay in Shimano announcing the latest range of hubs in anything other than 32 and 36 spokes.

If your view is shared by Shimano, then the delay will be short.



Staff member
Aug 17, 2006
This thread is totally pointless. You can ramble on about how your old school 36 spoke wheels are better all you like.

But the self proclaimed 'guru' in my opinion needs to stop living in the past.

<insert another two pages of crap below>

a gentle reminder to be courteous to other forum members.


Oct 25, 2006
This thread is totally pointless. You can ramble on about how your old school 36 spoke wheels are better all you like.

But the self proclaimed 'guru' in my opinion needs to stop living in the past.
I'm not annoyed by your post dienamics, just bemused by how anyone can be so blinkered.

36 spokes are the past, the present and the future, the vast majority of the world's cycle production using them. They are therefore not "old school".

They have a substantial safety factor and can withstand collisions that take out some spokes without collapsing. In the interests of maximum performance, race style bikes use less by sacrificing most of the safety factor, leaving no reserves, the sudden collapses seen in sporting events witness to that fact. In between the two there are compromises like 32 spokes on unpowered light bikes.

But this is an e-bike forum and your problem, shared by another in this thread, is that you obviously have no e-bike knowledge or experience. Your 19 posts show only too clearly your confrontational and sarcastic approach to this forum and the dim view you take of it. As a last attempt to get you to understand, the only bikes of interest in this forum are:

a) E-bikes which almost always are 36 spoked.

b) Normal bikes to add kit motors to. Since kit motors mostly have 36 spoke hubs and never under 30, and the Currie non-hub motor is only supplied with a 36 spoke attachment, the bikes with fewer spokes are no good to us and therefore of no interest.


Jan 3, 2007
This thread is totally pointless. You can ramble on about how your old school 36 spoke wheels are better all you like.

But the self proclaimed 'guru' in my opinion needs to stop living in the past.

<insert another two pages of crap below>
Actually that is wrong - he is not a self proclaimed guru, that title was given to him by Russ (the site owner) for helping him with technical problems.


Oct 25, 2006
Three pages and still living in good health! :D

Dienamics, I notice you attack my postings on this spokes issue, instead of also opposing others such as JamesC. I sense you are someone who dislikes authority and the title Guru irritates you.

In fact the title is purely honorary and not asked for, and when I was offered more status with admin powers in the forum, I refused it since I just wanted to remain what I am, an ordinary member like you, one amongst equals.


Jul 8, 2008
If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around does it make a sound?
I can almost imagine you sniggering to yourself, 'Beavis & Butthead' style as you write this! Glad you're having fun! (Actually finding your recent posts quite amusing, keep them coming ;) )
Mine is also the 49cm / 19" frame, so there must be some changes coming forward on the new models.

If you get a moment, can you let us know the part number written on the hub of the back wheel. Various views have been expressed in this thread, but I would be quite happy if it has become a 36 spoke Nexus 8 / Alfine hub.

I had a look, it's the SG-8R31 which I think is a standard Inter8 hub?
